Campus Development
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The Azusa Pacific University Specific Plan provides a 20-year outlook of the university’s vision for responsible growth as we prepare for the needs of future generations of lifelong learners. The campus development plan will do much more than expand the physical campus. It will open doors to meet the needs of aspiring students, professionals, leaders, and Azusa community members. As Azusa Pacific University envisions the growth and development of our Specific Plan, we seek to partner with the local community and the citizens of Azusa. Together, we will enrich the city in which we live.
Planning and Decision Making
Master Plan Process
- Representatives from the university and the city formed a committee dedicated to formulating the principles, goals, and objectives to guide the next two decades of APU’s campus development.
- Through community meetings and internal evaluation of available resources, the Master Plan Committee generated a Specific Plan for responsible university growth as it relates to its faculty, staff, students, and the surrounding community.
Design Guidelines
Excellence and Efficiency
- Provide excellence, foster community, ensure safety and privacy, and facilitate unity in the development and design of the growing campus.
Aesthetic Appeal
- Through area and physical development, connect to the surrounding community, enhanced by land use, buildings, and landscaping.
Open Space
- Develop informal outdoor gathering spaces for meeting, recreating, studying, and relaxing.
Transportation Methods
- Minimize the amount of vehicular traffic on city streets, and maximize the ease of movement between APU’s East and West campuses safely and effectively.
To see the entire Specific Plan, including illustrative land use diagrams, download the documents below. (Please be aware that these are large PDF* documents, and therefore, may take some time to open.)
- Azusa Pacific University: Specific Plan (PDF)
- Section 1: Introduction (PDF)
- Section 2: Existing Site Conditions (PDF)
- Section 3: Vision, Guiding Principles, and Goals (PDF)
- Section 4: Development Plan (PDF)
- Section 5: Development Standards (PDF)
- Section 6: Design Guidelines (PDF)
- Section 7: Implementation Plan (PDF)
Copies are also available for viewing at Azusa City Hall.