A recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, entitled, "How the Pandemic Is Pushing Professors to Improve their Pedagogy," featured APU experts Laurie Schreiner, Ph.D., chair and professor in the Department of Higher Education and Mike Truong, Ph.D., digital learning architect and executive director of the Office of Innovative Teaching and Technology.

The article explored how the pandemic has prompted many professors to rethink the way they teach, learning new technologies and online pedagogy. Schreiner said that she found that teaching online stretched her as an instructor and led her to refine her practices.

Online courses, Truong said, are built by closely linking activities, assignments, and assessments with learning outcomes. There’s no way for professors to walk in and wing it — they have to plan. This is how instructional designers think, Truong said, and “that’s now becoming almost an essential mind-set that faculty have to adopt.”

Read the article.