Writing 2
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- Writing 2
In Writing 2, you’ll be introduced to the wider field you plan to study. The course is structured around several essential questions: What kinds of writing are done to create knowledge in this field? What arguments have led to knowledge creation? What is seen as persuasive? The course is designed to lead students, in groups according to interest, into a deepening understanding of how to answer these questions by reading in a particular field and practicing its writing conventions.
Which Course Should I Take?
Some majors require or strongly recommend a specific Writing 2 course; discuss with your advisor or your department whether your major requires this (for example, practical theology majors are required to take WRIT 200 Writing 2: Writing for Christian Practice to fulfill a major requirement). If your major does not require a particular Writing 2 course, you may enroll in any Writing 2 course offered. It is most beneficial, however, and strongly recommended, that you enroll in the Writing 2 course that pertains to your broader field of study (for example, a biological sciences major would enroll in WRIT 240 Writing 2: Scientific Writing, and a cinematic arts major would enroll in WRIT 220 Writing 2: Film Analysis and Criticism).
When Should I Take It?
After fulfilling the WRIT 110 requirement or equivalent, all students must enroll in a Writing 2 course or fulfill the Writing 2 requirement. You should plan to take Writing 2 during your sophomore year.
What Will This Course Be Like? What Can I Expect?
In this course, you will deepen your critical thinking skills by engaging in complex writing and research within your discipline and field of study, finding out what arguments are persuasive in that field. You will enter your field by researching and writing significant questions through means of writing instruction, and will learn how to adapt to the academic writing styles of your field.
Student Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Assess the questions and argument styles of at least two disciplines or subdisciplines within the field.
- Differentiate the writing styles and rhetorical strategies of at least two disciplines or subdisciplines.
- Evaluate and explain genres within one discipline. You may choose a discipline within the larger field on which to focus one or more of your writing projects.
- Interpret and apply the writing styles and rhetorical strategies of one discipline.
- Construct an argument supported by specific evidence combined with critical thinking skills.