There may be costs for your program in addition to the base tuition cost. Below is a list of fees that may apply.

Note: International applicants should review further international estimated cost information from International Admissions.

Mandatory Fee

Mandatory Fee
Graduate and professional parking fee (per term, Azusa campus only) $150

Health Fees

Health Fees
Health insurance fee (per year; voluntary for domestic students) $4,098
Health insurance fee (per year; mandatory for international students on APU I-20 and DS 2019 only) $1,663
Student Health Center copay $20 copay per visit
ALCI summer health fee (for students not registered the previous spring semester) $200

Special Fees

Special Fees
ALCI hourly tutoring fee $50
ALCI part-time fee $420
ALCI summer university service fee $100
ALCI university service fee $290
Athletic Training, MS, lab fee (per course: AT 511, 515, 521, 523, 532, 534, 543, 551, 555) $100
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences science lab fee (for PRBI and PRPY) $100
Doctor of Ministry (DMin) continuation fee (per course: GDMN 792) $1,134
Doctor of Physical Therapy Challenge Exam fee Price varies
Graduate biblical language software package (GBBL 511 only) $375
Graduate biblical language software package, Spanish (GBBL 511 only) $335
Independent study (per unit) $125
International study-away health fee (per term) $350
Late enrollment request fee (processing fee per request) $125
Master of Professional Accountancy (MAcc): Wiley CPA exam review fee $1,085
Master of Social Work (MSW) lab fee (per course: SOCW 514, 561, 565, 595) $45
Music: Applied lesson fee (one-on-one instruction for composition, conducting, voice, and instrument; per unit: GMUS 520, 521, 522, 523, 530, 531, 532, 533) $350
Graduate Nursing Clinical and/or Practicum Fees- following GNRS courses (511P, 512L. 520P, 521P, 530P, 531P, 532P, 535P, 536P, 537P, 538P, 542P, 543P, 581P, 590AP, 590B, 591P, 592AP, 592B, 593P) $275
Graduate Nursing Clinical and/or Practicum Fees- following GNRS courses (518P, 546P, 547P, 550AP, 590CP, 595L, 595P, 599P, 733A, 734A) $200
Physical Therapy lab fee (per lab course) $100
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) (per unit; for professional programs only) $751
Professional nursing programs health assessment lab fee (per course: UNRS 220) $90
Rehabilitation and Movement Science, PhD, lab fee (per course: RMS 702L and RMS 710L) $50
Research Psychology and Data Analysis, MS, lab fee (per lab course) $50
Returned check fee (per check) $30
School of Business and Management field study fee Price varies
School Psychology assessment/lab fee (per course: EDPY 681, 682, 683) $50
Seminary backpacking trip fee (per course: GTHE 625) $185
Theology travel fee Price varies (changes depending on trip and is manually charged per Study Away’s direction)

Application Fee

Application Fee
Graduate and professional application fee (domestic and international) $45

Graduation Fee

Graduation Fee
Graduation fee $100

Transcript Fees

Transcript Fees
APU transcript fee (per copy) $5
Graduate and Professional rush processing fee (per address) $10
National Student Clearinghouse transcript fee (per address) $2.25
Express Mail (within the U.S.) $202
International mailing $402
Electronic delivery (per individual recipient) $1.75

Sample Transcript Order

Sample Transcript Order
1 transcript $5
Rush processing $10
Express Mail $20
Total: $35


  1. Plus a one-time evaluation fee of $150.
  2. Plus any charges above this fee.