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Preparing Your Child for College: 4 Benefits of Internships

January 04, 2018

The benefits of internships for your high school and early college student go beyond having a padded resume or checking off a box on a college to-do list. While the classroom provides an excellent opportunity for your child to learn, internships provide real-life experiences that can’t be found in a textbook or through a lecture. For those students who are interested, here are four reasons to consider internships.

Preparing Your Child for College: 4 Benefits of Internships

Preparing Your Student for Natural Disasters on Campus

December 20, 2017

As much as you hate to think about your student facing natural disasters, preparing soon-to-be students for emergency situations can help keep them safe and even put you at ease. Making sure they know what to do if an earthquake strikes or a wildfire reaches close to campus can make handling a natural disasters on campus a little less scary, with just a bit of planning.

Preparing Your Student for Natural Disasters on Campus

What I Wish I Knew: Living on Campus

December 18, 2017

“You will have to learn how to share a room,” I remember countless people telling me about living on campus. I blew it off, assuming that because I had shared a room before (when I was 11), I could share a room again. I had no clue how difficult it would be to live with a stranger. I’m still friends with my freshman year roommate, but our time living together was filled with unexpected challenges. Neither of us knew how to address conflict, so we avoided it; we failed to communicate time after time. This created a stressful living situation for both of us.

What I Wish I Knew: Living on Campus

What I Wish I Knew: Reflections on Campus Life From a Senior to a Freshman

December 13, 2017

Being a college freshman can be challenging, from adapting to college-level learning, to eating campus food every day, to catching the trolley after chapel. After all those lessons learned, one day you arrive at the end of your undergraduate experience—and, for me, that day has come. As a graduating senior, I’ve been reflecting on what I wish I knew as a freshman: What knowledge could I share to ease the challenges for those just beginning their time in college? I hope these tips about college and campus life are helpful as you move through your academic journey.

What I Wish I Knew: Reflections on Campus Life From a Senior to a Freshman

Speaker Discusses How to Thrive in Pluralism

December 11, 2017

Can people with disparate views truly live in peace with one another? According to John Inazu, Ph.D., the Sally D. Danforth Distinguished Professor of Law and Religion and professor of political science at Washington University in St. Louis—yes. In fact, the author of Confident Pluralism: Surviving and Thriving through Deep Difference (University of Chicago Press, 2016) claims that people can actually thrive in a pluralistic society, and done right, it defines a successful society. He shared these views with the Azusa Pacific community at this year’s Faculty/Staff Kickoff on August 23.

Speaker Discusses How to Thrive in Pluralism

Chamber Singers Perform at Major International Events

December 04, 2017

One of the world’s premier choral groups, Azusa Pacific’s Chamber Singers consistently receive invitations to some of the most prestigious festivals and competitions in Europe.

The Dream Project Brings Children Joy

November 30, 2017

After only three months as a student at APU, Holly Campbell’s love for music, children, acting, and service converged in the creation of a new campus club called The Dream Project. Campbell, a vocal performance and music education major, gathered a group of students together who shared her passions and wished to dedicate themselves to a meaningful cause.

The Dream Project Brings Children Joy

More Than Musicians: 5 Careers in Music to Consider

November 29, 2017

YouTube. Spotify. The Voice. SoundCloud.

More Than Musicians: 5 Careers in Music to Consider

How Extracurricular Activities in College Can Add to Your Student’s Degree

November 27, 2017

A student’s college experience extends beyond just academics. Their heads are likely spinning with new people, new ideas, new tasks, new information, new feelings, and new growth—mentally, physically, and emotionally. Considering this, as a parent, you might like to see your son or daughter focus on the “main” thing they are attending school for—schoolwork!

How Extracurricular Activities in College Can Add to Your Student’s Degree

How Service Trips Enrich the College Experience

November 21, 2017

Service trips are an integral part of many universities. In fact, these meaningful opportunities for students to serve others (both in their immediate areas and abroad) are vital to the college experience. When your student takes part in a service trip, his or her education becomes richer, deeper, and more meaningful.

How Service Trips Enrich the College Experience

Undecided But Not Alone: Tips for Choosing College Majors

November 16, 2017

Like many college freshmen, you may be entering college unsure of what to study. With a wide selection of college majors available to choose from—and infinitely more professional paths to head out on after college—it’s normal to be undecided. You’re not the only one still exploring the many options available. You just need to find the support and resources available to help you make your decision.

Undecided But Not Alone: Tips for Choosing College Majors