Student Leadership Opportunities
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- Student Leadership Opportunities
Contact Information
Monday–Thursday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Modular Offices, Building 27Holding a student leadership position on campus is a valuable opportunity for students to develop skills that will benefit them personally and professionally. Student leaders develop their interpersonal and task-management abilities as they face new situations and respond to the challenges they encounter, learning from their own experiences as well as from their mentors and peers.
Holding Multiple Leadership Positions
It takes time and commitment to build meaningful relationships and carry out the various responsibilities of a leadership position. Keeping a good balance between life, work, and school is essential, and certain positions require more time and energy than others. Limits on additional commitments for these positions help ensure the best possible experience for leaders and those they serve.
If you wish to apply for multiple leadership positions in the same academic term, it is your responsibility to make sure that the time commitment involved can reasonably fit your schedule. To help, we have created a “compatibility” designation that indicates which positions typically require more time and therefore do not match with other positions.
How to Apply
Apply for all student leadership positions on Handshake. You may also access Handshake through the Quicklinks menu on home.apu.edu).
Available Positions
There are open positions in the following areas:
- Ambassador: An admissions ambassador has the privilege and responsibility of representing Azusa Pacific University to prospective students and families, hosting them during their stay and contributing to their positive experience on campus.
- Ambassador Lead: An ambassador lead has the responsibility of leading a group of freshmen ambassadors through their year in the program, guiding them through what it looks like to represent Azusa Pacific University to prospective students and families. Since all leads have previously been ambassadors, they are responsible for sharing their advice and expertise with their groups, and act as the point person for their group of ambassadors.
- Alpha Coordinator (Orientation Coordinator): Provides mentorship, guidance, and support for a group of Alpha leaders. Alpha Coordinators
also play an integral role in the implementation of August training, Welcome Weekend,
and new-student events.
- Must have served in Alpha Leader position prior to application.
- Compatible with D-Group Leader and Peer Mentor; generally NOT compatible with other leadership positions, though exceptions can be made.
- Alpha Intern (Orientation Intern): The primary responsibilities of the Alpha Intern are to support, plan, and implement
leadership training, Welcome Weekend, Alpha Program meetings, group retreats, new-student
- Must have served in Alpha Coordinator position prior to application.
- Compatible with D-Group Leader and Peer Mentor; generally NOT compatible with other leadership positions, though exceptions can be made.
- Alpha Leader (Orientation Leader): Alpha Leaders assist new students in their transition to APU by providing support
and guidance through Welcome Weekend and weekly meetings throughout the Fall semester.
Each Alpha Leader is given a small group of incoming first-year and transfer students
to mentor, support, and connect to the APU community.
- Compatible with D-Group Leader and Peer Mentor; generally NOT compatible with other leadership positions, though exceptions can be made.
- Campus Events Intern: Campus event interns have the opportunity to plan, coordinate, and execute events
such as concerts, dances, open mic nights, and more, with the hope that these events
will create spaces where students can build friendships and feel a sense of belonging.
- Compatible with D-Group Leader and Peer Mentor; generally NOT compatible with other leadership positions, though exceptions can be made.
- Campus Recreation Intern: Organizes intramural sports and tournaments for APU students, faculty, and staff
over the course of the school year.
- Compatible with D-Group Leader and Peer Mentor; generally NOT compatible with other leadership positions, though exceptions can be made.
- Graphic Design Intern: Provides graphic design support to the Office of Campus Life.
- Compatible with D-Group Leader and Peer Mentor; generally NOT compatible with other leadership positions, though exceptions can be made.
- Operations Intern: provide general logistical, clerical, and administrative assistance for the Office of Campus Life.
- Social Media Intern: Provides social media support to the Office of Campus Life, and manages the Campus
Life Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook pages.
- Compatible with D-Group Leader and Peer Mentor; generally NOT compatible with other leadership positions, though exceptions can be made.
All positions generally NOT compatible with Alpha Leader and RA, though exceptions can be made for returning SLAs.
- CCEL Operations Assistant: The Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) Operations Assistant executes quality service in assisting the administrative needs of multiple service areas that work with the (CCEL) at APU. The CCEL Operations Assistant’s primary role is to serve as an administrative assistant in the office, processing all logistical and operational tasks effectively and efficiently. Their projects connect with academic service-learning, study away, and community advancement programs. The Operations Assistant will support the overall functions of the departments through administration, organization, document and information processing, data entry, and planning.
- CCEL Social Media and Communications Assistant: The Social Media and Communications Assistant contributes to the success of the Center for Community-Engaged Learning (CCEL) by assisting with design, development, and execution of department social media, graphics, and communication resources for the service areas housed under CCEL (academic service-learning, study away, and community advancement programs). The position ensures that content and materials reflect the CCEL brand, are in line with APU’s university style guide and CCEL branding, and communicate the mission with quality and clarity.
- Service-Learning Events Planner: The Service-Learning Events Planner co-leads the collaborative planning and execution of service-learning, project-based events such as the CHAMP (College Headed and Mighty Proud) program. The Service-Learning Events Planner serves as liaison between APU faculty/staff, students, community partners, and The Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL). This position maintains communication with agencies and faculty to ensure the smooth operation of service-learning projects. They learn the philosophy of service-learning in order to support the goals of the office.
- Service-Learning Coordinator: The Service-Learning Coordinator serves as a liaison between APU faculty/staff, students, community partners, and the Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL). The Service-Learning Coordinator assists with designing and facilitating service-learning course projects. They maintain communication with agencies and faculty to ensure the smooth operation of service-learning projects. They learn the philosophy of service-learning in order to support the goals of the office and assist in planning and executing service-learning project-based events through collaboration.
- CAP Community Site Coordinator: The Community Site Coordinator supports the overall functions of Community Advancement Programs (community-based work study jobs) within the Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) . The Community Site Coordinator assists with scheduling, partner and student site staff communication/check-ins, recruitment, hiring/onboarding and collaborative projects to strengthen and expand APU’s community advancement programs and student staff team. This position’s primary duties include serving as coordinator and liaison for the Azusa Reads, Writes, and Counts (ARWC) tutoring program and student team at the Azusa City library.
- CAP HR Assistant: HR Assistant will support overall operations of Community Advancement Programs (community-based work study jobs) within the Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) at APU. This position assists with administration and data tracking, scheduling, recruitment/hiring/onboarding of student site staff, and collaborative projects to strengthen and expand programs and student staff team.
- Study Away Program Assistant: The Study Away Program Assistant executes quality service in assisting the administrative needs of study away programs and other services within the Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) at APU. The Study Away Program Assistant’s primary role is to assist study away programming efforts by supporting CCEL staff, APU Faculty, and all program participants. The Study Away Program Assistant will also support the overall functions of additional center services as needed through administration, document and information processing, data entry, and organization.
- Creative Media and Design Intern: This intern creates visual content for the Center’s events and initiatives, designing
flyers, social media graphics, and branding materials. They collaborate with student
organizations and marketing teams to enhance outreach and maintain APU’s visual identity.
- A great fit for students interested in visual communication, digital marketing, and
creative branding.
- A great fit for students interested in visual communication, digital marketing, and
creative branding.
- Student Programs and Operations Intern: This role supports student leadership programs by coordinating events, handling logistics,
and managing outreach. Interns assist with scheduling, volunteer coordination, and
gathering student feedback to improve initiatives.
- A great leadership opportunity for students interested in event planning, logistics, communication, and project management.
- MOSAIC Student Engagement Liaison: Ambassadors serve as student liaisons between the Center for Reconciliation and Diversity
and the APU student body. They work to amplify diverse perspectives in campus programming,
advocate for student needs, and cultivate an inclusive campus environment.
- A great leadership opportunity for students looking to develop advocacy, public speaking, event planning, and community engagement skills.
- Commuter Intern: The primary role of the commuter intern is to serve the commuter student population
by creating opportunities that bring about a sense of community and act as a bridge
to the greater APU campus. The intern serves as a leader among the Commuter Life Assistant Program staff in planning and marketing commuter events as well as helping manage the services
and resources provided to commuter students.
- Compatible with D-Group Leader and Peer Mentor, but generally NOT compatible with other leadership positions.
- Commuter Life Assistant (CLA): The Commuter Life Assistant Program matches commuter students with a Commuter Life
Assistant, who provides guidance and support while creating opportunities for commuters
to meet each other and learn about APU resources and services. The primary goals of
a CLA are to help commuter students adjust to life as APU students, and engage them
with academic and personal development opportunities. Commuter Life Assistants are
also responsible for working shifts in the APU Student Union, which is the commuter-centric
space on campus.
- Compatible with D-Group Leader and Peer Mentor, but generally NOT compatible with other leadership positions.
- The Honors College Mentoring Program’s mission is to foster community within the Honors College by connecting first-year students with upperclassmen mentors to create intercohort fellowship. Propelled by this mission, the student leadership team seeks to cultivate resonators who show interest, give feedback, express praise, offer encouragement, contribute practical help, and promote the work of others.
- Resident Advisor: The Resident Advisor (RA) internship provides a living and learning experience for the undergraduate student
who desires to grow in a unique manner while serving residential students in our on-campus
living areas. The RA experience offers students a live-in leadership position that
combines intensive training and practical experience in the areas of interpersonal
relationships, counseling referral, confrontation and conflict management, spiritual
formation, diversity, personal development, activities programming, and administrative
- Seek supervisor approval before working up to 20 hours per week in an additional job, internship, or volunteer position.
Office of Chapel and Pastoral Care
- Chapel Band Member: Members of Chapel Band serve as the primary facilitators of music worship in chapel. Students interested in helping lead music worship and other corporate worship elements in chapel are welcome to apply for team leader, vocalist, and/or instrumentalist positions in Chapel Band.
- Chapel Graphic Design Intern: The chapel graphic design intern is responsible for assisting in the creation of creative visual content for chapel, and has the following responsibilities: Assist in the creation and quality control of chapel-speaker-submitted slides and PowerPoint presentations; create slide decks and presentations for speakers and campus pastors; create advertisement/announcement slides, as assigned, for university clients to display in morning chapel announcement loops; help develop aesthetic elements for morning chapel; post assigned content to chapel’s social media accounts; and, when necessary, help with video filming projects. Experience in this area is not necessary, but helpful. Other duties as assigned.
- Chapel Undergraduate Intern: This is the primary logistical contact for our chapel speakers. Functions include contacting speakers by email, sending them an initial welcome email and following up on submitting required forms, reserving accommodations (hotels) and flights when necessary, and working with speakers to help them feel welcomed and prepared for their message.
- Kaleo Intern: The Kaleo chapel intern is responsible for helping the campus pastors plan and execute intentional worship experiences for Kaleo chapel. Our desire is to shape a Biblically themed chapel that exposits Scripture and celebrates diverse expressions of worship through artistic presentations and student collaborations.
- Kaleo SALT: The focus of the Kaleo team is the experience of our midweek evening chapel. There are a wide range of responsibilities that come with this focus: praying and listening for God’s direction for Kaleo chapel; talking and listening with friends and fellow students to see where God is at work; reading each week’s passage before the weekly meeting in order to give thoughts and insights on how to communicate God’s Word; working with the student body through announcements and collaborating with special groups that will be involved in a chapel service; dreaming, designing, and creating ways to visually preach each week’s passage through elements on stage or out in the audience; participation in dreaming and designing larger backdrop creation that happens prior to semester start.
Office of Service and Discipleship
- Discipleship Coach: The discipleship coach provides support and leadership to APU’s discipleship program, helping make discipleship opportunities accessible for undergraduate students. This person supports on-campus ministry through events, promotion, and recruiting, as well as ongoing training, advising, and support of our D-Group leaders.
- Discipleship Intern: The discipleship intern provides support and leadership to discipleship programming, helping make relational discipleship opportunities accessible for undergraduate students. This person supports program logistics through promotion, recruiting, training, planning, organizing, coaching, and database management for discipleship ministries on campus.
- Mobilization Intern: Mobilization interns assist the mobilization team with recruitment, placement, training, and mobilization for local and global service opportunities, including one-time local engagement events, Experience LA, and global engagement teams. Interns participate in recruiting, interviewing, developing, and training leaders, and coordinate and execute retreats and other events.
- Mobilization Operations Intern: Mobilization operations interns assist the mobilization team with the administrative details necessary in mobilizing students toward local and global service opportunities, including one-time local engagement events, Experience LA, and global engagement teams. Interns gain experience with the logistical administration required for equipping students to serve, and also help in the implementation of training retreats and events.
Spiritual Life Administration and Operations
- Finance and Operations Intern: Finance and operations interns manage operational aspects of Office of Service and Discipleship service experiences, process payments and donations, and assist in periodic spiritual life programming and events. They may also help create payment plans, work with office accounting software, manage financial databases, and contribute to the university-wide processes and policies related to finances.
- Marketing Intern: Marketing interns plan, design, and implement marketing campaigns and projects for the offices of Chapel and Pastoral Care and Service and Discipleship. Marketing interns work together to raise awareness of Spiritual Life opportunities, increase student engagement, and tell the story of what God is doing in and through students on and off campus.
- Spiritual Life Requirements and Office Intern: Requirements and office interns work with our team to care for and assist students through the chapel and service requirement processes. Interns help welcome and scan students in and out of chapel, lead customer service efforts in the office, maintain email accounts and databases, and much more. This is a great role for students who like administrative work and want to get out of their comfort zones to serve students in a personal way.
- President: The president is elected by the student body and is the spokesperson, advocate, and
visionary for SGA. The president provides direction, vision, and accountability to
the entire team.
- Compatible with D-Group Leader
- Vice President: The vice president, elected by the student body, oversees operations for the SGA team.
The vice president works closely with the president to provide direction to the team
and is responsible for maintaining the SGA office space.
- Compatible with D-Group Leader
- Director of Finance: The Director of Finance is appointed by the SGA President to manage SGA’s finances
and maintain SGA’s annual budget. The Director of Finance also oversees the distribution
and analysis of SGA’s annual survey.
- Compatible with D-Group Leader
- Director of Communication: The Director of Communication is appointed by the president to oversee and manage
the Public Relations Committee, which provides external communication between SGA
and the student body.
- Compatible with D-Group Leader
- Senators: Senators are a liaison between the student body and APU administration, faculty, and
staff. Senators use feedback from the student body to advocate for and create initiatives
that will improve the undergraduate student experience.
- Compatible with SALT and D-Group Leader
- Strategists: Strategists are members of the Public Relations Committee, which provides external
communication between SGA and the student body. Strategists are responsible for content
creation and communication, which is posted on a variety of media platforms.
- Compatible with SALT and D-Group Leader
- Representatives: Representatives are first-year students (transfers or freshmen) who serve as liaisons
between the student body and APU administration, faculty, and staff. Representatives
use feedback from the student body to advocate for and create initiatives that will
improve the undergraduate student experience.
- Compatible with SALT and D-Group Leader
- Peer Educator Intern: More than 90 percent of APU students report being overwhelmed in the past 12 months, and more than 50 percent report feeling hopeless at times. Many people suffer alone and do not want to reach out for help. The Peer Educator Program aims to address this problem by raising awareness, reducing stigma, and equipping the APU community with wellness resources.
- Can be compatible with other leadership opportunities if arrangements are made for summer training conflicts.