APU Articles

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Dallas Willard Speaks at APU

October 14, 2010

On Tuesday, September 28, Azusa Pacific University’s School of Theology welcomed award-winning author and philosopher, Dallas Willard, Ph.D., to speak on campus. Willard gave two lectures in APU’s Upper Turner Campus Center as part of the annual Malcolm R. Robertson Lectureship on Holy Living. More than 400 attended the afternoon lecture, and prior to the lecture, a luncheon with 75 alumni and faculty took place. Willard discussed "Postmodern Holiness: What does it look like?" He urged the audience to ask questions such as, “Is holiness good for you?” According to Willard, many people look at modern holiness and believe that it is about dressing in a certain way or associating with certain people. Willard urged the audience to remember that being holy means being from another realm; “being in the world but not of it.” “We have to move to the inner sources of behavior to understand holiness in terms of external practices.” As an example, Willard spoke about St. Francis of Assisi and St. Ignatius, sharing that above all else, what characterized them was a hunger for God. “Everyone makes mistakes, but where the heart is headed makes the identity of the person.”

Clines Named Alums of the Year for 2010

October 11, 2010

Each year, Azusa Pacific University underscores its commitment to Christian service by presenting the Alumni of the Year Award to an alum who has made a deep impact on building God’s Kingdom. This year, APU honors Russ ’86, M.A. ’93, and Gina (McDaniel) Cline ’86 for Distinguished Service to the Church. The Clines’ legacy of service spans more than three decades and influences communities across the globe. From youth ministry to leadership training to humanitarian aide, theirs remains a poignant story of how God can take individual callings and weave them into an impact far greater than ever imagined.

Clines Named Alums of the Year for 2010

Making a Splash

September 20, 2010

Recently, Hewko made a splash with her swimming achievements and claimed the title as APU’s first-ever NAIA All-American swimmer. She captured three NAIA titles, broke a 16-year-old record in one of the races, and helped push the Cougars into an unexpected sixth place finish at the NAIA Swimming and Diving National Championship Meet in March.

Making a Splash

Six Tips for Effective Studying

September 03, 2010

Perhaps no word strikes fear into a college student’s heart like this one: exams. Some students are afraid of failure, some don’t set aside enough time for studying, but many put it off until it’s too late simply because they’re not sure how to study effectively (all nighters, anyone?). However, one of the best kept secrets about studying for tests is…preparation! What some students don’t know is that they can take simple steps to help them retain the information they study:

Bringing Opera to APU

July 14, 2010

Galloway took over as the head of the opera program in spring 2009. At the time, the program consisted of one class entitled “Opera Workshop,” which served as rehearsal time for a short opera production. Upon taking over, Galloway pushed for budget and scholarship increases, marketed the program to the entire student body, and gathered a “dream team” staff of music, acting, language, and dance coaches to help students develop not only as vocalists, but as well-rounded artists.

2010 APU Commencement

May 18, 2010

On Saturday, May 8, Azusa Pacific graduate and undergraduate students participated in the university's 100th commencement ceremony since first formal ceremony at APU's predecessor, the Training School for Christian Workers. With more than 1,300 graduates and several thousand friends and family members in attendance there was an excitement and anticipation in the air. At 9 a.m. more than 600 graduate and doctoral students heard from keynote speaker Lee G. Noel, Ph.D., a higher education consultant, who has worked with more than 400 colleges and universities on enrollment and retention effectiveness. In the evening, about 600 undergraduate walked across the stage to receive their long-awaited diploma. Just before lining up to cross the stage, they heard from keynote speaker Raul Reis.

Mexico Outreach Celebrates 40 Years of Ministry

April 23, 2010

On Saturday, April 10, all past participants of Azusa Pacific University's Mexico Outreach were invited to attend a banquet in Upper Turner Campus Center to celebrate the history of this ministry program, which brings together North American churches and APU students for service in Mexico each year.

Women’s Resource Center Empowers, Educates, and Celebrates Women

February 22, 2010

Today’s college students face some substantial gender-specific issues, and it is imperative to provide programs that allow them to learn about and address these problems. The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) at APU provides such resources. Though targeted at undergraduate women, their goal is to educate the entire APU community about a wide range of current women’s issues, empower students to take action, and celebrate women and their unique abilities and accomplishments.

WASC Accreditation Update

February 21, 2010

The task force focusing on international internationalization, led by Jim Adams, Ed.D., executive director of the Center for Global Learning & Engagement (CGLE), discusses goals related to the accreditation process. “One of the most important topics [in our discussions] is student learning outcomes” said Frances Wu-Barone, Ph.D., global learning specialist. “Are they in line with our goals? Can we produce evidence to show we’re accomplishing these goals? These are the types of questions we ask.” The CGLE also plans to launch an annual award recognizing a faculty member dedicated to advancing intentional internationalization in his/her work, as well as develop an assessment system to encourage international and intercultural teaching, learning, and research across disciplines. “Our intentional internationalization vision is as timely now as it was when founder Mary Hill took students abroad to do missionary work. Our task is to provide a variety of accessible and meaningful experiences for students and faculty to explore the world through study, service, and scholarship,” said Adams. The task force continues its discussion and evaluation during this preparation process, and looks forward to intertwining their efforts with the broader university community.

Renovated Wynn Academic Center Addresses APU's Changing Needs

February 08, 2010

The APU community and honored guests gathered to dedicate the Carl E. Wynn Academic Center on Thursday, February 4 with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Formerly the Carl E. Wynn Science Center, the recently renovated 30,000-square-foot building underwent an extensive $4-million remodel, and now enables the university to offer expanded facilities to better serve current and prospective students.

Carlson Brings "Utopian Playground" to APU

January 26, 2010

"In the beginning, God created…" David Carlson, MFA, associate professor in APU's Department of Art, has taken the creative spirit in these first five words of Genesis and applied it to the artisan world. This creativity was evidenced in his most recent art show, "Utopian Playground," which opened in the Duke Art Gallery on January 19.

New Amphitheater on East Campus

November 20, 2009

This fall, as renovations took place to transition the former Wynn Science Center to become the new Wynn Academic Center on East Campus, the university also made room for a large, open-air amphitheater behind the building, formerly the location of the science "bowl." This will be APU's first formal amphitheater, designed to facilitate community in the outdoors and encourages students to gather together.