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College Admissions: Why Standardized Testing Scores Matter

March 21, 2019

As a guardian of a high school junior or senior, you’re probably well aware that your student may need to take a standardized test like the SAT or ACT as part of their college application process. While they aren’t required for every school, they provide a great opportunity for your student to enhance their application.

College Admissions: Why Standardized Testing Scores Matter

A Letter from the Provost: Student Handbook

March 20, 2019

Dear APU Community, On behalf of the administration, I want to let you know that we’ve updated our to better serve our students. The previous handbook, mostly written decades ago when APU was a small residential-focused college, was outdated. The updated version reflects the input of SGA and leaders from across campus, including Student Life, Campus Pastors, Diversity, University Relations, Faculty Senate, Staff Council, and board members who contributed to its revision. We reviewed best practices from other universities and solicited opinions from leaders of Christian institutions. Now, I can say with confidence, our handbook is much stronger. In an academic environment where ideas are freely exchanged, change is inevitably debated. Knowing this, I want to provide clarity around the intent of the handbook update. The undergraduate handbook:

Graduate Business Degrees: 3 Questions to Help You Decide Between an MBA and an MBM

March 14, 2019

In today’s highly competitive business environment, graduate business degrees can help prepare you to make the most of your career. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a graduate business degree could boost your annual salary up to 89 percent, depending upon your career.

Graduate Business Degrees: 3 Questions to Help You Decide Between an MBA and an MBM

APU Partners with VeoRide, Joining the Race Toward Green Transportation

March 13, 2019

Teal blue bikes whizz by dozens of students walking between campuses. Azusa Pacific University’s recent partnership with VeoRide introduces an environmentally friendly, affordable method of transportation to all members of the APU community. Whether traveling to your next class or going to a local restaurant for lunch, 81 GPS equipped bikes are ready for use in peak areas around campus. Simply download the VeoRide app on the Apple Store or Google Play to view a map and find a bike station near you. Once located, scan the QR code on the front bar of a bike to unlock it. Monthly and yearly passes are available for purchase at a flat rate, or pay for rides per 15 minute interval. At the end of your trip, just park the bike at any bike rack on the APU campus.

APU Partners with VeoRide, Joining the Race Toward Green Transportation

Now What? A Graduating Senior Reflects on Finishing College

March 12, 2019

It’s a Tuesday night and I’m relaxing in my apartment—face mask on, hair tied up in a bun—while writing in my journal. Suddenly, anxiety about the future hits me. I am a graduating senior, and my commencement from Azusa Pacific University is in less than 70 days. Where did the time go? Why does it feel like I just recently moved into my freshman dorm? (Adams Hall forever!) Wasn’t Welcome Weekend only a few months ago?

Now What? A Graduating Senior Reflects on Finishing College

Animation Students Guest Host Annie Awards

March 11, 2019

When Tony Bancroft, director of APU’s Animation and Visual Effects program, went on stage with his team to accept the Best Animated Special Production Award for Mary Poppins Returns at the 46th Annual Annie Awards, 23 of his animation students cheered him on.

What It’s Like to Teach the Science of the Crucifixion

March 10, 2019

Each semester, Cahleen Shrier, Ph.D., a professor in Azusa Pacific’s Department of Biology and Chemistry, presents a lesson like no other. Her General Biology 1 students learn about the science of the crucifixion, a lecture Shrier has given for the past 20 years. Focusing on the physiological components of Christ’s crucifixion, what Shrier teaches offers a window into the suffering Jesus experienced and the depth of the sacrifice made on the cross. We talked to Shrier about what it’s been like to teach this subject matter for two decades.

Scriptural Stations of the Cross: A Devotional Reflection on the Science of Jesus’ Crucifixion

March 08, 2019

For 20 years, Azusa Pacific University professor , has shared with her biology students a significant and moving lecture outlining the physical suffering leading up to and during Jesus’ crucifixion. Shrier’s perennial lecture was the focus of a 2002 article on the , which has since been viewed thousands of times and used in churches and faith communities as a tool for study and prayer.

Scriptural Stations of the Cross: A Devotional Reflection on the Science of Jesus’ Crucifixion

Scriptural Stations of the Cross: A Devotional Reflection on the Science of Jesus’ Crucifixion

March 08, 2019

For 20 years, Azusa Pacific University professor Cahleen Shrier, PhD, has shared with her biology students a significant and moving lecture outlining the physical suffering leading up to and during Jesus’ crucifixion. Shrier’s perennial lecture was the focus of a 2002 article on the Science of the Crucifixion, which has since been viewed thousands of times and used in churches and faith communities as a tool for study and prayer.

Scriptural Stations of the Cross: A Devotional Reflection on the Science of Jesus’ Crucifixion

Writing a Purpose Statement: 5 Tips to Stand Out in Your Graduate School Application

March 05, 2019

Writing a purpose statement is one small yet vitally important part of the graduate school application process. As a prospective graduate student, this is your chance to prove you’re capable and ready to work at a high academic level.

Writing a Purpose Statement: 5 Tips to Stand Out in Your Graduate School Application

Commuter Hacks: 4 Tips for Improving Your Commuter Experience

February 28, 2019

There are a wide variety of reasons why students choose to commute instead of living on campus. Fortunately, if it’s more convenient for you to live elsewhere and travel a little farther to class, colleges offer resources that can make a big difference in improving your commuter experience.

Commuter Hacks: 4 Tips for Improving Your Commuter Experience

Project Best High School Scholars Experience APU

February 27, 2019

High school juniors and seniors from Kern County excitedly filed out of a charter bus onto the bustling Azusa Pacific University campus, ready to explore and learn about college success. The ambitious group of Project Best scholars buzzed with great enthusiasm, energy, and curiosity. Project Best is a high school program aimed at increasing college access and success for traditionally underrepresented students in Kern County. APU recently formed a partnership with Kern High School District, which includes 18 schools and more than 39,000 students. APU guarantees admittance and at least $10,000 in financial aid to Kern County students who meet requirements. This district joins 22 other school districts and 12 private high schools that partner with APU in an effort to promote access and development.

Project Best High School Scholars Experience APU

11 Careers If You Want to Help People (But Don't Want to Be a Doctor)

February 26, 2019

So, you want to help people. That’s a noble desire—and one you should be proud of! It’s important to nurture this characteristic as you head to college.

11 Careers If You Want to Help People (But Don't Want to Be a Doctor)

APU Alumnus Performs in Hamilton National Tour

February 24, 2019

When Azusa Pacific University alumnus Darnell Abraham ’09 took the stage as George Washington in a national tour of Hamilton, alongside renowned Broadway actor and Hamilton creator Lin Manuel Miranda, it was a dream come true. Abraham’s elation was evidenced by his Facebook post after his first performance.

Jessie Bullock

February 20, 2019

What Is the Student Teaching Experience Like?

February 14, 2019

Part of the journey toward becoming a teacher involves applying your training and knowledge to a real-world classroom. During the student teaching experience, you’ll learn to lead in the classroom under the guidance of an experienced educator.

What Is the Student Teaching Experience Like?

Finishing High School Strong: 5 Remedies for Senioritis

February 12, 2019

It may not be in medical dictionaries (yet), but senioritis is a well-known affliction that affects thousands of high schoolers across the country, starting right around now. It’s so pervasive that Microsoft Word recognizes it as a word and informal polling shows that most everyone knows what it is. But not everyone knows good remedies for senioritis—and overcoming it is an important part of preparing for college.

Finishing High School Strong: 5 Remedies for Senioritis

Child Life and Counseling Psychology Programs: What’s the Difference?

February 07, 2019

According to an NBC News report, one in five American children aged 3 to 17 struggles with a mental, emotional, or behavioral disorder. However, only 20 percent of those children are ever diagnosed and receive treatment. If your main focus for a career in psychology is to help better the lives of children and their families, you may be wondering about the difference between Child Life and Counseling Psychology graduate programs, like those offered at Azusa Pacific University.

Child Life and Counseling Psychology Programs: What’s the Difference?

How to Transfer Colleges: Q & A with a Transfer Admissions Representative

February 02, 2019

Take the next step in your academic journey and learn how to transfer colleges. Sarah Ruiz, a transfer admissions representative at Azusa Pacific University, provides detailed information about the transfer process, financial aid, and how to immerse yourself into the campus community.

How to Transfer Colleges: Q & A with a Transfer Admissions Representative

APU’s New Community Garden: A Place of Growth for All

February 01, 2019

Students reading next to blooming apple trees, biology majors pushing seeds beneath cold and damp soil, future educators leading elementary school students through rows of yellow squash and leafy carrot tops—Azusa Pacific University’s plans for a community garden will soon transform a plot of dirt and tangled vines into a place of growth for all.

APU’s New Community Garden: A Place of Growth for All

Exploring Graduate School Study Abroad Opportunities

January 31, 2019

Whether you took advantage of the opportunity to study abroad as an undergraduate or stayed on campus each year, did you know you can get another chance to explore the world? Exciting graduate school study abroad opportunities allow you to further your education (and understanding of your chosen field while living in another country.

Exploring Graduate School Study Abroad Opportunities

College Leadership Programs for Students: Why You Should Take Advantage

January 29, 2019

For many college students, what happens outside the classroom is just as impactful as what they learn from their professors inside. A number of important life lessons and soft skills cannot easily be “taught,” but are instead learned through experience.

College Leadership Programs for Students: Why You Should Take Advantage

How to Balance School and Work: Four Tips from a Working College Student

January 25, 2019

Figuring out how to balance school and work along with faith, friends, and whatever else encompasses your personal life can be challenging. Trying to fit all the pieces together may feel like you’re part of a high-wire balancing act in the circus, but know that you’re not alone. I’m a full-time student, I work two jobs, and I volunteer as a Young Life leader twice a week. If anyone understands busy, it’s me, and I have four tips that can help your busy life.

How to Balance School and Work: Four Tips from a Working College Student

APU’s Integrated Teaching Credential Program: Get a Bachelor’s and Credential in 4 Years

January 24, 2019

Did you know that you can get both a bachelor’s degree and teaching credential in just four years? Enrolling in a specialized teaching credential program that combines your undergraduate studies with teacher training allows you to graduate with the skills you need to be a leader who impacts lives in the classroom—and the ability to get started right away.

APU’s Integrated Teaching Credential Program: Get a Bachelor’s and Credential in 4 Years

A Graduate School Application Timeline: What to Do and When to Do It

January 17, 2019

Applying to graduate school can be a lengthy process that requires dedication and planning—which is why establishing a timeline is key to staying on track from start to finish.

A Graduate School Application Timeline: What to Do and When to Do It

What Are the Benefits of Being a Student-Athlete in College?

January 10, 2019

For parents of hardworking kids who show promise in academics and athletics, knowing how to help them balance the two can be difficult. While there are many benefits of being a student-athlete in college, there are also many factors to consider before committing to a collegiate athletic program.

What Are the Benefits of Being a Student-Athlete in College?

Winter Commencement 2018: A Good Work Completed

January 09, 2019

Boosted by the cheers of family and friends, more than 1,500 students crossed the Felix Event Center stage at Azusa Pacific University’s winter commencement ceremonies on December 15, 2018, marking the culmination of their educational journey. For all, it was a celebration of hard work, sacrifice, determination, and dreams realized. These proud graduates represent 22 associate’s, 819 bachelor’s, 596 master’s, and 74 doctoral degree recipients.

Winter Commencement 2018: A Good Work Completed

Changing College Majors: When Is It Okay to Switch Things Up?

January 08, 2019

Not loving your college major like you used to? Changing college majors can be common practice among university students, but the choice shouldn’t be made lightly. For instance, switching majors during your junior or senior year could cause you to lose hard-earned units and postpone your graduation date. Additionally, if a major change adds another semester (or two) to your degree plan, it can cost you more money.

Changing College Majors: When Is It Okay to Switch Things Up?

College Sports Scholarships: Top 5 Misconceptions

December 18, 2018

It can be hard to keep the tears from spilling out when you watch a touching movie like The Blind Side. Seeing Michael Oher go from living in poverty to a top college football recruitment choice is inspiring.

College Sports Scholarships: Top 5 Misconceptions

Learn to Love Public Speaking with APU’s Speaking Center

December 12, 2018

Public speaking plays a big role in the life of a student—from meetings with professors to class presentations. However, studies show that speaking in front of people is among the top fears in the United States. To help students conquer that fear, Azusa Pacific launched the Speaking Center pilot program this fall.

Learn to Love Public Speaking with APU’s Speaking Center