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Mental Health Resources for College Students

August 02, 2018

College can be an exciting time for both students and parents, filled with new experiences and challenges. So the last thing parents want to imagine is their student feeling alone or struggling with situations they feel they can’t handle. Fortunately, there are several mental health resources available on campus.

Mental Health Resources for College Students

Advice for College Students: 5 Things Your Professor Wants You to Know

July 24, 2018

Starting college can come with a lot of uncertainty, but your ability to succeed in the classroom doesn’t have to be a point of worry.

Advice for College Students: 5 Things Your Professor Wants You to Know

3 Trends in K-12 Education That Are Shaping Teacher Training

July 21, 2018

Enrolling in a teacher training program is about more than simply earning a degree.

3 Trends in K-12 Education That Are Shaping Teacher Training

It’s Never Too Early to Consider a Master’s Program

July 19, 2018

If you know you want to pursue a master’s degree someday, or if your field requires it, there are many benefits to planning early.

It’s Never Too Early to Consider a Master’s Program

The Biggest Adjustments You’ll Make Going from High School to College

July 17, 2018

Transitioning from high school to college can be both intimidating and thrilling. The prospect of newfound freedom and new friends is exciting, but the uncertainty of taking college-level classes, navigating an unfamiliar campus, and not having any family members to help you with all the aspects of life outside of the classroom can be overwhelming at times.

The Biggest Adjustments You’ll Make Going from High School to College

Yes, Financial Aid for Graduate School Is Available

July 14, 2018

Pursuing a graduate degree is a worthwhile investment that can help secure your career path and potentially lead to increased earnings.

Yes, Financial Aid for Graduate School Is Available

4 Tips for Buying Your College Textbooks from the APU Bookstore

July 12, 2018

Back-to-school season is just around the corner, and before you know it, it’ll be time to head to campus and begin your college experience. But before jumping into an exciting semester of classes at Azusa Pacific University, it’s important to properly prepare and make sure you’ve got all the materials you need to succeed.

4 Tips for Buying Your College Textbooks from the APU Bookstore

Find Your Strengths and Find Success

July 10, 2018

When you hear people suggest that you should find your strengths, does it make you excited? Or does it invoke visions of some all-day aptitude test in a boring office building? According to the newest thought leadership on individual strengths, what’s important is not just whether you’re good at math or have above-average dexterity—how you feel about what you’re doing matters just as much (if not more).

Find Your Strengths and Find Success

Churches Experience Growth Among Multiethnic Congregations

July 09, 2018

It’s Sunday morning and the Monrovia High School auditorium fills up rapidly. Hundreds of people find their seats as the worship service begins. Traditional gospel music fills the air, followed by a contemporary Hillsong tune. With one glance around the room, the musical juxtaposition makes perfect sense. Fellowship Monrovia’s congregation is comprised of people from different cultures, ages, and racial backgrounds. While historically each of these people groups would attend a separate church and sing their own style of music, today, Fellowship is part of a growing national trend of diverse churches.

Preparing for College: What You Need to Know About Move-In Weekend

July 08, 2018

As you’re preparing for college, you may wonder what to expect from your first day and week on campus. The experience is unlike any other you may have had so far. Four years ago, I got my initial taste of college life when I arrived at my new home, Azusa Pacific University. My dad’s truck was filled to the brim, and I thought there was no way all my stuff would fit into a dorm room. Deep down, I wondered whether I was going to fit in: Was I cut out for college life? I quickly discovered that the first day and week of college are designed to allay those fears, getting you excited and prepared for the journey ahead. Here are some things to expect.

Preparing for College: What You Need to Know About Move-In Weekend

6 Tips for Parents and Families Anticipating Their Student’s First College Move-In Day

July 05, 2018

The day you leave your student at college can be quite bittersweet. While you are proud of your their personal and academic accomplishments—and excited to see them venture forth into the next chapter of life—you are also sad to drive back home without them. It’s an emotional time!

6 Tips for Parents and Families Anticipating Their Student’s First College Move-In Day

Charting Your Course Through College with an Academic Advisor

July 03, 2018

Charting your course through college might sound like a straightforward endeavor—or it might sound kind of intimidating. Both reactions are common, and addressing them can be made much easier with the help of an academic advisor.

Charting Your Course Through College with an Academic Advisor

Pack Smarter: What to Consider When Creating Your College Packing List

June 30, 2018

Preparing for a move to a new place is never easy. That’s why there are countless websites out there claiming they have the ultimate college packing list to help lighten your load come fall. But instead of relying on a general list of items, it’s important to match your suitcase to the specific place you’re heading, as everything from the climate to housing policies to campus amenities will be a large factor in determining what you should bring.

Pack Smarter: What to Consider When Creating Your College Packing List

Where to Eat Near APU: The Best Restaurants in Azusa and Glendora

June 29, 2018

Azusa Pacific has many on-campus dining options for students to choose from, like Mexicali Grill, Umai Sushi, Sam’s Subs, and Cougars’ Den. Eating on campus is convenient, but sometimes a little change is good. So where do students prefer to eat when they want an off-campus food adventure? Chain restaurants in Azusa like Chick-fil-A, Five Guys, and Pieology are located around the perimeter of APU’s campus, providing a quick go-to for something different to eat on the weekends. While these popular establishments offer delicious fare, there are also one-of-a-kind gems nearby that deserve a visit.

Where to Eat Near APU: The Best Restaurants in Azusa and Glendora

Understanding Title IX Law and APU’s Commitment to Students

June 28, 2018

Azusa Pacific University is committed to students’ safety and well-being just as much as their academic success. One way APU upholds student safety to the highest level is by educating the campus community on the Title IX law, which protects all students against sex discrimination and sexual harassment.

Understanding Title IX Law and APU’s Commitment to Students

Why Do People of Faith Live Longer?

June 26, 2018

A recent study finds that people who regularly attend religious services live approximately four years longer than average. Researchers built the study from previous data suggesting that social interaction, volunteer work, and healthy habits can lead to a longer life. While one could point to gym memberships and service clubs as offering similar results, there are unique benefits to church attendance that are difficult to measure. Consistent engagement with a community of believers deepens faith, enriches the soul, and may be the real key to longevity.

Why Do People of Faith Live Longer?

Don’t Just Survive, Thrive! 4 Back-to-School Tips for Your Best Year Ever

June 26, 2018

Returning to school after the summer months can be a difficult adjustment for even the most prepared students. But it isn’t just the end of summer; it can also be the beginning of your best year yet.

Don’t Just Survive, Thrive! 4 Back-to-School Tips for Your Best Year Ever

New Student Checklist: The Importance of Summer Orientation

June 25, 2018

Now that you are officially enrolled in college, your parents and fellow students might think summer orientation is just a formality. But you shouldn’t consider skipping the occasion. It’s actually an important opportunity to learn more about your school.

New Student Checklist: The Importance of Summer Orientation

Why College Placement Tests Are Important and How They Can Benefit You

June 21, 2018

Everyone arrives at college with different knowledge and ability levels due to their unique schooling situation and academic strengths. Some students can soar past the General Education (GE) requirements, while others might need a few more classes to polish their foundational skills before tackling higher division courses.

Why College Placement Tests Are Important and How They Can Benefit You

Darling Library Hosts Navajo Code Talkers Exhibit

June 18, 2018

The outcome of World War II may have been very different if it hadn’t been for the Navajo code talkers. These Navajo soldiers served as messengers and translators for the military through the U.S. Marine Corps. Before using the Navajo language as a code, U.S. military messages were frequently intercepted and decoded by the Japanese army. The code talkers’ impact was best seen at the Battle of Iwo Jima. Major Howard Connor had six Navajo code talkers working for him at all times during the battle where they sent and received more than 800 messages without error. According to an article from the CIA, Connor said, “Were it not for the Navajos, the Marines would never have taken Iwo Jima.” This summer, Azusa Pacific University’s Hugh and Hazel Darling Library hosts an exhibit dedicated to these heroic code talkers and local Native Americans. The exhibit includes two large displays and seven smaller cases, which also showcases Navajo and Gabrielino-Tongva art and culture.

Understanding Direct Student Loans

June 16, 2018

Looking at the tuition costs of your student’s dream college can be pretty eye-opening. As a guardian, you want to do all you can to support your college student. Higher education is a journey into adulthood that many students take to follow their desired career path, but sometimes the numbers just don’t add up.

Understanding Direct Student Loans

What Is FERPA and How Does It Impact Guardians and College Students?

June 14, 2018

This may come as a surprise to many parents and guardians of new college students, but once a student enters college—no matter his or her age—they are not allowed to be as involved in the individual’s schooling. This is due to a law known as FERPA.

What Is FERPA and How Does It Impact Guardians and College Students?

Succeeding as a College Athlete: The Importance of Finding a Coach-Mentor

June 12, 2018

If you’re a college athlete, you’re likely aware of what a challenge it can be to balance academics and athletics.

Succeeding as a College Athlete: The Importance of Finding a Coach-Mentor

Ancient Sculpture of Biblical King Discovered in Israel Draws Global Interest

June 11, 2018

The latest artifact unearthed from Azusa Pacific University’s archeological excavation site with Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Tel Abel Beth Maacah has triggered a flood of news stories capturing the imagination of more than half a billion people around the globe, with the number of articles and interested parties continuing to grow. The identity of a 3,000-year-old miniature sculpted head of a king intrigues scholars and the public alike. Currently on display at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, the head rotates slowly on a motorized base, enabling visitors to view its details and ponder its mysterious origin.

New Interdisciplinary Major Offers Customizable Approach to Education

June 11, 2018

Azusa Pacific University offers more than 60 undergraduate majors for students to choose, ranging from accounting to youth ministries. The vast majority of APU students find that one of these majors meets their interests and will pave the way to a successful career. For some students, finding a major that aligns with their future goals is more challenging. APU’s Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies, housed in the School of Theology, provides a solution.

New Interdisciplinary Major Offers Customizable Approach to Education

APU Is a Hispanic-Serving Institution Bridging a Gap

June 08, 2018

Everyone deserves to receive the education they need to pursue their dreams. However, within some generations of American Latino families, few members have graduated from college. According to the U.S. Department of Education, the Title V Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program was created to help more Hispanic students attend and graduate college, and many become the first in their family to do so.

APU Is a Hispanic-Serving Institution Bridging a Gap

Answering the Call

June 08, 2018

The voice on the other end of the line promised the fulfillment of a dream and the well-deserved reward for a lifetime of hard work. It was early in day three of the 2017 Major League Baseball First-year Player Draft when Pablo O’Connor ’17 received a call from a Major League scout practically guaranteeing the All-American slugger a hefty five-figure signing bonus. All O’Connor had to do was agree to it, and the organization would select him as its next pick, realizing his childhood dream of playing professional baseball.

Answering the Call

College Student Health Insurance Guide: 3 Tips for Parents and Guardians

June 07, 2018

While there are a lot of decisions that need to be made before your student starts college in the fall, there’s one that’s easy: enrolling in college student health insurance.

College Student Health Insurance Guide: 3 Tips for Parents and Guardians

APU Dean Honored for Foster Care Work

June 06, 2018

In recognition of National Foster Care Awareness Month, the city of Glendora recently honored residents Bobby Duke, Ph.D., dean of APU’s School of Theology and Seminary, and his wife, Jenny, with a proclamation for their work as foster parents and advocates. Community leaders, elected officials, and family and friends gathered at the Glendora City Council meeting on Tuesday, May 22, for a special ceremony, which also celebrated the Duke family’s official adoption of their five-year-old daughter Jaicee finalized earlier last month.

Bobby Duke smiling with his family

Living the Promise: A Commitment to a Christ-centered Employee Culture

June 06, 2018

The God First motto has guided Azusa Pacific University through 119 years of growth, mergers, and name changes. Yet, students, faculty, and staff consider those words as more than a motto —they make it their vow to keep Christ central in thought and deed in every conversation, classroom, and boardroom. Faithful adherence to this pledge honors God and draws others to the people, place, and promise of Azusa Pacific to make a difference in the world. Paraphrasing Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, a brand promise is what people say about your organization when you aren’t in the room. What do people say about APU when its representatives leave the room? How well does APU deliver on its brand promise to Cultivate Difference Makers? The answers to those questions of external perception begin internally with the people, policies, and campus culture.

Living the Promise: A Commitment to a Christ-centered Employee Culture

5 Benefits of Living in Campus Housing

June 05, 2018

Some people think living on campus means tiny dorm rooms, lots of rules, and feeling like they’re trapped in a bubble. These fears are as outdated as the dorms of their nightmares.

5 Benefits of Living in Campus Housing

What to Expect from Bible Courses in College

June 04, 2018

If you choose to attend a private Christian university like Azusa Pacific, you will likely be required to take Bible courses intended to give you a foundation of knowledge on scriptural principles. You might not know what to expect from these classes, or you may think they are just another general education requirement you need to check off your list before you can graduate. Instead of seeing Bible courses as mere obligations, it helps to consider the knowledge you’ll glean and growth you’ll experience during these classes. For me, studying the Bible broadened my horizons and grew my faith in ways I never expected.

What to Expect from Bible Courses in College

How to Balance Sports and Studies as a Student-Athlete

May 31, 2018

As if heading to college for the first time isn’t enough pressure, some students are also anticipating playing a sport. According to the NCAA, approximately 480,000 of the nearly 8 million graduating high school athletes will go on to compete in college.

How to Balance Sports and Studies as a Student-Athlete