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Athens 2005: Special Olympics Come to APU

April 29, 2005

One of the main goals of APU’s Athletics Department is to instill within the men and women of their program a Christ-likeness character. The 2005 Cougar football team, with this goal in mind, gathered for their annual service project—hosting a day of Special Olympics in Cougar Stadium.

Athens 2005: Special Olympics Come to APU

Jammin with Jars of Clay

April 22, 2005

Nearly 3,000 attendees packed the Felix Event Center to see Jars of Clay live in concert Saturday night, April 9, 2005. Flashing lights glittered on stage as Small Boat Sinking and Tyrone Wells opened for the critically acclaimed Grammy award-winning band.

APU Hosts 20th Annual Night of Champions

April 07, 2005

On Saturday, March 5, APU's West Campus filled with excitement as the 20th annual Night of Champions brought an evening food, music, and games to local youth. Sponsored by APU in collaboration with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the event culminated in personal testimonies from two Olympic medalists.

APU Hosts 20th Annual Night of Champions

How APU Has Been Saying Yes

February 28, 2005

On Tuesday, February 22, rain pours down on the Azusa Pacific University campus. Walkways flood as students trudge to class in drenched clothes and soaked hair, toting various colored umbrellas. As the early afternoon approaches and many students wander back to their apartments, 10-15 students venture down to Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles for a unique service experience. The Say Yes! Program, gives volunteers the opportunity to work one-on-one with homeless children. Kelly Hadager '08 observes on the way there, “It’s hard to complain about the rain when I see homeless (people). I think about how we’re gonna get out of the car, get wet and complain about it, but go home later, take a shower, and put new clothes on. These people can’t.”

Stop and Smell the Roses

January 01, 2005

Have you ever stopped to smell the 800 species and variations of plants? From the 40 rose bushes surrounding the Rose Garden to the ivy creeping up the walls of Hugh and Hazel Darling Library, the landscape of the APU campus brings to life the university's vibrancy and unique atmosphere.

Exploring Earth Science

December 10, 2004

All students, regardless of their major or aspiration, usually love to spend time outside of the classroom. It's even better if the outdoor activity is part of class and compliments student learning.

I Didn't Choose This... He did

December 07, 2004

I had no intentions of attending a Christian college. In fact, I aimed to go to the biggest college I could think of, as far from home as possible, and, if all went well, it would be secular and liberal. Mind you, I didn’t seek these things out because I was trying to get away from roots or family or faith; I simply thought this was how I should grow myself. I believed that I was supposed to be challenged in order to grow. God made it clear that this is not how HE had intended to grow me. Despite building my entire high school schedule on college prep courses, I managed to get turned down from every college I applied for. It wasn’t until after being completely disheartened and having no hope for my ideal future that God offered me His plan. It came a week before - from a friend who I had grown up with. Kyle had been bragging about getting accepted into Azusa for the duration of our final high school semester and had off handedly suggested I apply to his school for the spring semester. I did it that night. I mean, I was bored and what did I have to lose?

Imago Dei: The Image of God

December 01, 2004

“Then God said, ‘Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness...’” Genesis 1:26 (NRSV)

Human Resources: Serving Employees

November 22, 2004

The Office of Human Resources (HR) at APU is not only about recruitment and benefits. The 11 staff members strive to provide the best resources to university staff and faculty throughout the year. This includes hosting workshops and other activities that enable employees to use their work experience as a catalyst for growth.

Experiencing the Music

November 03, 2004

On October 28, the Munson Chapel doors opened for all interested in hearing the Symphony Orchestra concert. Looming midterms did not stop students from coming to the event, and together with families and friends, they filled the auditorium hungry for classical music.

Three Shows are Better Than One

October 28, 2004

Graphite, spray paint, media collages, acrylics, and marker: just a few of the many mediums in the creation of three art galleries that premiered Tuesday, October 26. Images of Hope raised cancer awareness in APU's Art Gallery West. A Collection of Prints by Jacob Blaze gave the Red Zone Art Gallery audience a new thankfulness for the little things in life. And Watching the Ground Draw Steadily Nearer Through a Small Pane of Glass gave viewers in the Darling Hall Gallery a sense of hope and inspiration.

Transformation: From Metal to Metaphysical

October 11, 2004

"You've got to be half mad to do this," said Bill Catling, APU Department of Art chair and professor, pulling on a silver jacket that closed in the back. With matching pants and a cylindrical helmet of the same material, Catling looks like he's going to the moon rather than the foundry behind the East Campus Art Center. But when about to work with bronze at 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit and a furnace that melts the metal at 2,000 degrees, one can't be too careful. "We used to do this before we had safety equipment, wearing jean jackets and bandanas," said Catling.

The Studio Theatre: Good News for Campus Creativity

September 21, 2004

APU's new Studio Theatre was christened on September 7 with a party offering hot pizza and a warm welcome to freshmen of all majors interested in drama. A multi-purpose space designed to fulfill Theatre Arts needs and provide for more student productions, the theater provides an exciting new outlet for creative collaborations on APU’s campus.

The Studio Theatre: Good News for Campus Creativity

Stickman Bob Goes to APU

September 15, 2004

Azusa Pacific University proudly announces the enrollment of Stickman Bob, one of the newest faces in Web gaming.

A Reminder of Freedom

June 29, 2004

Each year, Americans sit on their lawn or congregate at the town center to watch the fireworks show, and yet we often forget about the great sacrifice that we celebrate on the Fourth of July and the freedom that the fireworks represent.

Monty's Return

April 02, 2004

Arriving in the company of a trio from his most recent recording, Impressions in Blue, Monty Alexander was introduced by John Sutton as the only artist invited to perform twice as part of Azusa Pacific University’s Artist Concert Series. It is not difficult to understand why APU decided to bring Alexander back again. Aside from having such prestigious credits performing with Frank Sinatra, Ray Brown, Dizzy Gillespie, Sonny Rollins, and Quincy Jones, Alexander’s Jamaican background allows for any listener to experience a rare fusion of reggae, jazz, and soul.

Gainful Employment

April 01, 2004

Commencement was just around the corner and Tiffany Axene ’02 found herself at a loss. Instead of feeling the accomplishment of graduating, Axene was consumed with looming questions about her future: Where was she going to work? Would she make enough money to support herself? Did her résumé sound professional? Realizing the magnitude of the decisions she had to make, Axene sought guidance at the Office of Career Services.

Positive Reinforcement

April 01, 2004

It was early one afternoon, during the week of finals, when I sat in a small conference room in the Hugh and Hazel Darling Library with Chip Anderson, Ph.D., professor in the [then] School of Education and Behavioral Studies. Three ministers from the Church of the Nazarene were also present to implement StrengthsFinder, a strengths inventory program that Anderson co-designed, into the process of hiring and delegating new ministers in their church. I was there to learn about StrengthsFinder also, but I was interested in understanding what is has to do with college students.

Experience the L.A. Term

February 16, 2004

Recently, I stepped away from the Azusa campus to spend a semester experiencing APU's Los Angeles Term. In the L.A. Term, students take four classes: Urban Explorations, Urban Religious Movements, Community Organization and Social Change, and Human Diversity. In conjunction with these classes, each student works as an intern for a nonprofit organization of his/her choice and lives with a nearby family in L.A. These two aspects of the program coincide with the program’s pragmatic pedagogy by living, studying, working, and playing in in the City of Angels. There are few better ways to spend a semester.

Experience the L.A. Term

Bringing Passion to APU

February 12, 2004

Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

February 06, 2004

February 5-7 marked the opening weekend for William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. The play, nearly selling out on Thursday night, also runs February 12-14.

APU Honors Graduates

December 17, 2003

On the day of winter commencement, December 13, the Richard and Vivian Felix Event Center on APU’s West Campus packed in thousands of family members and friends of the more than 500 bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate’s, and accelerated degrees recipients.

Proudly Saluting Our Veterans

November 21, 2003

To recognize and celebrate the military men and women serving the United States, APU's Office of Alumni and Parent Relations hosted a Veteran's Day Luncheon on Tuesday, November 11. The luncheon took place in the Los Angeles Pacific College (LAPC) Banquet Room to honor APU faculty, staff, alumni, and students who have, or are currently, serving in the military. The event began with the presentation of the colors by Reserved Officers Training Corps (R.O.T.C.) volunteers from APU and California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.

APU's Neighborhood Wellness Center

November 20, 2003

Where can you find the students and faculty of APU working hand in hand with the citizens of Azusa? Look no further than the Neighborhood Wellness Center. The center, which recently celebrated five years of partnership with the local community, provides health and prevention services to meet the needs of Azusa. Since it opened in 1998, the Neighborhood Wellness Center has received more than 3,000 visits to its drop-in nursing center, and has provided more than 800 people with health services through local fairs, churches, supermarkets, and retirement homes.

Dinner Rally - An Event Worth Attending

November 06, 2003

Dinner Rally is a tradition more than five decades old, one which Azusa Pacific University President Jon R. Wallace, DBA, said is "God's call to cultivate a culture of scholarship that transcends the ordinary and aspires to His excellence." This annual occasion is not only an event to raise scholarship funds, but a restatement and reflection of the president's vision for APU: to be a Christ-centered institution, one that gives hope to the community and transforms lives through scholarship. "This Is the Life Worth Living," the theme for the evening, was manifested through exhibitions of alumni, student, and faculty achievement. This theme was notably underscored by live demonstrations of students creating pottery, a clear example of the benefits of scholarship.

Welcome, Family and Alumni!

November 05, 2003

Excitement filled the air as students visited with their families, and APU graduates reunited with friends from the past. On October 23-26, APU celebrated its annual Homecoming/Family Weekend: This is the Life Worth Living. Families of students and APU alumni from all over the country visited the APU campus.

Michael Chang Serves Up Inspiration at APU

October 29, 2003

Who is Michael Chang?

Golden Days, Golden Times

October 20, 2003

Marching bands, floats, and people boasting their community pride marched down San Gabriel Avenue on Saturday, October 11, to salute Azusa Golden Days, an annual commemoration held every second week of October to celebrate the Azusa community.

APU Celebrates Hispanic and Latino Heritage

October 16, 2003

Throughout October, APU joined the nation in celebrating Latino and Hispanic Heritage month. Student associations coordinated events recognizing Hispanic and Latino culture, giving students opportunities to develop social awareness and enjoy cultural pastimes.

City Links: Growing Our Neighborhood

September 25, 2003

Early in the morning on Saturday, September 20, a sea of APU students, faculty, and staff, and several members of the Azusa community excited to serve covered the West Campus stairs.

A Hero's Tribute

August 01, 2003

On an unsuspecting Saturday in November, an airplane traveled east from China to the United States. On board, the passengers collected their complimentary soft drinks, directed their attention to the in-flight movie, and settled in for the long trip across the Pacific. The aircraft soared over Tokyo Bay, and giving a nod to history, God called home a faithful son, one who had served his country and his God in that area nearly 60 years before. Azusa Pacific University longtime friend and benefactor Ward Munson died of heart failure on November 16, 2002, while flying home from an eight-day goodwill tour of China with business and community leaders.

A T.E.A.M. Effort

July 25, 2003

On July 11-19, APU’s Haggard School of Theology hosted the annual T.E.A.M. conference. The event, a main training opportunity for the Youth Leadership Institute (YLI), brought more than 100 high school juniors and seniors to the APU campus.

APU Celebrates the Fourth of July

July 03, 2003

"The [fourth] day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epocha in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commended as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward for evermore."

APU's Duke of Buildings

June 03, 2003

On Tuesday, May 20, APU dedicated the Duke Academic Complex on West Campus. The new building houses 12 classrooms, 6 seminar rooms, a lecture hall, 40 offices, an extensive art gallery, and a tri-level library.

A Man of Distinction

May 01, 2003

*Links are for information purposes only and do not represent a partnership between Azusa Pacific University and

The Answers Are Black and White

April 08, 2003

For a week in mid-March, APU's Art Gallery West was transformed into one student's exploration of existence and meaning in today's world. In Ghosts and Empty Sockets, Art and English major Jared Mees '03, delved into questions of the human condition, and offered provocative portrayals of how American society handles them.

Sigma Tau Delta Does Cincinnati

April 01, 2003

On Wednesday March 19, six members of APU’s Alpha Epsilon Tau chapter of the Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society joined scholars from around the country at the Sigma Tau Delta Convention held in Cincinnati, Ohio. In addition to the student presentations, there were readings by authors Kyoko Mori and Bernard Cooper, as well as a keynote address by former Poet Laureate of the United States, Robert Hass.

Going Out to God’s Beloved World

March 10, 2003

"God loves the world," stressed Kimberly Battle-Walters, Ph.D., associate professor of social work, after reciting John 3:16 with those gathered in the Upper Turner Campus Center. Walters shared this simple yet profound realization as one of the many things she learned during her experience as a Fulbright Scholar in South Africa.

APU Celebrates Black History

March 05, 2003

"History can be a beautiful and enlightening thing," said sophomore and Black Student Awareness (BSA) member Jessica Barron. "Choose to educate yourself, and in turn educate others." February 2003 was the first sponsored Black History Month at Azusa Pacific University, and was filled with many events and forums in honor of African Americans.

"Friday" Means Food, Fun, and Fellowship

March 04, 2003

It's a Friday night, and while some students can't wait to get off campus, a classroom near APU's Marshburn Memorial Library is full of music, laughter, and the smells of homemade food. The people, who have come from APU, Citrus College, and the San Gabriel Valley area, have gathered for the Friday Night Japanese Fellowship in Multi Media 6.

Mission: Ensenada

February 23, 2003

On Friday, February 14 at 5 a.m., 189 APU students from 19 missions teams and 3 music ministry groups left APU to go to Ensenada, Mexico for the three-day weekend. The purpose of the trip was to both serve the local community and build closer relationships among team members, who will be embarking on additional mission trips this summer. Ensenada is located two hours south of the border along the coast of Baja California, and is a popular attraction for American tourists.

Jubilant Sykes Visits APU

February 03, 2003

On Tuesday, January 28, the audience in Munson Recital Hall was delighted by the warm and passionate baritone of Jubilant Sykes, who performed a wide selection of pieces in his unforgettably personal style. The concert was part of the Artist Concert Series sponsored by the School of Music.