Employee Policies and Resources
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Illicit Substances, Alcohol, and Smoking (Section 9.5)
The federal government mandated on October 1, 1990, that there be no unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit substances and alcohol by students or employees on college campuses anywhere in the United States. The university absolutely prohibits the manufacture, sale, purchase, offer to purchase, distribution, dispensation, possession, or transfer of any illegal controlled substance, alcohol, or substances containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on university properties by its employees at any time. Legal or legally prescribed medications only are excluded from this rule and are permitted to the extent that the use of such medications do not adversely affect the employee’s work ability, job performance, or the safety of that individual or others. For health and safety considerations, the university prohibits smoking and any other tobacco use on university premises. This prohibition extends to the use of smokeless tobacco products, unregulated nicotine products, hookahs, and e-cigarettes (electronic cigarettes, vaping).
Use of Alcohol (Section 9.12)
In adopting the following policy on the use of alcohol in the APU community, we have considered our desire to conduct all of our affairs with God-honoring excellence, the need to be sensitive to the guidance of the University’s spiritual heritage and the convictions of other Christians, the alarming consequences of heavy drinking on college campuses, and the need for employees to serve as role models for our students. Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed at a University facility or at a University-sponsored event at any time. In addition, the cost of alcoholic beverages may not be charged to the University either directly or through a request for reimbursement. All employees are to be mindful of the dangers of underage drinking and serve as role models for Azusa Pacific University students with respect to the consumption of alcohol. Accordingly, members are prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages where they are aware that University students are present (other than students who are part of the member’s family). Exceptions to this Policy may be made by the Office of the President upon written request in advance of any purchase or consumption of alcoholic beverages. There may be times when members must exercise sound judgment under the leadership of the Holy Spirit in the application of this Policy. In all situations where the consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted, the members must choose either abstinence or moderation and avoid drunkenness.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Azusa Pacific University continues to offer an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), provided through Anthem’s Resource Advisor Program. The EAP is a telephone counseling service provided at no cost to regular, benefit-eligible employees. You and your dependents will receive confidential support and service specifically designed to help with issues that may arise personally or professionally. An EAP counselor is available around the clock for emergency and crisis situations at (888) 209-7840.
Anthem Resource Advisor Brochure (PDF)
Employee Benefits Brochure (PDF)
APU Safe Reporting
Azusa Pacific has an anonymous reporting system for suspected improper activities as defined in APU’s Whistleblower Policy (see Employee Handbook section 3.17). Reports may be made via the APU Safe Reporting form or by calling (626) 334-2089. Both options are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and both will maintain anonymity, if desired.