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English and Hispanic programs in Azusa; Korean program in Orange County. The Doctor of Ministry Program renews and transforms ministry leaders, churches, and communities, equipping them to spread the message of Jesus Christ.

Doctorado en Ministerio (DMin)

El programa de Doctorado en Ministerio (DMin) de la Universidad Azusa Pacific lo prepara para un ministerio práctico y efectivo para transformar el mundo con Cristo. El DMin es el grado profesional más alto en la práctica ministerial.

Korean DMin

Available in Orange County. Blending Korean culture with the principles of God’s Word, the Korean Doctor of Ministry program focuses on spiritual formation and the development of leadership skills for pastors and senior church leaders in the Korean community.

Korean Pastoral Studies, MA

Available in Orange County. The Korean Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies program equips Korean church leaders to communicate the Gospel message in a culturally relevant and meaningful way to their congregations. Whether a lay person or senior pastor, the student learns how to convey the central themes of the Bible in a clear, transformational way, and in the context of Korean culture.

This program offers the following areas of study: Church Leadership and Development, Urban Studies, Youth Ministry, and General Electives.


English and Hispanic programs in Azusa; Korean program in Orange County. The Master of Divinity program prepares men and women for professional ministry in the church by providing solid training in biblical, theological, and ministerial studies.

This program offers the following areas of study: Biblical Studies.


Maestría en Divinidades (MDiv)

La Maestría en Divinidades (MDiv) ofrece al individuo la oportunidad de estudiar profundamente los diferentes aspectos y énfasis del campo teológico y su relación directa con el ámbito ministerial. Este programa promueve la excelencia académica y ministerial, y proporciona la base para aquellos estudiantes que desean obtener un Doctorado en Ministerio (DMin). Este programa consta de 90 unidades de estudio.

This program offers the following areas of study: Biblical Studies. 

Maestría en Estudios Pastorales (MAPS)

La Maestría de Artes en Estudios Pastorales (MAPS) está diseñada para equipar a líderes y pastores, de manera práctica, para desempeñar las funciones del ministerio dentro y fuera de la iglesia. Este programa consta de 60 unidades de estudio.

This program offers the following areas of study: Church Leadership and Development, Urban Studies, Youth Ministry, and General Electives.

Pastoral Studies, MA

English and Hispanic programs in Azusa; Korean program in Orange County. The Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies program is designed for those seeking preparation in a specialized field of ministry. Concentrations include church leadership and development, urban studies, and youth ministry.

This program offers the following areas of study: Church Leadership and Development, Urban Studies, Youth Ministry, and General Electives.

Note: This information is current for the 2023-24 academic year; however, all stated academic information is subject to change. Refer to the current Academic Catalog for more information.