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Meet the Faculty
Contact Information
Email: cota@apu.edu
Phone: (626) 815-4600
Fax: (626) 815-3809
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Associate Dean

Lyrica Taylor, PhD
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, School of the Arts; Professor, Department of Art
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 5989
Fax: (626) 387-5727
Email: ltaylor@apu.edu
Office Location: Warren Music Center, Room 235

William Catling, MFA
Professor, Chair, Department of Art, Interim Chair, Department of Design

Stephen Childs, MFA
Professor, Department of Art; Exhibitions Director
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 5835
Fax: (626) 387-5727
Email: schilds@apu.edu
Office Location: John and Marilyn Duke Academic Complex, Room 505

Terry Dobson, MFA
Professor, Department of Design

Claire Fedoruk, DMA
Professor of Musicology
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 3573
Fax: (626) 969-7419
Email: cfedoruk@apu.edu
Office Location: Warren Music Center, Room 219

Chuck Grieb, MFA
Director, BA in Animation and Visual Effects, and Professor, Department of Cinematic Arts
Phone: (626) 815-3856
Email: cgrieb@apu.edu
Office Location: Hugh and Hazel Darling Library, Room 167

Michael Lee, MM
Professor; Director of Music Technology; Director of Commercial Music
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 3860
Fax: (626) 969-7419
Email: mlee@apu.edu
Office Location: Warren Music Center, Room 231

Tim Samoff, MFA
Program Director, BA in Games and Interactive Media, and Professor, Department of Cinematic Arts
Phone: (626) 815-6007
Email: tsamoff@apu.edu

John Sutton, DMA
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 3581
Fax: (626) 969-7419
Email: jsutton@apu.edu
Office Location: Warren Music Center, Room 201
Associate Professor

Jill Brennan-Lincoln, MA
Chair, Department of Theater Arts; Associate Professor, Theater Arts

John Burdett, EdD
Assistant Professor; Director of Music Education, Wind Ensemble Conductor
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 2029
Email: jburdett@apu.edu
Office Location: Warren Music Center, Room 211

Angela S. George, PhD
Program Director, MA in Modern and Contemporary Art History; Associate Professor of Art History, Department of Art

Thomas Hynes, MA
Director of Theory and Composition, Guitar Studies and Jazz Combos; Associate Professor
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 3209
Fax: (626) 969-7419
Email: thynes@apu.edu
Office Location: Warren Music Center, Room 209

Christopher Keene, MFA
Associate Professor of Technical Theater, Department of Theater Arts

Nery Lemus, MFA
Program Director, MFA in Visual Art; Associate Professor, Department of Art

Kirsten Lundin Humer, MFA
Program Director, BFA in Acting for the Stage and Screen; Associate Professor, Department of Theater Arts
Phone: (626) 815-5865
Fax: (626) 387-5747
Email: khumer@apu.edu
Office Location: Department of Theater Arts, West Campus, Darling - Building Three, THTR Office Suite, Room 164

Christopher Russell, MM
Chair and Associate Professor Department of Music; Conductor, Symphony Orchestra; Instrumental Conducting
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 2003
Email: cprussell@apu.edu
Office Location: Warren Music Center, Room 233

Marek Szpakiewicz, DMA
Associate Professor; Cello Studies; Director of String Studies and Chamber Music
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 3206
Fax: (626) 969-7419
Email: marek@apu.edu
Office Location: Warren Music Center, Room 227
Assistant Professor

Henry Alonzo, MBA
Assistant Professor, Department of Music

Patricia Edwards, DMA
Assistant Professor, Vocal Studies
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 3588
Alternative Phone: (626) 358-3339
Fax: (626) 969-7419
Email: pedwards@apu.edu
Office Location: Warren Music Center, Room 225

Michelle Jensen, MM
Assistant Professor; Director of Choral Activities, Conductor of Chamber Singers; Choral Conducting
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 3202
Fax: (626) 969-7419
Email: mjensen@apu.edu
Office Location: Warren Music Center, Room 118

Laurie Leinonen, MA
Assistant Professor, Department of Cinematic Arts
Phone: (626) 387-5875
Email: lleinonen@apu.edu

Greg Michael, MFA
Assistant Professor, Department of Cinematic Arts
Phone: (626) 815-6014
Email: gmichael@apu.edu

Jesse Negron, MFA
Assistant Professor, Department of Cinematic Arts
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 5114
Email: jnegron@apu.edu

Andrew Park, DMA
Assistant Professor, Piano Studies
Phone: (323) 810-3777
Alternative Phone: (626) 815-3205
Email: apark@apu.edu
Office Location: Warren Music Center, Room 215

Jonathan Vermeer, MPW
Assistant Professor, Department of Cinematic Arts
Phone: (310) 951-3921
Email: jvermeer@apu.edu

Coaching Faculty

Kyungmi Kim, MMA
Staff Accompanist, Department of Music Performance
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 4600
Email: kykim@apu.edu

Applied Instructor

Brian Barany, DMA
Applied Instructor, Classical Guitar Studies
Phone: (805) 218-3589
Email: bbarany@apu.edu

Richard Bullock
Applied Instructor, Bass Trombone
Phone: (310) 569-6782
Email: rich@bassbonevoice.com

Mark Converse, BM
Applied Instructor, Drumset

Paul Curtis, MM
Applied Instructor, Bassoon and Contrabassoon
Phone: (626) 815-3834
Email: pacurtis07@gmail.com

David B. “Rusty” Higgins
Applied Instructor, Saxophone Studies
Phone: (562) 547-7717
Email: rustyhiggins@aol.com

Fung Ho, MM
Applied Instructor: Violin and Viola
Phone: (626) 815-3848
Email: fungho1vln@sbcglobal.net

David Joyce, MA
Applied Instructor, Commercial Voice
Phone: (818) 522-3530
Email: david@rejoycemusic.com

Jessica Sandidge
Independent Contractor, Applied Voice
Phone: (917) 488-8374
Email: jsandidgevoice@gmail.com

Robert Slack, MM
Applied Instructor, Trumpet; Director of Jazz Ensemble
Email: robertslack6@gmail.com

Stephanie J. Thomas, BM
Applied Instructor: French Horn
Phone: (626) 664-3330
Email: sshornmom@msn.com

Adjunct Professor

Gloria Garayua, BFA
Adjunct Professor, Department of Theater Arts
Phone: (626) 815-5035
Email: ggarayua@apu.edu

Michael Milligan, MFA
Adjunct Professor, Department of Theater Arts
Phone: (626) 815-5035
Email: mmilligan@apu.edu

Becky Ogden, MFA
Adjunct Professor, Department of Theater Arts
Phone: (626) 815-5035
Email: bogden@apu.edu

Marcelo Soares
Adjunct Professor
Phone: (626) 815-5374
Email: msoares@apu.edu
Office Location: East Campus, Warren Music Center, Room 203

Kristof Van Grysperre, DMA
Adjunct Professor, Area Director of Opera and Vocal Studies

Jose Hernandez Vicente, MM
Adjunct Professor, Guitar Studies
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 3209
Email: jhernandezvicente@apu.edu
Office Location: Warren Music Center, Room 209

Professor Emerita

Professor Emeritus

David Beatty, MM, MBA
Professor Emeritus, Department of Music
Office Location: Warren Music Center, Room 229