Social worker with children

Give to Social Work Students and Programs

Support Program Initiatives

The state of California is experiencing a shortage of professionally trained social workers. The Department of Social Work is committed to supporting students and providing ongoing opportunities for growth and development to help meet this need. We offer a variety of awards, scholarships, and programs to recognize students and further their education experience, and we invite you to join in our work by donating to one of the many opportunities below.

Mary Rawlings Social Work Scholarship Endowment

Help connect students to their passion for a career dedicated to making a difference in the lives of individuals and communities. Undergraduate and graduate social work students become highly skilled and equipped to provide leadership for innovative social change, and you can further their impact in our communities by supporting this endowed scholarship today.

Social Work Chair’s Fund

Sometimes students have been unable to afford basic academic necessities due to personal emergencies. Your gift to the Chair’s Fund supports these students during their time of crisis. In the past, this fund has supported students by providing computers, textbooks, conference support, transportation, and more.

Club Social Work

Club Social Work (CSW) is the official student organization for undergraduate social work majors. CSW is made up of current undergraduate students who work to develop resources that help improve the social work program and link students with the APU and Azusa communities. Your gift will help students learn through guest speakers, service projects, and social events.

Master of Social Work Student Association

The MSW Student Association (MSWSA) facilitates collaboration between faculty and students. The association also organizes extracurricular and developmental events, serves the surrounding community, and works with the MSW program on issues related to student affairs, social justice, political advocacy, and program development. In addition to supporting these key aspects, your gift today will help students attend social work legislative lobby days and other student-led events.

Additional Opportunities

The department also supports and invites alumni named awards and scholarships. Additionally, the program has a designated travel fund to support student international experiences. If you are interested in establishing a specific scholarship or giving to the international travel/learning fund, reach out to the department chair to discuss how you can donate!

Note: This information is current for the 2024-25 academic year; however, all stated academic information is subject to change. Refer to the current Academic Catalog for more information.