Stephen Childs, MFA
Office Hours
By appointment

Professor, Department of Art; Exhibitions Director
Phone: (626) 815-6000, Ext. 5835
Fax: (626) 387-5727
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: John and Marilyn Duke Academic Complex, Room 505
Stephen Childs, MFA, has worked as a preparator at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, and the UCLA Hammer Museum. He has exhibited his artwork throughout Los Angeles, including at the Riverside Art Museum, Los Angeles International Airport (in partnership with the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs), and the I-5 Gallery at the Brewery, among others. He is Exhibitions Director overseeing notable exhibitions by artists: Tim Bavington, Judy Pfaff, Devon Tsuno and Christian Hosoi.
- MFA, Claremont Graduate University
- BS, Biola University
Academic Area
- School of the Arts
- Photography
Courses Taught
- ART 250 – Photography I
- ART 260 – Photography II
- ART 360 – Photography III
- ART 431 – Gallery Design
- ART 460 – Photography IV
- ART 465 – Photographic Processes
- ART 499 – Thesis/Project
- ART 690 – Creative Work Project
- ART 695 – Exhibition Preparation