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Create a Student Budget That Works, From Orientation Through Finals

November 08, 2017

Does the thought of keeping track of your finances during the first year of college stress you out? Don’t let it! Creating a student budget can help you focus in the classroom and acclimate to your new surroundings without worrying why books are so expensive or where you’re going to get your extra spending money.

Create a Student Budget That Works, From Orientation Through Finals

Arrive and Thrive: Navigating a New College Social Life

November 01, 2017

Starting college is a memorable milestone for many young adults. You find yourself in a new environment with unique challenges and experiences, especially when it comes to meeting new people, making friends, and shaping your college social life.

Arrive and Thrive: Navigating a New College Social Life

Families Aren't Choosing a Major for Their Kids, but How Can They Help?

October 30, 2017

At most colleges, students are choosing a major by the end of their sophomore year. This gives them four semesters to explore different interests. This time can be a gift to check out different options, but the time to choose a major might arrive sooner than expected. Students may be overwhelmed at the thought of picking just one major they think might dictate the rest of their lives. As a parent, the trick is to encourage your child to explore and think about him or herself in a new way, while ultimately supporting the major chosen.

Families Aren't Choosing a Major for Their Kids, but How Can They Help?

500 Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation

October 30, 2017

“Out of the love of truth and the desire to elucidate it,” Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of All Saints’ Church on October 31, 1517, in Wittenberg, Germany—the day historians consider the start of the Protestant Reformation. This year commemorates the 500anniversary of that historic event and its remarkable impact. Every Protestant church and denomination owes its existence to the heroics of Luther, who advocated the reform of all churches based upon the primacy of biblical authority.

500 Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation

Adjusting to College Life Can Be Easier Than You Expect

October 26, 2017

Starting college is a major life transition. It’s exciting and scary all at once. There are new freedoms to explore, friends to meet, classes to take, and seemingly endless amounts of fun to be had. But it can also be challenging. Adjusting to college life takes time and actual effort as you find your way.

Adjusting to College Life Can Be Easier Than You Expect

Advice for Parents and Guardians of College Students: 6 Pieces of First-Year Wisdom

October 23, 2017

You did it! You sweated and toiled and made it through many crazy years of raising someone into a young adult who’s now heading off to college. And now it’s time to let him or her go. While your recent high school graduate is dreaming of university life, you might be dreading the thought of being apart after all these years.

Advice for Parents and Guardians of College Students: 6 Pieces of First-Year Wisdom

Resilient Hope

October 23, 2017

Last December, another round of missiles and bombs struck the war-torn city of Aleppo, Syria. Hundreds of thousands of Syrians had already lost their lives to nationwide civil war, and citizens waited in terror each time another airstrike approached. For years, they struggled with no outside relief. Finally, however, the international community agreed to a mass evacuation. On December 15, more than 100,000 Syrians left their homes, belongings, and livelihoods, like the 11 million Syrians displaced from their homes over the past six years—more than half the nation’s population.

Resilient Hope

5 Ways to Make the FAFSA Application Process Less Stressful

October 17, 2017

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, is the largest provider of student financial aid in the nation. Any eligible student can apply—regardless of age, income, or nationality. It can also seem daunting for first-time applicants especially. But while the process might seem overwhelming at first, these five tips will help you and your student get the most out of the FAFSA application.

5 Ways to Make the FAFSA Application Process Less Stressful

Faith, Family, and FCA

October 16, 2017

Life as a student-athlete involves a unique set of challenges, and multiple studies have shown that more than half of all athletes experience heavy stress related to their sport in the form of pressure to win, extreme anxiety, and fear of failure. These add to the stressors common to all students: time management, relationships, finances, and academic performance. Today, because the athlete part of the student-athlete equation often carries a disproportionate amount of weight, it can be easy for student-athletes to lose sight of who they are and why they do what they do, resulting in burnout.

Faith, Family, and FCA

Juice Bar Benefits Body and Soul

October 13, 2017

At the intersection of Christ, community, scholarship, and service, exists a space where social justice and business join together. Azusa Pacific University alumna Jessica Ng ’10, is the founder of Body Juice, a business meant to promote a healthy lifestyle while also supporting efforts to end human trafficking. Set to open in the city of Azusa in early 2018, Ng’s social venture will draw upon her education and passion for helping the oppressed.

Juice Bar Benefits Body and Soul

Linking Interests: The Value of Adding an Academic Minor

October 02, 2017

As she stepped off the graduation stage, Sara (Hickenbottom ’14) Tillema had her career goals in place: earning a Master of Divinity at Princeton Seminary and working in a full-time ministry position. But while her philosophy major gave her a solid foundation for pursuing this dream, her minors in religion and humanities proved the tipping point in discovering her calling and preparing her for a career in ministry. These two areas of study gave specific purpose and application to her philosophy classes, and after graduating from Princeton, Tillema took on the role of campus minister at the University of California, Davis.

Linking Interests: The Value of Adding an Academic Minor

One Couple’s Journey Inspires Thousands

September 29, 2017

Phil and Alex Congelliere ’10 stood before a packed room of investors, donors, and business leaders on the Azusa Pacific University campus, securing support for their nonprofit startup Love Multiplies, which aims to provide educational resources and encouragement for those navigating infertility and/or adoption. This presentation marked the culmination of Zuventurez INCUBATE, an 18-week program offered by the Office of Innovation designed to help Azusa Pacific students and alumni achieve success. The program helped the Congellieres take the next step in sharing their story and growing their ministry.

One Couple’s Journey Inspires Thousands