Students talking in their bedroom

Policies and Procedures

General Housing Provisions

The Office of Residence Life gives leadership to the professional management of all university-owned residential housing on or adjacent to the Azusa campus (collectively, “Campus Living Areas”), providing logistical support, helping students secure their housing assignments, issuing keys and furniture, and maintaining housing records. Residence Life manages community life in these living areas, including everything from visitation and guests to roommate conflicts and room changes, room decorations, and pool rules.

Undergraduate students assigned to or applying for student housing in Campus Living Areas are subject to and should be familiar with the policies and procedures outlined below. All APU students, whether or not they live in Campus Living Areas, are required to abide by all APU Community Expectations, and are subject to the requirements of the Undergraduate Student Handbook and/or the Graduate and Professional Student Community Expectations, as applicable.


APU provides student housing in Campus Living Areas to undergraduate students who are enrolled in at least 7 units on the Azusa campus. APU is unable to house nonstudents in such campus housing, and this includes students who discontinue their enrollment in the middle of a term. Students who discontinue enrollment must vacate campus housing within 72 hours of notification from the university; those who fail to do so will have their locks changed at their expense and may be cited for trespassing. APU does not provide student housing for married students, students who are faculty or staff, or students in professional programs, online programs, or non-undergraduate international programs. APU has a limited student housing program for graduate students who are enrolled in at least one graduate-level course per semester. While it is the desire of the university to provide student housing for every student who is eligible for it, APU prioritizes undergraduate housing under our Residency Requirement (below) and cannot guarantee housing for all eligible students.
Campus residency is mandatory for full-time freshman and sophomore undergraduate students. Due to this Residency Requirement, housing is guaranteed for freshman and sophomore undergraduates. All freshman and sophomore undergraduate students must submit either a Request for Campus Housing Assignment form or a Request for Campus Housing Exemption form. Exemptions are granted for students who will live with their parents, for married students, for students 21 years of age or older, and for students who have other special circumstances that present an obstacle to campus residency. Freshmen and sophomores who want an exemption from campus housing because of a situation warranting special consideration to live off campus must obtain approval by submitting a Request for Campus Housing Exemption form. The Residency Requirement does not apply to undergraduate juniors and seniors or graduate students.
Students who submit a Request for Campus Housing Assignment, and who receive an assignment, commit to living on campus for the entire academic year when they check in and receive their room key. Undergraduate students who request a summer assignment make no commitment but are charged a weekly rate based on their summer request.
Campus housing assignments are for the combined fall and spring semesters of the academic year. The only exceptions are for students who enter campus housing midsemester or at the start of the spring semester. Although we encourage all students to return home for breaks, APU appreciates that some students may need to remain in the area for various reasons. Therefore, all APU living areas remain open during university breaks. Students who wish to stay for winter break are required to register in order to remain on campus. All university policies remain in effect during breaks (e.g., visitation hours). In addition, campus services are limited during breaks—for example, campus dining venues may be limited or closed during winter break. A summer housing program is available for undergraduate students who need to remain on campus for all or part of the summer. Summer housing information is made available during the spring semester, including specific information on the application and assignment process, unit availability, and dates for check-in and check-out. Graduate students are offered housing during the summer in the graduate student housing area based on availability.

We require all traditional undergraduate students to live in Campus Living Areas for their freshman and sophomore years because the residential experience so strongly supports the mission of APU. Studies have shown that students who live in campus housing perform better academically, are more likely to graduate, and are generally more satisfied with their college experience than those who live off campus or commute.

Living in community with peers within APU’s Campus Living Areas, having quick access to campus resources, and enjoying the opportunity to further develop personally and academically are just a few of the reasons why living in campus housing is fundamental for success as a freshman or sophomore at APU. Residence Life manages Campus Living Areas specifically to provide students with a community aligned with the mission and purpose of APU, and includes residence halls and apartments owned by APU. Consistent with APU’s Community Standards, and anchored in our religious commitments as set out in the What We Believe pamphlet, students assigned by APU to Campus Living Areas have always been separated on the basis of gender (biological sex at birth). The Living Areas pages detail how this is managed on a location-by-location basis.

Housing Assignments

As a steward of this Christ-centered university, Residence Life is the sole and final determiner of campus housing assignments and can change any campus housing assignment at any time, approve or deny requests for changes to assignments, add/or remove roommates based on the standard capacity of the unit, and/or require moves to an alternate housing unit as necessary. Specific living areas and/or roommates may be requested but are not guaranteed. Failure to accept an assigned roommate, or attempts to force or pressure a roommate out of the housing unit, may result in loss of housing assignment and disciplinary action.
Housing charges are applied to student accounts per semester for each student. Students are responsible for payment of all housing charges per the terms of the university’s financial policies.
Students must be admitted to the university before requesting a housing assignment. New students are encouraged to apply as early as possible after being admitted to the university, but requests for housing assignments will be accepted anytime. Students may request specific roommates before assignments are made (typically June 1 for the fall semester and December 1 for the spring semester). Requests for specific roommates must be mutual and indicated in writing (email is acceptable) by all students involved to be considered. Students must request assignment to a Campus Living Area each new academic year. Continuing undergraduate and graduate students are given an opportunity in the spring semester to secure housing for the following year or summer. Details on the process are released each spring and are subject to change from year to year. A student wishing to be assigned to a Campus Living Area for the spring semester may submit a request for housing assignment during the preceding fall semester. Students who participate in study-away programs are encouraged to live in campus housing when they return.

Incoming and continuing students who receive an assignment will be notified by the first part of July in anticipation of the fall semester. Students who request housing for the spring semester will be notified during Christmas vacation. Students who submit late requests are usually notified of their assignments within 7-10 days. During the academic year, any vacancies in housing units can be filled by Residence Life at any time. The university endeavors to give at least 48 hours notice to all parties, but that is not always possible for various reasons.

Assignments and roommate information will not be shared over the phone. Student contact information will be released to future roommates. Failure to accept an assigned roommate, or attempts to force or pressure a roommate out of the housing unit, may result in loss of housing assignment and disciplinary action.

“Oversubscription” is the term used when the occupancy of a one- or two-bedroom unit is three (“tripled”) or five (“quintupled”), respectively. Oversubscriptions are voluntary or involuntary as determined by the university based on the relationship between student enrollment and the number of campus housing units available. In seasons of voluntary oversubscriptions, students may be provided this option for flexibility in creating roommate groups. Voluntary oversubscriptions do not receive discounted charges for the time spent in a triple or quintuple. Involuntary oversubscriptions may be implemented to provide sufficient housing space. If an involuntary oversubscribed unit remains oversubscribed past the official check-in date, the students assigned to the unit will receive a discounted housing rate as long as they remain assigned to that unit. If a unit drops to standard occupancy before the official check-in date, the university may decide to keep the unit as a standard unit for the year and those assigned to the unit will receive the standard rate. The university is the sole determiner of housing assignments, unit occupancy, and changes to assignments.

In years where enrollment allows, the university may offer private bedrooms as an option. Private bedrooms can be granted in a residence hall room, a one-bedroom apartment, or a two-bedroom apartment. Private bedrooms are not guaranteed and are assigned based on earliest request submission or best lottery number when available. Private bedrooms are 150% of the standard rate. Students who are granted a private bedroom in a two-bedroom unit will have a roommate or roommates assigned to the other bedroom. Only the student in the private bedroom will receive the private bedroom rate. Students who request a private bedroom may cancel their request before they check in and receive their key. Requests for private bedroom cancellations after fall check-in will be accepted only if a mutual roommate is added to the room. Students who have already checked in for the fall can cancel their private bedroom for the spring semester. Once the spring semester is under way, students cannot cancel their private bedroom status unless there is a mutual roommate added to the room. Students who cancel their request should expect to have a roommate assigned with them. Students who feel they need a private bedroom as part of an accommodation should contact Accessibility and Disability Resources (ADR). Students who receive a recommendation from ADR to have a private bedroom will be charged the standard room rate. As private bedrooms fluctuate from year to year and semester to semester, excess furniture will remain in rooms.

Students requesting special campus housing accommodations due to a disability or an accessibility issue should contact APU’s Accessibility and Disability Resources (ADR). New students are encouraged to contact ADR early to avoid delays in receiving a housing assignment. Returning undergraduate students are encouraged to contact ADR early in the spring semester to be able to obtain an appropriate assignment for the following academic year.

Students assigned to housing in a Campus Living Area will be sent an assignment notification with specific check-in instructions. Check-in for fall and spring typically takes place the weekend before the start of classes. Students who sign up for summer housing will typically move into their summer housing units after spring commencement. Students coming to campus early for athletics, music, drama, or other required on-campus activities should contact their group leader for more information. After check-in, a Room Condition Assessment (RCA) should be completed by the student within seven days to identify any preexisting damage to the assigned housing unit. Each student may submit their assessment online through There are two ways to check out of a housing assignment: verified checkouts, where a Resident Advisor (RA) inspects with the student present, and unverified checkouts, where the RA inspects after the student leaves. Students who choose the unverified method waive the ability to appeal charges. Students are personally responsible for turning in keys issued to them. Keys are to be returned to the Office of Residence Life in Engstrom Hall. Students are responsible for leaving the unit and/or personal space clean and shutting down utilities where applicable.

Changes to Assignments

Reassignment requests that are made before check-in are decided by the Office of Residence Life, but changes are rare, since any individual assignments can also affect other students and are often not in the best interest of the larger community. After check-in, a student’s area director determines requests for room change. Students must contact their area director to initiate the process and may not move to another housing unit until the change is approved. Students who move without approval may be required to move back and/or may be subject to a fine and disciplinary action. Housing charges will be prorated for each week spent in a given assignment.

Housing assignments may be terminated only through the following processes: cancellation, petition, or revocation.

  • Cancellation: Students who continue their enrollment with the university and have received an assignment may cancel prior to check-in, but will incur a termination fee of 5% of the semester rate. Students who discontinue their enrollment with the university will incur no fees before check-in. Cancellation of housing requests must be submitted in writing to the Office of Residence Life by email at [email protected]. Cancellations by telephone or other means are not accepted. Summer assignments may be canceled at any time.
  • Petition: Students who have checked in and committed to campus housing with the university must submit a Petition for Campus Housing Termination form to be considered. Petitions are considered for students who are suffering significant hardship due to a change in their finances or with their family.
  • Revocation: A campus housing assignment will be revoked if a student’s enrollment status changes (lack of enrollment after the add/drop period, withdrawal, leave of absence, or acceptance into an APU study-away program). The university may revoke a campus housing assignment at any time for violation of any of the provisions in the Undergraduate or Graduate Housing License Agreement or these policies. Students who are subject to disciplinary action may have their campus housing assignment revoked by the university.

In the event an assignment is terminated after check-in, room charges will be prorated for each week spent in a given assignment based on the date the key is returned or the date the locks are changed. If this calculates to 60 percent or greater of the term, then no adjustments will be made. Students whose housing assignment is terminated must check out and vacate the housing unit within 72 hours of notice of termination; those who fail to do so will have the locks changed at their expense and may be trespassed from the university. Students will also be responsible for damages and/or cleaning costs.

Health and Safety

At no time may any flammable items be stored in or around living areas. This includes barbeques. In addition, open flame combustibles (candles, incense, oil-burning lamps, etc.) may not be burned in or around any residential unit. Motorized (gas powered) conveyances may not be stored in or around living areas. Electric conveyances have risks associated with their use and are detailed in the Electric Transportation Devices and Batteries policy. Also prohibited are live wreaths, Christmas trees and boughs, and large decorative Christmas lights. Other nonflammable holiday decorations may be used in compliance with all Facility Use policies. Posters, tapestries, etc., may not be hung or placed on ceilings or covering doorways.
Smoke alarms must not be tampered with in any way (e.g., removing the batteries, disconnecting, etc.). Any student found doing so will be subject to disciplinary action.

For reasons related to fire safety, electrical loads, and community disruption, electrical appliance and equipment usage must be limited. In general, any appliance/device with an open flame or exposed heating element is prohibited, as are electrical appliances and equipment that draw significant electrical current or are deemed too disruptive to the community. Prohibited appliances/devices may include, but are not limited to:

  • Air conditioners/ceiling fans
  • Any appliance not clearly marked as UL-approved
  • Electric saucepans/skillets
  • Extension cords
  • Hot plates
  • Instant pots/air fryers (in the halls)
  • Microwaves (in the halls)
  • Space heaters
  • Toaster ovens
  • Toasters (in the halls)
  • Electric scooters, bicycles, or other conveyances may be stored in rooms, but cannot be charged inside residence halls, including student rooms. Please see the Electric Transportation Devices and Batteries policy for information on proper use.

Acceptable electric appliances/devices (when used with proper care) include:

  • Circuit-breaker-protected power bars
  • Clocks
  • Computers
  • Curling irons/curlers
  • Dorm-room refrigerators (must be marketed as mini or compact)
  • Electric hot pots (for water)
  • Fans
  • Hair dryers (small)
  • Reading lamps
  • Televisions/gaming systems
  • Electric scooters, bicycles, or other conveyances may be stored in rooms, but cannot be charged inside residence halls, including student rooms. Please see the Electric Transportation Devices and Batteries policy for information on proper use.

Each appliance/device must be UL-approved and must not be left unattended when in use. For any appliance not included in these lists, Residence Life must give approval before it is used. If the use of any of your items poses a health or safety concern, causes a disruption to the community, or causes property damage or property loss, you may be subject to disciplinary action and associated costs or sanctions, regardless of whether the item is approved. The director for each living area is the final authority on what appliances and equipment will be allowed in student living areas.

Students are not allowed to keep animals of any kind, though exceptions exist for students with accommodations granted through APU’s Accessibility and Disability Resources. Feeding and temporarily keeping animals in or around living areas is also prohibited; residents who do so will be subject to a fine, cleaning and fumigation fees, and possible disciplinary action. Students are responsible for any damage done by approved or nonapproved animals in their unit.

If a student believes that they are experiencing a pest issue in their campus housing room or apartment (i.e. ants, roaches, bed bugs, rodents, etc.), they should immediately report it to Facilities Management by submitting a work order. Facilities will assess the situation and send the appropriate technician to handle the issue. APU contracts with a local pest control company who is on site 2-3 days per week. In the event that pests are confirmed in the room or apartment, all assigned students must comply with treatment and prevention instructions issued by Residence Life, Facilities Management and/or the designated pest control professional. Treatment and prevention instructions may differ depending upon the type of situation. Students who fail to comply with treatment procedures and who thereby aid the spread of an infestation may be held financially liable for additional treatment costs the university may incur as a result and face disciplinary action.

Bed Bugs

APU has been fortunate to avoid any significant bed bug issues on campus. This is credited to the timely response of our students and the diligent work of our Facilities Management team and their pest control professionals.

We ask that students closely inspect all personal furniture items before bringing them to campus and to submit a work order right away if they believe they may have bed bugs in their room or apartment.

If bed bugs are suspected and/or confirmed, we ask that students refrain from long visits or staying the night in any other campus housing room or apartment to prevent any potential spread. The only time we require a student to leave a room or apartment is for the 4-6 hour window during the actual treatment as performed by the pest control professional.

Bed bug procedure:

  • As soon as a student suspects that he/she may have bed bugs, they should submit a work order online and inform their area or residence director as well. Students can continue attending classes in person, but should refrain from long visits or staying the night in any other campus housing room or apartment to prevent any potential spread.
  • Facilities Management will notify their pest control professional to perform a thorough inspection of the campus housing room or apartment in question.
    • The pest control professional will interview student(s) using an insect evaluation questionnaire.
    • The area or residence director will provide the student(s) with a detailed checklist of instructions for the removal and laundering of their personal items.
    • The pest control professional will treat the room in two phases to make sure the bugs are eradicated. Students will have to follow the checklist on two separate occasions as directed by the pest control professional.
    • The pest control professional will also continue monitoring the living space until the issue is resolved.
  • Should the pest control professional find there are no bed bugs present in the room or apartment, they will continue monitoring the living space for a time.
  • Should the pest control professional conclude that bed bugs are present in the room or apartment:
  • Only Facilities Management’s pest control professional can confirm or deny the presence of bed bugs on campus. A student’s dermatologist (not a general practitioner) may confirm bites from bed bugs, but only the university’s pest control professional can confirm the presence of the bugs in a campus room or apartment.

Electric conveyances (skateboards, bikes, scooters, hoverboards, etc.) may not be charged in or around residence halls due to the significant risk of fire in densely populated spaces. Students may use them on campus in compliance with the vehicle code but must find other places to charge these devices.

Charging these devices in the residence halls may result in the removal of the device from campus and/or disciplinary action. Charging of these devices in campus apartments is permitted but must be done only in designated kitchen areas to ensure devices are not near flammables such as carpet, linens, furniture, etc.

Storage or use of these devices (except those intended solely to assist people experiencing handicaps/disabilities) within living area common spaces (including hallways, outside walkways, and lawn areas) is not permitted. Any use of electric conveyances that is deemed to be reckless within living area outdoor spaces is also prohibited. Students responsible for violating these expectations will be subject to disciplinary action.

Safety Recommendations

Fire authorities recommend adopting the following actions to aid in avoiding battery fires from electric transportation devices:

  • Charging of devices in campus apartments should be done in kitchen space only.
  • Never leave devices unattended when charging, and do not leave them charging overnight.
  • Buy devices that have been tested by a reputable laboratory, like UL Solutions.
  • Use only the manufacturer’s power chargers and batteries designed specifically for your device.

Facility Use

Living in residence requires maintenance of a clean, safe, and sanitary living area (inside the housing unit, bathroom, and surrounding areas) with cooperation between the roommates assigned to that housing unit. Students are expected to leave their housing unit in a clean and orderly condition at checkout. Extra cleaning and additional check out fees may be assessed for failure to comply with proper procedures. The Residence Life and Facilities Management staffs have the right to enter any housing unit to ensure it is being maintained properly and no damages have occurred.
APU assumes no responsibility or liability for the personal property, including vehicles, of students or their guests while in a campus housing assignment, including all university vacation periods during the year. This includes damage or loss due to fire, theft, flooding, etc. The university recommends students not leave valuables in their rooms/units during vacation periods. Students are strongly encouraged to consider carrying some form of personal insurance while living on campus; check out this example. However, students should research what coverage and provider is best for them.

The university provides basic utilities in all campus-housing assignments as part of the housing rate. This includes electricity, gas, water, trash, and internet service. While the university pays for this basic service, any excessive or abusive usage of utilities by students (as determined by the university) through actions, hobbies, or business ventures is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with university directive in these circumstances may result in disciplinary action and charges for excessive costs incurred by the university.

The Residence Halls and Shire utilize APU Wi-Fi, and University Village offers internet service through Frontier Communications with the service paid for by APU. Students do not need to contact Frontier to set up or close service. Students can connect to the internet following the instructions on the router in the unit. Students who have missing equipment or have difficulties connecting should contact the support desk at (626) 815-5050 or [email protected]. Students should leave all of the equipment in the unit when they move out. Students who remove equipment will be charged for the replacement as part of the checkout process. Satellite dishes are not permitted in campus living areas.

Typically, APU provides each student with a bed, dresser, desk, and chair. In some living areas the furniture is built in or is reduced due to space considerations. Furniture is to remain in the assigned housing unit for the full term of the campus housing assignment. University furniture may not be removed from the housing unit. This includes using it as outside patio or lawn furniture, storing it on a patio, deck or common area, exchanging it with another student, placing it in an off-campus storage area, etc. There will be a fine for removal even if the item is returned at a later date. In addition, students found with common area furnishings in their housing unit will be subject to a fine and possible disciplinary action. Students with damaged or missing furniture may submit a campus work order through

Students will be charged if they are responsible for any damaged or missing furniture. In all rooms/units designated for oversubscriptions, an extra set of furniture will be provided. The extra bed set will be lofted (raised like a bunk bed to leave the floor space under the bed open). This furniture will remain in place, even if the room's occupancy changes. In voluntary oversubscriptions, students may request to have the extra furniture removed by submitting a work order request. These requests will be approved based on workloads and availability of storage. Rooms that are designated as private bedrooms will not have excess furniture removed as private bedroom options/offerings fluctuate from year to year and semester to semester. Rooms/units with less than the standard capacity of students will not have furniture removed. Building bed lofts is not permitted. Only university-owned loft kits may be placed in rooms/units and must be installed by university personnel. Students wishing to have their beds bunked may submit a work order as described above.

Removable adhesive putty and other temporary mounting products can be used for decorating as long as no damage results from use. Nails and screws are not permitted. Any damage to walls, doors, ceilings, patios, and room surfaces will result in a charge and must be corrected by Facilities Management; students should not try to make repairs themselves. Students may not make any substantive changes to their housing unit or common areas, including, but not limited to, rewiring, installing ceiling fans, painting, mounting televisions, or installing antennas/dishes for television, etc. Students are liable and charges will be made for damage to buildings or furnishings, lost property, or unnecessary service costs caused by the actions, intentional or accidental, of students or their guests in housing units and common areas. After check-in, students have seven days to assess the condition of their housing unit for any pre-existing damage to the unit. Each student may submit their assessment online through When responsibility for damage cannot be attributed to an individual student, the charges will be distributed to all community members in the area of the damage (i.e. all members of a housing unit, wing, floor, or building) as determined by Residence Life. Although reporting damage does not clear the student of responsibility of damage in their unit, students are encouraged to submit work orders for damages in their unit by accessing the campus work order system through

Keys to living areas are issued to resident students by Residence Life. Residents are responsible for keys issued to them. Under no circumstances are keys to be duplicated or loaned to another individual. Students must lock and secure their unit when they leave and roommates are not home. Failure or refusal to pick up a key is a safety issue for students residing in campus housing as it hinders a resident’s ability to secure their unit. Failure to return keys at checkout will result in a charge for costs to change the locks and make new keys.

Students who lose their key must inform Residence Life to initiate the changing of the locks and key replacements. A campus locksmith fee is charged to the student’s account for the lock-change process. Students who lock themselves out of their housing unit may contact the RA on call. If the RA on call is not available, they should contact Campus Safety (a fee may be charged for this service).

Students living in the residence halls use their APU identification (ID) card to gain access to the halls and wings. Students who lose their APU ID card should go to the One Card Office to obtain a replacement. The new card should be updated automatically with living area and resident information upon first use. Old cards, if found, should not be used again and cannot be retroactively coded after a new card has been issued. Students who have issues with their APU ID card not working on living area doors should come to the Residence Life office to report it.

Living area lounges, hallways, courtyards, and other public areas are spaces meant to be used by students within that living area with care, respect, and consideration for the well-being of others. Furniture in living area lounges or other common areas is not to be moved, altered, or misused for sleeping or public displays of affection by couples. Appropriate attire is required in these areas at all times; therefore, nudity and states of undress considered inappropriate are prohibited. Any disruptive behavior, disrespect for others, or circumstances deemed unsafe or a hindrance will not be permitted. Due to high risk of property damage and personal injury, sports, water fights, and other high-risk activities are not allowed in indoor residential areas. If the condition of any public area is altered or abused, the person(s) responsible will be subject to charges, fines, and/or disciplinary action.

Exterior entryways, decks, patios, and garages must be kept neat and clean; these areas cannot be used for storage and must be kept clear of indoor furniture (e.g., couches and university furniture), boxes, bins, and trash. The hanging of clotheslines, swimsuits, towels, rugs, plants, lights, signs, banners, flags, hammocks, etc., outside of rooms/apartments (e.g., front porches and balcony railings) is prohibited, with the exception of a modest display of holiday decorations (err on the side of less is more). Exterior holiday decorations must not be displayed earlier than two weeks from the holiday and must be removed within one week after the holiday, or immediately upon a return from break for Christmas decor. All decorations must be used in compliance with all Facility Use and Health and Safety policies.

Students in rooms/units without kitchens are not allowed to cook in their rooms/units, with the exception of the use of acceptable appliances listed elsewhere in these policies and approved by Residence Life. Common-area kitchen facilities are provided in living areas that have rooms/units without kitchens. Consideration must be shown to roommates and other residents by controlling food odors and promptly cleaning up. Students must never leave food cooking or baking unattended. It is the responsibility of the people using the common area kitchen to return it to proper order.

No storage is available through the Office of Residence Life. This includes storage in campus housing rooms/units prior to check-in, after checkout, or during the summer. People responsible for violating these expectations will be subject to disciplinary action.

Window coverings visible to the exterior must be of a single solid color. Sheets, newspapers, posters, aluminum foil, cardboard, etc., are not acceptable window coverings. Political campaign endorsement signs may not be placed in residential unit windows except within 30 days of the applicable election. Any such signs must be no larger than 18” x 24” and must be removed immediately after the election. Window screens must remain securely fastened at all times. A fine will be incurred for any screen that is removed, missing, and/or damaged regardless of whether or not the screen is later replaced. The use of windows as entrances or exits or as a means to pass objects is strictly prohibited except in emergency situations. Students who throw any objects out their windows will be referred to the disciplinary system.

Only campus apartments with exterior doors to the outside may utilize video doorbells. Residence Hall rooms are not eligible. Only wireless devices may be used. Installation of the doorbell is limited to the wood trim of the door frame on the handle side, between 3 and 5 feet from the ground only, and positioned to view only public spaces. No installation is permitted in other locations inside or outside of units.

Any damage that results from use or installation of a video doorbell would be the responsibility of the roommates assigned to the unit. Students must remove the device from the door at the end of their assignment term. All students who are living in the unit must agree to the use of the doorbell. This includes students who may be added to the room at any point in the academic year or term. Students would be required to remove the doorbell in the event that any roommate no longer agrees to the use of the doorbell. Students agree to provide or allow APU to view footage from the doorbell to the university upon a request from the Office of Campus Safety and a supporting determination of “reasonable cause” by the Associate General Counsel.

Video doorbells are permitted for safety and security reasons only, and any footage captured is not to be shared with unauthorized individuals or third parties. Visible signs indicating the use of video doorbells with the capacity for audio recordings will be displayed in the monitored area. Technological support for any installed video doorbell is the responsibility of the installer. APU does not provide technical support for these devices.

Living in Community

The Office of Residence Life strives to provide an atmosphere that is conducive to scholarship and personal growth and development. Students who reside on campus live in a community with their peers and are entrusted with the responsibility of challenging and supporting each other in a respectful, cooperative, and communicative fashion. Residence Life staff strive to support the learning that takes place in and outside of the classroom and address the needs of the APU residential community, encouraging students to define their values and beliefs, explore their interests, express their gifts and personal leadership abilities, formulate questions and pursue answers, and learn to fellowship with others within the context of community.

Toward that end, all residents must respect and comply with lifestyle expectations and all university policies and procedures, including the following:

All residents are expected to respect and remain accountable to all community expectations, university policies, and procedures. The accountability process within Residence Life is designed to help students develop a living and learning style that is consistent with the Christian standards of Azusa Pacific University. These standards help create an environment that is respectful of individual rights and freedoms, one where all are free to pursue academic excellence, and one that brings glory to God.

It is our intention to hold community members accountable to these standards through disciplinary action that is redemptive and respectful to individuals. Residents involved in disciplinary action may be subject to sanctions involving restrictions, fines, and/or housing license agreement termination.

Students wishing to appeal any Residence Life disciplinary action must do so, in writing, to the executive director of residence life within three school days of the date of the written decision.

The appeal shall consist of one or more of the following exclusive grounds for appeal:

  • New Information: There is new and significant information that has not yet been considered. Information would be considered “new” if it was discovered after the student’s hearing.
  • Excessive Sanctions: Sanctions imposed are excessive to the violation(s) relative to sanctions imposed for similar violations under similar facts and circumstances as determined by the Student Standards of Conduct.
  • Procedural Irregularity: e.g., the student did not have opportunity to present information at the hearing.

Guidelines for the letter of appeal:

  • Students must submit a written appeal to the supervisor of the judicial officer or designee within three school days of the date of the written decision. Written appeal must reflect the guidelines as listed in the following point.
  • The petition must include:
    • Names of the parties involved
    • Clear statement of the nature of the appeal (must consist of one or more of the following exclusive grounds):
      • New information
      • Excessive sanctions
      • Procedural irregularity
    • A narrative of incident including:
      • Why it occurred
      • How it occurred
      • Where it occurred
      • Who was present
      • The information on which the appeal is based
    • The desired outcome

The supervisor (or designee), may, in response to the written appeal and upon review of all information and testimony presented, revise or confirm an earlier disciplinary process. The decision of the appeal may be made with or without meeting with students. After a decision has been reached, the student will be notified in writing by the supervisor. Decisions made in the appeal process are final and may not be addressed through the “Grievance Process” set forth in the catalog.

Only in case of sexual misconduct issues, both the complainant and the respondent will have the right to appeal the decision made through the process. Decisions made in the appeal process are final and may not be addressed through the grievance process.

The associate dean of students (or designee), may, in response to the written appeal and upon review of all evidence and testimony presented, revise or confirm an earlier disciplinary action.

Ideally, personal growth and development are encouraged most when each member of the community uses self leadership and shares the responsibility to care enough about others, to confront them in an appropriate manner. Therefore, residents are encouraged to hold one another accountable to community and university standards. Resident advisor, graduate resident coordinators, and area directors will provide guidance, support, and direction in this process.

Residents are expected and required to participate in living area meetings conducted by Residence Life staff members. Meetings are primarily called to discuss, promote, and educate residents about events or community issues and concerns. Because of the importance of these meetings, failure to attend a “required” meeting may result in disciplinary action. Please report scheduling conflicts with one’s Residence Life staff member and schedule an alternate meeting.

The right to study and sleep supersedes the privilege to entertain oneself or others. A “24-Hour Courtesy” policy upholds the university’s commitment to providing an environment where students may experience academic success. Noise, which is audible beyond the confines of one’s room/apartment, is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action. Students are free to have radios, stereos, televisions, etc. in their rooms, but the amplification should be controlled so that neighbors both inside and outside of the building are not disturbed. Speakers must not face or be placed in windows. Failure to keep the noise level of sound equipment reasonable may result in removal of the equipment from the student’s room.

The resident advisor, graduate resident coordinator, or area director reserve the right to confront and address what they deem to be excessive, disruptive behavior that is disrespectful to others, in the immediate outside vicinity of the living area (e.g., courtyards, sidewalks, entryways). Individuals and groups may be asked to leave the area.

Realizing that the display of certain items may be considered offensive and disrespectful to some community members, the university requires the use of discretion concerning the “content” of the pictures, posters, or written materials displayed in rooms and hallways. Decorations inconsistent with university philosophy may not be displayed. This includes sexually oriented or suggestive items or depictions (including “soft pornography”) or any other material that presents the human body in a degrading manner, occult materials, and alcohol, drug, and tobacco advertisements or paraphernalia. Illegally obtained street signs are also prohibited. The final interpretation of whether a decoration/posting is inappropriate will rest with the area or residence director. Residents possessing any materials that the university deems questionable may be asked to remove such items from their rooms.

The Office of Residence Life and the Department of Campus Safety reserve the right to enter students’ rooms to ensure community health and safety, confirm assignments and room conditions, and assess violations of the Residence Life Policies and Procedures, the Undergraduate Community Expectations, and the Graduate and Professional Student Community Expectations.

Entry and search: All residential units are the property of Azusa Pacific University under the control of the Board of Trustees. Responsibility for immediate supervision lies with the university administration. It is the policy of the university to ensure students such privacy in their rooms as may be consistent with the basic responsibilities of the institution to fulfill its educational functions and to conduct its day-to-day operations. The entry and search policy is intended to protect both the integrity of the student and the university.

The responsibilities of the university require a right to enter into students’ rooms for the following reasons:

  1. To ensure maintenance and general repair within the room.
  2. To address an emergency or health risk.
  3. To ensure the room is vacant during fire drills.
  4. To provide for the health and safety of all residents (includes inspections).
  5. To turn off stereos, radios, alarm clocks, and other items which are bothersome to others.
  6. To investigate, when reasonable cause exists, possible violations of university regulations.

All room searches by Student Affairs personnel must be approved by at least one of the following: the dean of students, the associate dean of students, the director of Residence Life, or their designate, except in the case of an immediate and clear emergency involving danger to safety and health. There are two basic situations which precipitate room search: 1) A clear indication that the established code of student conduct or health and safety regulations are being violated; or 2) emergency situation occurs which make it necessary for a staff member to search a room for a particular item, such as a discarded prescription bottle or a telephone number or address.

If a staff member should enter a room and notice in plain sight evidence of a violation of university policy, federal, state, or local law, he/she may take that evidence and refer the incident to the university or civil authorities.

Rooms may be searched upon reasonable suspicion of contract violation or concern for health or welfare. The occupant or occupants may be informed of the reasons for any room search.

When it is necessary for authorized university personnel or their agents to search a student’s room without the occupants present, two staff members should be present. A student who believes this policy to have been violated may appeal directly to the Dean of Students or their designee. The appeal should be in writing and presented to the associate dean of students within 10 days of the occurrence.

Each living area has visitation privileges for its residents. This enables students to interact with one another for academic or social purposes. The privilege permits guests of the opposite sex in one’s room or apartment. These visitation and guest privileges may be revoked at any time to any and all parts of a living area. The area director reserves the right to terminate an open-night visitation in apartments or residence halls due to excessive, disruptive behavior, disrespect for others, or any other circumstance deemed a hindrance. Main lounges in residence halls are open 24 hours a day to give students a common area in which to interact. Listed below are the different parameters for visitation in each of the living areas:

Adams, Engstrom, and Trinity Halls

Sunday–Thursday, 12–10 p.m.
Friday–Saturday, 12 p.m.–12 a.m.

Shire and University Village

Sunday–Thursday, 9-12 a.m.
Friday–Saturday, 9-1 a.m.

Guests must abide by all community policies and expectations. With the approval of roommates, guests of the same sex may stay overnight in the student’s room or apartment for no more than three nights (separate or concurrent) each semester during the academic year. This ensures that an environment conducive to study, privacy, and the personal needs of all residents is maintained. For guests of the opposite sex, arrangements can be made with friends in another living area. Under no circumstances may couples lay in bed together, nor may opposite-sex guests be in any state of undress or utilize floor, apartment, or room showers while visiting a resident/living area. Campus residents who allow a nonresident (student or nonstudent) to remain in their rooms/apartments longer than the acceptable guest policy of three nights without receiving clearance from the area director and/or the Office of Residence Life are subject to judicial action; the resident may be permanently barred from campus housing, charges may be incurred, and additional disciplinary action may be taken. Residents will be held accountable for their guests’ actions.

Under no circumstances may a guest visit or reside in APU campus housing areas unattended; an APU student (who is assigned to the actual room/apartment/building in which the guest will be visiting) must host them.

Visitation and guest policies remain in force during school holiday, exam, and summer housing periods. Failure to comply with these policies may result in termination of housing privileges and/or further judicial action, including suspension or dismissal.

The residential community seeks to promote an atmosphere that is sensitive and respectful to the needs of students. The living-learning environment should be a place where one cannot only seek out opportunities for involvement, but also for privacy and freedom from constant interruptions and disturbances. Therefore, no one is permitted to sell or operate any type of business in a university living area without prior approval from the director of Residence Life (or designee). This includes door-to-door contacts, flyer or coupon distribution, “party” sales; residents as well as non-residents; young children as well as professional salespeople. Any requests for exceptions to this policy must be submitted in writing to the director of Residence Life.

All students should take precautions against thefts. Most thefts that occur in the residential units occur as CRIMES OF OPPORTUNITY when students leave their room with the door unlocked or leave their laundry unattended in the laundry room. Most thefts can be prevented by eliminating these situations. Students are advised to keep room doors locked at all times. As a service to students, Campus Safety officers will post notices on open doors to assist students in remembering to keep their room doors locked and may lock the door.

If a theft does occur, students should report it immediately to their area director and the Department of Campus Safety. Students may also assist by notifying Campus Safety personnel immediately of any suspicious people on campus.