Student Wellness Resources
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- Student Wellness Resources
Student Wellness Resources (SWR) seeks to connect students with the resources they need in order to thrive physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually, especially when faced with challenges to their well-being. Common challenges may include:
- Accessing groceries, safe shelter, hygiene resources, or reliable transportation
- Accessing technology or textbooks for classes
- Accessing physical, mental, behavioral health care, and self-help resources
- Managing a disability or illness
- Navigating personal life or familial distress and concerns
- Communicating with your professors about a crisis or significant circumstance
If you need support with any of the above, you have come to the right place!
Faculty and Chapel Notifications
SWR works with students, campus healthcare providers, and other campus departments to notify a student's faculty of health-related complications, family emergencies, or other significant circumstances that may impact class attendance or engagement. These notifications do not excuse the student from their course responsibilities, but they often provide a pathway for communication between the student and the professor about the student’s needs in relation to the course.
Wellness Resource Navigation
A primary function of our office is to connect students to the appropriate campus, community, and online resources and supports based on health and wellness needs. For noncrisis situations, students can email us at [email protected]. For more immediate support, submit an APU CARES referral for yourself (or to request support for another student).
Basic Needs and Financial Problem Solving
Accessing basic needs (food, clothing, housing, healthcare, etc.) is essential to student thriving. Students who struggle to meet their basic needs because of ongoing financial challenges or an unexpected emergency are invited to engage in problem solving with our office. During problem solving, our office helps students explore their current financial situation, identify what potential supports they have within their network, and learn what external resources may be available to them in their specific situation.
Students who engage in problem solving may also be eligible for limited financial support for non-tuition expenses (grocery support, emergency travel expenses, medical bills, utility bills, required educational materials) through the Valentine Fund. Keep in mind that not all students are eligible—eligibility is determined by the nature of the situation and one’s financial aid status.
Food and Grocery Support
Current students who are facing food insecurity in the Azusa area are welcome to register to become a Pantry Guest using our Food Pantry Registration Form. Pantry Guests are given access to free groceries and personal hygiene items through the APU Food Pantry (located at the Azusa campus). For information regarding additional grocery resources at all APU campuses, please review the APU Food Pantry & Grocery Resources. SWR can also provide limited assistance with the CalFresh application (California’s public benefits program for groceries) and information about additional community grocery resources.
SWC also partners with the APU Community Garden to support students in need of fresh produce and herbs. Those who are interested in accessing the garden’s resources are welcome to contact the Community Garden at [email protected] or follow on Instagram at @apu.community.garden.
How You Can Support SWR (Donations and Giving)
Much of what we are able to do through SWR is made possible by the generous giving of those within our community. We are beyond grateful for the generosity of our donors! There are a few ways you can also join in the giving:
- Grocery Donations: Donating to the APU Food Pantry is a great way to support our community while helping to reduce food and product waste. If you are interested in donating food and hygiene items to the APU Food Pantry, please review our Food Pantry Donation Guide.
- Financial Giving: Through the Valentine Fund, SWR is able to provide limited financial support to students facing emergency non-tuition expenses. The Valentine Fund is also used to supply the APU Food Pantry. If you are interested in donating to the Valentine Fund, you can give online (just indicate “Valentine Student Emergency and Food Pantry Fund” as your designation). For additional information regarding this donation process, please contact University Advancement at (626) 815-5333 or [email protected].