Written by Kathryn Ross

Fresh off the release of her debut book, No Better Mom for the Job: Parenting with Confidence (Even When You Don’t Feel Cut Out For It) published by Bethany House Publishers on October 1, 2019, Becky Keife is clearly a rising star.

A speaker, author, and community manager for (in)courage by DaySpring, Keife’s work revolves around using words to inspire and encourage others, specifically women, to walk in their purpose as they walk with Christ. “I’ve known I was a writer from a very young age,” says Keife. “But it was about six years ago that I felt a clear calling on my life for a ministry of words. That ministry takes the form of sharing personal stories, practical encouragement, and biblical truths from pages and stages to equip and empower women to know God and walk closely with Him.”

Keife is a graduate of APU's Master's in English program. “I love that APU’s M.A. in English program offers a strong integration of faith, scholarship, literature, and writing,” notes Keife. “I wanted a self-directed program that would allow me to tailor classes to meet my academic and professional objectives, and that’s exactly what this M.A. offered.”

Keife completed her degree in 2018 and her debut book was published shortly afterward. Keife notes that the M.A. program was ‘instrumental in preparing [her] for publication.”

“I worked on my nonfiction book proposal throughout my master’s program, beginning in Dr. Bentz’s class, Writing for Religious Audiences, until my creative thesis,” says Keife. “Dr. Bentz became a trusted mentor on my publishing journey.”

Beloved professor, Dr. Joseph Bentz is just one of the great faculty members teaching in the M.A. program. The English Department faculty has made an incredible impact on Keife's life, faith and career.

“I had many meaningful experiences at APU,” she recalls. “It’s hard to choose just one! But one that rises to the top is having dinner at Dr. Glyer’s house at the end of our Christian Imagination class. To share a meal and sit around a living room with fellow artists and scholars, sharing about the work God had done in our lives both personally and academically that semester, was a true gift. This experience highlights the profound investment and deep care APU’s faculty members have for their students.”

In addition to her work as an author and speaker, Keife also works as the Community Manager for (in)courage — “an online community where authentic women connect deeply with God and others.” “APU’s master’s program helped me deepen and sharpen my skills as a writer, leader, creative, and Christian communicator,” says Keife, “all of which has served me well in my multi-faceted role with (in)courage.”

A combination of faith, calling, and the right environment have brought Keife to the place the Lord has intended for her. Keife offers insight to graduates and aspiring writers:

“A final word of encouragement that I’d give to someone reading is this: do the one next thing. Whether you want to write a book, pursue another degree, or land your dream job, start by being faithful with the one next thing in front of you. Don’t compare your beginning or middle to someone else’s finish line. (I’ve done that before and it’s never helpful.) My book No Better Mom for the Job is the culmination of years of writing in my journal, on a small blog, on social media, for other publications, and speaking to groups large and small. The journey to wherever we want to go rarely (never?) looks like a straight line. I honestly didn’t expect my path to take me to graduate school when I was a mom of three young children working part-time and doing ministry. But God used my time at APU in ways I never could have expected to fulfill a dream I had been longing for and working toward for years. I believe He can do the same for you. Take one small step forward today.”

Learn more about Becky Keife on her site and socials, and purchase her book here.