Emergency Procedures
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- Emergency Procedures
In matters requiring an immediate response by Fire, EMS, or Police, call 911 first and if time permits, call Campus Safety at (626) 815-5000. If the matter is not an emergency requiring an immediate response by Fire, Police, or EMS, then call Campus Safety.
Here are some examples of emergency procedures:
- If it is safe to do so, exit the building; if not, lock or barricade yourself inside a room.
- Turn off lights, cover and lock any windows, and lay on the floor.
- If the shooter(s) leave the area, go to a safer place, if possible. Have an escape route/plan in mind. Keep your hands open and visible, and follow any instructions given by law enforcement.
- Call 911 when it is safe to do so. Remain calm, use a quiet voice, and provide as much information as possible (your name and location, number and type of injuries, details about the shooter(s)— appearance, weapons, etc.)
- If you can’t speak, leave the line open so the dispatcher can listen and try to pinpoint your location.
- If approached by law enforcement officers, freeze and raise your arms with open palms facing the officer.
- Once you are at a safe location, stay there until police or known university official gives the “all clear.”
WATCH: Learn tips for responding to an active shooter situation by watching the U.S. Department of Homeland Security active shooter preparedness video.
- If you spot a suspicious object, package, etc., report it to Campus Safety, but DO NOT touch, tamper with, or move a suspicious item.
- DO NOT use any electronic devices (cell phones, laptops, radios, tablets, etc.) in close proximity to the suspect package or device.
- If you are notified by telephone of a bomb within a building, keep the caller on the line. If they hang up, DO NOT hang up the line, but go to another phone to call 911, and then (626) 815-5000 to report the situation to Campus Safety.
- If an evacuation occurs, follow standard evacuation procedures, and DO NOT attempt to re-enter a building until clearance authorization has been given by emergency personnel. Also, immediately notify emergency personnel if you know of a disabled or injured person needing assistance.
- Ask the caller questions: Where is the bomb? When is it set to explode? What does it look like? What kind of bomb is it? Did you place it? Why? What is your address? What is your name?
- Pay careful attention to the caller’s exact wording, voice, and manner of speaking, and try to determine the caller’s gender, race/ethnicity, and age, as well as any background sounds and the length of the call.
The Building, Campus, and Room Lockdown (also known as “shelter-in-place”) procedures are used when it may be more dangerous to evacuate a location than to stay in the assigned area.
- Begin the lockdown/shelter-in-place procedure immediately when instructed to do so. The lockdown order will remain in effect until cancelled by Campus Safety or emergency response personnel.
- Remain calm and stay with your group of students, faculty, staff, or visitors.
- Do not leave the room and/or building under a lockdown situation. Lock room doors and windows, and close shades immediately.
- Keep persons quiet and away from doors and windows. Consider persons with disabilities who may need assistance.
- If a gunshot is heard, keep people down near the floor and shielded under/behind room furniture as much as possible. If fleeing is necessary, run away in a zig-zag manner, not in a straight line.
Notify Campus Safety as soon as possible of any medical emergencies.
- If indoors, take cover under a desk or table (duck, cover, hold), or stand in a doorway or where two walls join, away from windows and objects that may fall. If outdoors, stay in an open area away from buildings, trees, power lines, and other structures. If driving, pull over and stop, away from overhead power lines.
- After the shock subsides, proceed outside to an open area.
- DO NOT use elevators when leaving a building.
- Follow the instructions of emergency service workers.
- Immediately notify emergency personnel if you know of a disabled or injured person needing assistance.
- You will be notified of an evacuation by audible alarms and flashing lights; verbal notice from an instructor, Campus Safety officer, or other campus official; and/or the public address system.
- Walk, DO NOT RUN, to the nearest exit, then to a designated evacuation site.
- DO NOT use elevators.
- Follow the instructions of emergency personnel.
- Immediately notify emergency personnel of any disabled or injured persons needing assistance; if you are disabled or injured, ASK FOR HELP until you are rescued.
- Stay with the group you were with inside the building until emergency personnel tell you that you may leave the area.
- Upon discovering a fire, immediately dial 911, then call the Department of Campus Safety at (626) 815-5000, or use one of the Code Blue boxes located throughout campus.
- When a fire alarm sounds, evacuate the building immediately, and DO NOT use elevators.
- Walk, DO NOT RUN, to the nearest exit, notifying others of the fire. Go to the designated evacuation site for further instructions.
- If your clothing catches on fire, DO NOT RUN. STOP, DROP, and ROLL.
- Immediately notify emergency personnel on the scene if you suspect that someone may be trapped inside the building.
- Move to higher ground.
- During rainstorms, stay away from trees, which may attract lightning.
- Avoid fast flowing water, even in your vehicle.
- Do not walk in flooded areas (water depth is not always obvious).
- Do not use and avoid contact with electrical devices.
- Remain cautious of high water at night, as darkness may hide other hazards.
- If there is a spill, leak, or fire involving hazardous material (flammable, toxic, corrosive, oxygen, cryogenic), confine the spill, leak, fumes, or fire by exiting the space and shutting the door. Avoid contact with the material. If time permits, locate the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for any identifiable materials.
- Sound the building fire alarm so evacuation can begin.
- Dial 911, then call the Department of Campus Safety at (626) 815-5000, or use one of the Code Blue call boxes located throughout the campus. Give your name, department, location of the emergency, nature of the incident, and description of the material.
- Evacuate to the designated evacuation area. DO NOT return to the building until instructed that it is safe to do so.
- Even SUSPECTED hazardous materials, leaks, or suspicious odors should be reported to Campus Safety so appropriate action can be taken.
- To determine what is a true medical emergency, check for signs such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, excessive or uncontrollable bleeding, unconsciousness, and life-threatening injuries (severe head injuries, severe burns, etc.)
- Call 911, then Campus Safety, and report the nature of the illness or injury, your name, and the location and telephone number from which you are calling.
- Administer first aid (if you are trained AND permission is granted by the injured)
- Direct emergency and medical personnel to the scene.
- Remain with the victim until emergency personnel arrive.
- Students should remain in their living area, and employees should consult with their supervisor before leaving their workstation, whenever possible.
- If movement between floors is necessary, use stairways, NOT ELEVATORS.
- DO NOT use candles; use battery-operated lights instead.
- Turn off electronic equipment, and avoid using the university telephone system if possible, to preserve battery power for official use.
- Exercise caution with valuables, and follow directions from building coordinators and emergency personnel.