APU Articles

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Completing Your Degree: How to Check if Courses Transfer into a Professional Program

September 29, 2020

As the global job market continues to evolve and demand new skills, now is a great time to return to school to complete your degree. This is especially true if you’ve previously earned college credits—by transferring courses you’ve already completed, you can finish your bachelor’s degree in less time.

student during class

How to Prepare for Hybrid Jobs

September 10, 2020

How to Prepare for Hybrid Jobs

Practicing Mindfulness from a Christian Perspective

August 18, 2020

This year, 2020, has brought about a season of heightened stress and significant change for many people. Whether due to the risk of COVID-19 infection, the significant changes in the economy caused by the pandemic, or the growing social unrest, individuals across the country—and the globe—have been struggling to get a handle on their emotions.

Practicing Mindfulness from a Christian Perspective