Service-Learning Resources
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- Service-Learning Resources
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]Phone: (626) 815-6326
Monday–Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Building 22Related Links
Center for Community-Engaged LearningAPU Faculty and Community Partner Resources
The pedagogy of academic service-learning combines student learning outcomes with relevant service that meets a community need. To guide and support the implementation of effective, meaningful, and reciprocal community engagement through academic coursework, the following resources have been developed for our faculty and community partners.
- Service Learning Google Site: Includes Faculty Checklist, Student Checklist, Internship Courses, and FAQ.
- Academic Service-Learning Guide: Overview of definition, outcomes, benefits, and methods of service-learning
- Service-Learning Course Plan Form: Framework for developing and designing meaningful service-learning experiences
- Information Packet for Co-Educators (PDF): For faculty and community partners; includes timeline and roles/responsibilities
- Service-Learning Taxonomy (PDF): High-impact practice taxonomy chart
Year-End Reports
Academic Service-Learning commits to APU’s Academic Vision through rigorous and cumulative service-learning course assessment and evaluation. Quantitative and qualitative data collected from service-learning student evaluations at the conclusion of each semester provide evidence of transformational scholarship. The service-learning experience, linking theory and pedagogy with course-relevant community service, contributes to student learning outcomes and frequently leads to an increased understanding of God-honoring diversity, faith integration, and in some courses, international internationalization. Data reports are made available to individual course professors, departments, schools, and the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment.