west campus in the evening with a purple sky


An Overview of SGA

SGA is comprised of 11 students, each of whom has either been elected by the APU student body or appointed by student officers. We aim to continually improve the APU student experience by providing a listening ear to the needs of every student. By meeting with offices on campus to present these needs, we move to action in order to make a positive change on campus. The officers on three distinct committees include strategists, first-year representatives, and student senators who meet once a week to discuss ways to support and engage students on campus.

SGA has been in existence at APU since 1945. In the school's 125 years of developing bright and ambitious scholars, the administration has always taken the input that SGA has to offer very seriously. The results of such a relationship between SGA and the administration has been extremely fruitful for both parties.

APU continues to be a place that fosters the development of young scholars with a Christian perspective. Our purpose on this campus is a unique one because it operates on the foundation that students need to be heard. As students are the life-blood of SGA, we work every day to advocate and create change on behalf of the student body.

Cultivating Belonging: Travis Gray ’25

Travis Gray ’25 shares how APU’s supportive professors and leadership opportunities—like serving as SGA president—have shaped him into a Christ-centered leader ready to make an impact.

Watch Travis’ Film

Travis Gray Sitting
Close announcement




Farah Arian

First-year Representative

[email protected]


all four members of the executive committee

Executive Committee

The point place for all SGA projects and happenings. This committee collaborates to ensure the SGA is running smoothly, discussing what projects the committees can work together on, and what should be covered in each business meeting. Every member of the Executive Committee is charged with the responsibility to care for and lead the SGA.

all four members of the student advocacy committee

Student Advocacy Committee

This committee serves as the primary point of interaction between the student body and SGA. The committee gathers feedback, addresses student concerns, and advocates for improvements in campus life, policies, and services. Through their efforts, they ensure that the needs and interests of students are effectively represented and acted upon.

Focus Areas: On-Campus Experience, Spiritual Life, Campus Safety, Athletics, Academics, Commuter Life.

all three members of the events committee

Events Committee

This committee focuses on all things fun happening on campus. Whether that be for clubs/orgs or various fun events going on around campus, this committee provides the financial support and planning that goes into creating all these unique and distinct experiences and so much more. The Events Committee is also aiming to bring back “The Zu,” collaborating with the athletics department to support athletics and build even more of a sense of belonging and engagement with the student body.

Focus Areas: Clubs and Organizations Support, Event Planning, Student Belonging, APU Community Engagement, Athletics


all three members of the public relations committee

PR Committee

This committee handles any external communication with the student body through sending out monthly newsletters or through our SGA Instagram account, @sga.apu. They promote all the cool stuff that the students and staff are planning! On Instagram, the PR team creates engaging reels such as our Mini Mic’d Up Monday Q&A series and Meet the Team posts! They also promote events from clubs and organizations on campus.

Focus Areas: SGA-Student Engagement, Marketing, Communication, Social Media, Publicity