ITT staff

Teaching with Technology Institute

The Teaching with Technology Institute (formerly known as the Course Redesign Institute) offers faculty an opportunity to improve the teaching and learning experience through the appropriate and effective incorporation of technology. Faculty participants receive hands-on training and practice with APU’s key instructional technologies, with the aim of enhancing the student learning experience. Faculty walk away with a plan for teaching with technology that can be implemented immediately.

What Will Faculty Learn at the Institute?

Faculty members who participate will:

  • Understand the key differences between face-to-face, blended, and online learning environments and the appropriate pedagogical strategies for each.
  • Acquire fundamental skills in effectively using various instructional technologies, such as the learning management system, Google apps, video recording studio, mobile devices, and other tools, that will help faculty and students.
  • Use proven principles to guide the incorporation of technologies in course design and teaching practices.
  • Assess the quality and effectiveness of technology integration using the learning assessment cycle to iteratively refine and improve.

What Will Faculty Receive for Their Participation?

  • Personalized training and support from highly qualified and knowledgeable professionals.
  • Cool swag (e.g., T-shirt, software, headset, etc.).
  • An “Accomplished Practitioner” digital badge for participants who complete all requirements.

What is the Application Process?

Through a competitive application process, a limited number of faculty members will be selected to participate in the institute. Preference will be given to faculty who teach high-demand courses, demonstrate basic technological competency, and exhibit a learning posture toward incorporating technology in their courses. All full-time, part-time, and adjunct APU faculty are eligible to apply; new full-time faculty are especially encouraged to apply. Apply now!