Fulbright Program
What are Fulbright Grants?
Fulbright scholarships enable more than 1,900 U.S. students, artists, and other professionals to benefit from unique resources in more than 140 countries each year, providing the opportunity to gain international competence in an interdependent world.
Fulbright grants fund teaching, study, and travel abroad in all areas of the world. Applications are considered in all fields, including the creative and performing arts, except as limited by individual countries.
Who is Eligible?
What is the Award Timetable?
Competition opens May 1 and closes in mid-October. The APU deadline for applications is September 25, 2019, for the 2020-21 academic year.
APU campus interviews take place in early October and qualifying applications are sent to the Institute of International Education in New York by mid-October. National panels meet during November and December, and preliminary decisions are made by the end of January.
If a candidate is recommended, his or her files are sent abroad for evaluation by host committees and final decisions are usually announced in April or May for awards beginning in late summer or early fall. Project timetables vary by project and country.
What Benefits are Provided?
Full- and fixed-sum awards provide transportation, a settling allowance, startup funds, money for incidentals, a monthly stipend, tuition waivers where appropriate, and health insurance. Travel-only grants cover only the cost of transportation. You may not hold another grant that duplicates benefits.
How Long Do Projects Last?
Projects generally last 9-12 months, and typically fall within the academic year of the host country.
Learn more in the Frequently Asked Questions section.
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 3483
Ronald Building, First Floor