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Teaching Credentials: Deciding Which One Is Right for You

October 12, 2018

The decision to pursue a teaching credential and enter the classroom as a teacher is a noble calling. In California, a shortage of teachers—particularly in key subject areas like math, science, and special education—means following that calling is more important than ever. But which credential is right for you?

Teaching Credentials: Deciding Which One Is Right for You

APU’s Regional Campus Experience Provides a Sense of Community, Capability

October 11, 2018

The regional campus experience at Azusa Pacific University spans seven locations throughout Southern California—but the number of locations and different programs offered are just a small part of what makes the APU community at each campus so special.

APU’s Regional Campus Experience Provides a Sense of Community, Capability

Composing Community Through Music

October 04, 2018

The low, brassy vibration of a tuba and the scales of a flute mix with the murmur of the room as band members of all ages find their seats at Azusa Pacific University's Symphonic Band rehearsal. As the hum subsides, a biology professor settles next to a nursing major, and an APU alumnus sits next to a woman from the local community. The conductor, Alexander Koops, DMA, director of undergraduate music education, takes his place at the front of the room. Before long, the band erupts into practice, creating music as diverse as its members.

Composing Community Through Music

Military Education Benefits for Military-Connected Students in College

October 02, 2018

Whether your career path is accounting or the arts, earning a quality college degree is essential in setting you apart from the others in the workforce. Your military training has already transformed you into a valuable asset in the workplace—adding the right degree can further build your career opportunities.

Military Education Benefits for Military-Connected Students in College

What Is a Parent PLUS Loan and Should You Consider Applying?

September 25, 2018

If you’ve started to explore financing options for your student’s college education, you’ve likely wondered, “What is a Parent PLUS Loan?” at some point. You may also be curious if you need to take out even more money to supplement your child’s student loans, including the state and federal grants he or she already received. Rest assured these are common questions!

What Is a Parent PLUS Loan and Should You Consider Applying?

Supportive Housing Project Gives MSW Students First-hand Experience Assisting L.A.’s Homeless

September 22, 2018

Homelessness has been a growing issue in Los Angeles County in recent years. As of May 2018, approximately L.A. County residents live without a home. The Los Angeles (CSH) works to respond to this growing population of individuals in need by striving to “advance solutions that use housing as a platform for services to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people, maximize public resources, and build healthy communities.” As part of a new initiative, CSH is partnering with universities across Southern California to place Master of Social Work (MSW) students in organizations working to fight homelessness.

Supportive Housing Project Gives MSW Students First-hand Experience Assisting L.A.’s Homeless

How Christian Universities and the CCCU Make an Economic Impact

September 20, 2018

As discussed in a recent article, membership in the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) is much more than a few letters on a school’s website or brochure. From the assurance that an institution holds to traditional Christian values to the generous academic grants for students and professional development opportunities for faculty and staff, a CCCU membership offers many benefits.

How Christian Universities and the CCCU Make an Economic Impact

The Benefits of Graduating College in 4 Years

September 06, 2018

Graduation and retention rates matter a lot when selecting a college, and often private universities have a higher graduation rate than public schools. Many ranking systems and guidebooks factor these metrics in when they rate schools, but they don’t always elaborate on the weight they place on them (or the important, intangible factors behind the hard numbers).

The Benefits of Graduating College in 4 Years

APU Alumna’s Fulbright Experience in Finland Inspires Her Teaching

September 05, 2018

“Lord, show me the needs of each of my students, and help me to meet those needs.” This prayer continually rests on the heart of Mayra Molina, M.A. ’15, a kindergarten dual-language immersion teacher in Los Angeles. God answered her petition with an eye-opening experience in Finland, a global leader in innovative education. Because Finnish teachers view their roles as developers of unique human beings, they approach school accordingly. Their students learn complex concepts such as strategic planning, problem solving, math, motor skills, independence, patience, perseverance, and confidence through playtime, a less-structured environment, a more-relaxed schedule, and creative projects such as sewing, woodworking, and cooking. More than craft classes and recesses, Finnish schools embody a microcosm of real-world life skills presented in a way that respects individual talents, gifts, and needs and promotes a deep connection with learning. That environment grabbed Molina’s attention and she longed to know more.

APU Alumna’s Fulbright Experience in Finland Inspires Her Teaching

What Are Low-Residency Master’s Programs?

September 04, 2018

If you’re thinking about pursuing a graduate degree, there are several different program formats to consider—from fully online programs to on-campus options to low-residency master’s programs. There are many reasons to consider a low-residency master’s program for your graduate studies. The combination of online coursework and the ability to interact with professors and fellow classmates in-person provides you the opportunity to experience the best of both worlds. Here’s what you need to consider about these educational opportunities, and how they can help you achieve your personal academic goals.

What Are Low-Residency Master’s Programs?

Wondering When to Submit FAFSA? Here’s Why Earlier Is Better

September 01, 2018

High school seniors may have just returned to the classroom for their final year, but college application season is already here. Does it seem too soon to be thinking about college financing and when to submit FAFSA? Surprisingly, it is not! In this case, earlier is better.

Wondering When to Submit FAFSA? Here’s Why Earlier Is Better

5 Tips for Managing Chronic Illness Your First Year at College

August 30, 2018

Starting college comes with its fair share of new experiences, so it’s understandable that embarking on this adventure while managing chronic illness can feel a bit overwhelming. You’re in a new place with new people and responsibilities—but during it all, you’re experiencing the same illness.

5 Tips for Managing Chronic Illness Your First Year at College

The Council for Christian Colleges and Universities: What It Is and Why It Matters

August 23, 2018

In researching your options for a Christian higher education, you may have run across references to the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) at some point.

The Council for Christian Colleges and Universities: What It Is and Why It Matters

APU Celebrates 25 Years of Honors Education

August 22, 2018

In Riverside, California, hundreds of people without homes find shelter under bridges and beneath awnings on city sidewalks. Acute physical and behavioral health issues go undiagnosed and untreated, making difficult living conditions dire. In 2009, Mark Ashley ’96, MD, a lead urgent care physician at Riverside Kaiser Permanente, decided to help address the crisis. He became a founding medical director of Health to Hope, and along with Kaiser staff and a team of volunteers serves the city’s vulnerable homeless population by deploying four-wheeled beacons of hope––mobile health centers bearing the motto “People matter.”

APU Celebrates 25 Years of Honors Education

Thinking About a Christian Education? There’s a Christian College for You

August 21, 2018

When it comes to pursuing a Christian education, there’s a lot to consider. With more than 140 Christian colleges and universities in the U.S. (and nearly half a million students enrolled), there’s more choice than ever for individuals looking to blend faith and higher education for a one-of-a-kind experience.

Thinking About a Christian Education? There’s a Christian College for You

APU Tech Talk: College Student Essentials for Success

August 18, 2018

As a parent or guardian with a child entering college, you’re probably wondering what college student essentials your kid really needs. With different tech gadgets flooding the market at every turn, it can be difficult to determine what might be most useful to your student. What you need are straight-forward answers from an expert.

APU Tech Talk: College Student Essentials for Success

You've Been Served: Summer Action Teams

August 17, 2018

While most college students spend their time off from school relaxing, many APU students use their summer breaks to serve God’s people on missions trips and action teams around the world.

6 Crucial Study Habits for College Students

August 16, 2018

Adjusting to the academic workload in college can be difficult for some freshman students. Compared to what they experienced in high school, the curriculum is typically more specialized and the assignments are often more in-depth.

6 Crucial Study Habits for College Students

Is the ADT (Associate Degree for Transfer) Pathway Right for You?

August 13, 2018

If you’re hoping to earn your bachelor’s degree, remember: there isn’t just one way to go about it. You can use a few different strategies to accomplish your goal and graduate from college, one of which is earning an Associate Degree for Transfer, also known as an ADT.

Is the ADT (Associate Degree for Transfer) Pathway Right for You?

APU Seminary Event Honors Martin Luther King Jr.

August 13, 2018

Honoring the life of Martin Luther King Jr. on the 50th anniversary of his passing, this year’s Malcolm R. Robertson Lectureship on Holy Living, hosted by Azusa Pacific Seminary, focused on social justice and its relationship to holiness. More than 350 attendees (nearly a 600 percent increase over the average attendance of past years’ events) gathered to gain a deeper understanding of the realities of social and racial tension and a clearer strategy for applying the principles of justice from leaders in the field. The lecture series culminated with engaging dialogue over a shared dinner for alumni and friends.

APU Seminary Event Honors Martin Luther King Jr.

10 Places to Relax on the APU Campus

August 09, 2018

Amid the busyness of attending class, writing papers, and keeping up with friends and homework, moments of rest while you’re in college may feel like a rarity. When you do have downtime—whether intentionally scheduled or unexpected—where can you go on the APU campus to relax and recharge? Take a deep breath at one of these locations on East or West Campus.

10 Places to Relax on the APU Campus

Arrive and Thrive: How to Stay Healthy in College

August 07, 2018

There are plenty of resources out there that talk about academic success and picking the right major, but there are fewer articles that discuss how to stay healthy in college. Health involves physical, mental, and emotional well-being—and while the three are interconnected, it is important to prioritize each as part of your pursuit of academic success and personal development.

Arrive and Thrive: How to Stay Healthy in College

What to Eat on Campus When You Have Food Allergies

August 06, 2018

From getting to know a classmate over pizza at the Cougars’ Den to bringing coffee to a friend studying in the library, a lot of meaningful connections in college happen over food. These moments are something every student should experience, and those with food allergies are no exception.That’s why Dining Services and the Student Health Center are continuously working to improve options for students with dietary restrictions.