Transfer Courses
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Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (626) 815-2020
Fax: (626) 815-3809
Phone: (626) 815-2020
Fax: (626) 815-3809
Modular Offices, Building 29Current Students Transfer Courses to APU
The Office of the Registrar handles all requests for transferring courses to APU. Whether you are an incoming student transferring from another institution to APU or a student enrolled at APU wishing to take approved classes at another school, your request to transfer course credit to APU will ultimately go through this office.
Transfer Work Policies:
- Traditional Undergraduate Transfer Work Policy
- Professional Undergraduate Transfer Work Policy
- Graduate Transfer Work Policy
New Transfer Students
Learn more about how to transfer course credit from another institution, application requirements and transfer plans.
Current Traditional Undergraduate Students Transferring Courses
Follow the steps below to see if a class transfers to APU:
- Create an account on Transferology.
- Select “Will My Courses Transfer?” to search for the equivalent course at APU.
- If the course is listed on Transferology, send an official transcript to the Student Services Center.
- If the course is not listed on Transferology, you can also check our Articulation Agreements. If you find the course in an Articulation Agreement, send an official transcript to the Student Services Center.
- If the course is not listed in either of the above options, complete the Transfer Credit and Course Substitution Form to request articulation. For major course requirements, you will need to submit a course syllabus. For general education requirements, you will need to submit an official course description.
- If your Transfer Inquiry is approved, send an official transcript to the Student Services Center.
Note: Students must receive a grade of C- or higher in a course to transfer it to APU.
Coursework Evaluation Tools
- Transfer Plans: Search by the transferring college or university or search by your program of interest at APU to see which courses will fulfill APU’s GE requirements.
- Associate Degree Transfer Plans: See plans for completing an associate degree at a community college and then transferring into a professional undergraduate program at APU.
- Transfer Credit Database: Use this course equivalency database to determine if undergraduate coursework you completed outside APU is transferable.