Community Advancement Programs (CAP)
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- Community Advancement Programs
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CAP is housed within APU’s Center for Career and Community-Engaged Learning and collaborates with local nonprofits and community organizations to design and manage all community-based Federal Work-Study positions. The jobs offer eligible students the opportunity to earn wages to help with educational expenses, while gaining valuable work experience and contributing to community initiatives.
Great benefits for students!
- Impactful community service
- Experiential learning and professional growth
- Connections to career pathways
- Flexible work schedule
- FWS earnings excluded as income on FAFSA
Explore opportunities and apply
Students with Federal Work-Study eligibility listed in their financial aid package may apply for CAP positions. Students are hired as APU student employees and receive bi-weekly paychecks for hours worked. Earnings are not credited directly to the student’s APU tuition account.
Note: Graduate students are not automatically awarded FWS in their financial aid package, but may be eligible upon request
Students can search and apply for approved community CAP positions on Handshake:
- Select “Jobs”
- Filter “on-campus”
- Enter “CAP” in the search field
For complete details on employment eligibility and hiring steps, as well as Frequently Asked Questions about FWS, visit the Office of Student Employment page.