Students socializing

Center for Reconciliation and Diversity

Vision and Mission

“As an evangelical Christian community of disciples and scholars, Azusa Pacific University approaches diversity from a biblical perspective, affirming that diversity is an expression of God’s image, love, and boundless creativity.” - APU’s Diversity Statement.

Cultivating Cultural Awareness, Engagement, and Christ-Centered Community 

CRD’s VISION STATEMENT: To cultivate a community where every member acknowledges and stewards the Imago Dei within their identity and experiences, a deep sense of belonging translating to thriving, holistic outcomes.

The Center for Reconciliation and Diversity (CRD) guides the development of a university culture at APU that values and celebrates the diversity within its Christ-centered community, promoting equity, unity, racial reconciliation, intercultural understanding, and a commitment to love God and neighbor.

CRD pursues its mission by:

  • Supporting university marketing, recruitment, and retention efforts directed toward all students, including underrepresented student populations. 
  • Providing a safe environment for students to engage in critical thinking and dialogue where differences of perspectives are sought and respected. 
  • Equipping student leaders to empathically understand and engage communities of differing racial, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Sponsoring programming that increases awareness of and appreciation for cultural diversity.
  • Supporting student leaders in developing, articulating, and applying their personal identity and faith in Christ to advance the work of God in the community and the world
  • Providing supplemental support and services for all students, including ethnic minority and first-generation students.
  • Partnering with staff and faculty to integrate diversity in curricular and co-curricular experiences.
  • Promoting diversity across the university.

The CRD office promotes student development by coordinating annual cultural events and advising ethnic organizations.

In addition, the CRD coordinates the Multi-Ethnic Leadership Scholarship Program that includes leadership development, social justice discussions, and discipleship with selected students who become leaders of intercultural understanding and racial reconciliation on our campus and beyond. For more information, visit the Scholarship Opportunities page.

CRD administers other scholarship programs for the university, and provides information on scholarship, fellowship, and internship opportunities offered by community organizations. The office also sponsors various annual events for the campus, including workshops and diversity/leadership retreats.

APU Is a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI)

Being designated as a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) touches every aspect of campus life from creating tailored cultural events to classroom learning experiences.

Learn How You Benefit

A group of hispanic females taking a selfie at graduation
Close announcement

Ethnic Organizations

Ethnic organizations at Azusa Pacific University offer a forum for fellowship, education, and dialogue to encourage the appreciation of cultural diversity at APU.

Our purpose is to unite and build community by fostering an environment that cultivates awareness, understanding, reconciliation, and appreciation so that cultural exchange can be embraced and celebrated.

The Center for Reconciliation and Diversity supports and sponsors the following ethnic organizations:

Armenian Student Association (ASA)

Asian Pacific American Student Organization (APASO)

Black Student Association (BSA)

Indigenous Peoples Circle (IPC)

Kapamilya (Filipino Student Organization)

Latin American Student Association (LASA)

Middle Eastern Student Association (MESA)

Multi-Racial Student Organization (MRSO)

Pacific Islanders Organization (PIO)

The CRD offers a welcoming space prioritizing the Imago Dei in each person with consideration of APU’s community expectations. We celebrate the God-given diversity within our community. The CRD is committed to providing a respectful and inclusive environment for every individual.
Students smiling

Support CRD

The Division of University Advancement provides two ways to support the Center for Reconciliation and Diversity:

  1. Give Online
    Using the link above, you can donate quickly and securely. Please specify “Center for Reconciliation and Diversity” in the “Other designation” section.
  2. Give by Mail or Phone

Mail your gift to:

Division of University Advancement
Azusa Pacific University
PO Box 7000
Azusa, CA 91702-7000

You may also call the Division of University Advancement at (626) 815-5333. For your convenience, the university accepts MasterCard, Visa, and Discover Card.

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (626) 815-6155


South Side of Cougar Walk, Across from Shalom Café
Aerial shot of East Campus