James Pendleton, PhD


Adjunct Professor, Department of Biblical and Religious Studies

James B. Pendleton, PhD, is an expert on discourse analytical approaches to the New Testament. His current research focuses on postcolonial spatial theories and their contribution to understanding the Gospel of Mark. His broad interest is in empire as the formative context of NT literature and theology, and with concepts of resistance. He attends Mountainside Communion, a Nazarene-affiliated church body in Monrovia, California. He is married to Amy and is the father of Lily, Wesley, and Miles.


  • PhD, Theology (New Testament), Fuller Theological Seminary
  • MA, Biblical Studies, Asbury Theological Seminary
  • BA, Biblical Studies, Southeastern Bible College

Academic Area

  • School of Theology


  • Spatiality and the New Testament
  • Postcolonial Biblical Criticism
  • Discourse Analysis and the New Testament
  • Synoptic Gospels
  • Biblical Theology and Theological Hermeneutics

Courses Taught

  • UBBL 230 – Luke/Acts
  • UBBL 330 - Life and Teachings of Jesus