Writing at APU
Azusa Pacific’s undergraduate Writing Program fosters a culture of writing among students and faculty from all disciplines. Drawing on scholarship in rhetoric and composition, the Writing Program collaborates with faculty to use best practices in writing courses across the curriculum to help students learn to write ethically, clearly, creatively, and effectively as academics, professionals, and Christ-following citizens in diverse communities.
The General Education Writing Program guides students through the process of mastering basic cross-disciplinary writing skills. By participating in Writing 1, Writing 2, and Writing 3, students are encouraged to develop a lifelong habit of learning to write and writing to learn, and encouraged to develop their own individual writing processes, understand the rhetorical situations in which they write, and write within a community of peers.
Why Write at APU?
Writing in Community
Leads to better writing that is more responsive to audience expectations. You’ll begin to join the conversations of academic fields and written discourse while collaborating with peers, writing coaches, and professors.
The foundation of the Writing Program. You’ll learn to assess and adapt to many different rhetorical situations, which are composed of several elements including audience, message, purpose, tone, medium, genre, and context.
Writing Processes
Take time and practice to develop, and effective strategies are not always intuitive. At APU, you’ll learn multiple strategies so you can engage in healthy writing practices that lead to excellent written products.
The Writing Program Lexicon establishes a consistent vocabulary for APU faculty and students, facilitating smooth transitions between courses and encouraging student learning.
The Writing Center helps students become better writers. The center is available to all APU students and is already included in your tuition. In one-on-one appointments, multidisciplinary staff serve students at any stage in the writing process by assisting first in strengthening the global aspects of writing such as brainstorming, organization, assignment fulfillment, and integration of sources, and second in sentence-level elements such as style and usage.
APU students learn to write and write to learn.