APU student Violeta Ramirez recounts her involvement in the Azusa Reads, Writes and Counts program

Azusa Reads, Writes, Counts tutor, sophomore mathematics major Violeta Ramirez has experienced both sides of the curriculum. Her participation in the program over a decade ago has brought her much gratitude and learning.

Ramirez and her brother enrolled in the program when she was in the second grade. They both stayed in the program for approximately two years.

“My mom heard of the program through my brother’s school and thought that it would also benefit me,” said Ramirez.

According to Ramirez, the program helped her feel more confident about reading.  It helped her learn to enjoy reading by finding books that appealed to her interests. Aside from her own personal gain her older brother, who had stuttering problems, also went to tutoring in order to improve his linguistic and reading skills. The tutors worked with him on improving his speech while he read.

“Looking back and seeing things from the tutor perspective makes me appreciate the tutors that helped me during those years,” said Ramirez. “Although it was only an hour a day, those sessions really helped my brother and I improve and become more confident in school.”

Her experiences as a student in the program have helped her develop a sense of awareness for students in need of extra support in academic subjects.  Ramirez recalls her brother not wanting to attend his tutoring sessions because he was embarrassed of the stuttering problems he had.

“Now when I have kids [who] don’t seem to be happy about coming to tutoring I remember my brother and think that maybe those students are the ones that need the most help,” said Ramirez.

Tutors in the program are committed to helping and dedicating time to students who need help in tough subjects. Ramirez had a hard time with reading and phonics in school. However, she remembers her tutors being supportive and motivating her along the way.

“Although it was only an hour a day, those sessions really helped my brother and [I] improve and become more confident in school,” said Ramirez. “I just hope to be able to make a difference in the lives of the students that I'm tutoring now.”

Students in the program engage in 30 minute tutoring sessions with a designated tutor. During the sessions students have the opportunity to work on any academic material such as homework, study guides, etc.

“My favorite part was just having someone to help me with my homework and [who] was excited about me learning the concepts,” said Ramirez.

Azusa Reads, Writes, Counts is a free tutoring program designed for K-5th grade students providing one-on-one tutoring help in reading, writing and math. Tutoring is held Monday thru Thursday at the Azusa City Library.  For more information in regards to this program, please click the following link: https://www.apu.edu/service-learning/.

Estudiante de APU Violeta Ramirez recuenta su involucramiento en el programa Azusa Reads, Writes and Counts

Ahora un tutor en el programa Azusa Reads, Writes, Counts, estudiante de segundoaño Violeta Ramirez ha experimentado los dos lados de el programa. Su participacion hacia una decada el program le ha traido mucha gratitude y conocimiento.

Ramirez y su hermano se inscribieron en el programa cuando ella estaba en el segundo grado. Los dos se mantuvieron en el programa por dos años.

 “Mi mama se entero de el programa por medio de la escuela de mi hermano y penso que seria una buena idea para mi tambien,” dijo Ramirez.

Segun Ramirez, el programa le ayudo a tener mas confianza en lectura. Le ayudo aprender ha disfrutar la lectura a través de libros que le interesaban. Ademas de su propia ganancia, su hermano mayor, cuyo tenia problemas de tartajeo, tambien fue a tutoria para mejorar su hablar y capicidad en lectura.

“Mirando hacia atras y viendo las cosas por el perspectivo de el tutor me ha ayudado appreciar los tutores que me ayudaron durante esos años,” dijo Ramirez. “Apesar que solo era por una hora, las sessiones ayudaron a mi y a mi hermano a tener mas confianza en la escuela.”

Sus experiencias como un estudiante en el programa le han ayudado a desarrollar un sentido de percatencia para los estudiantes en necesidad de apoyo adicional en sus materias. Ramirez recuenta su hermano no queriendo ir a las sessiones de tutoria porque tenia verguenza de la tartamudez que tenia.

“Ahora cuando tengo estudiantes que no se estan felices de estar aqui, me acuerdo de mi hermano y pienso que talvez esos estudiantes son los que necessitan la mas ayuda,” dijo Ramirez.

Los tutores de el program estan comprometidos a ayudar y dedican su tiempo a estudiantes que necesitan ayuda en materias dificiles. Ramirez tenia difficultad con la lectura y las fonéticas en la escuela. Pero, ella se acuerda como los tutores la apoyaban y motivaron durante su camino.

“Aunque solo fue por una hora, esas sessiones ayudaron a mi hermano y a mi mejorar y tener mas confianza en la escuela,” dijo Ramirez. “Solo espero que yo pueda hacer una differncia en la vida de los estudiantes que yo estoy tutoriando ahora.”

Estudiantes en el programa se involucran en sessiones de tutoria por 30 minutos con su designado tutor. Durante estas sessiones, los estudiantes tienen la opportunidad de trabajar en cualquier material academico como sus tareas o guias de estudio.

“Mi parte favorita fue tener a alguien que me ayudaba con mi tarea y que estuviera entusiasmado cuando aprendiera los conceptos,” dijo Ramirez.

Azusa Reads, Writes, Counts es un programa de tutoria gratis diseñado para estudiantes de K-5 grado que brinde tutoria de uno-a-uno en materias como escritura, lectura, y matematicas. Las tutorias toman acabo Lunes a Jueves en la libreria de Azusa. Para mas información acerca de el programa, por favor oprima el siguente vínculo: https://www.apu.edu/service-learning/.