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Segerstrom Science CenterScience, Faith and Culture Lectures on iTunes U
SCCS Conference Panel Discussion: Scientists in the Church
“Light of the World: Uncovering the Unexpected Through Scripture and Science,” Kathryn Applegate, PhD
“Reframing ‘Original Sin’: A Frontier for Theology and Science,” Joel B. Green, PhD
“The Divine Handiwork: Evolution and the Wonder of Life,” Owen Gingerich, PhD
“Intellectual Humility in the Science-Religion Dialogue,” Craig Boyd, PhD
“The Science-Religion Dialog as if Jesus’ Life and Teachings Matter,” George L. Murphy, PhD
“Relating the ‘Nature of God’ to the ‘God of Nature,’” Douglas Swartzendruber, PhD
“The Christian Vision of Reality’s Better Explanation,” Ken Samples
“Can Archaeology ‘Prove’ the Bible? The Use and Abuse of Scientific Tools,” Robert Duke, PhD
“Gracious Dialogue in the Church about Creation and Evolution,” Deborah Haarsma, PhD, and Hugh Ross, PhD
“Origin: A Genetic Perspective on Man and Disease,” Richard Gunasekera, PhD
“How to Train Your Dragon: The Promise of Cognitive Science of Religion,” Justin L. Barrett, PhD
“Creation Out of Creation in Love,” Thomas Jay Oord, PhD
“10 Reasons the Theology and Science Dialogue Matters,” Thomas Jay Oord, PhD
“The Babel in our Bible Bubble: Reflections on How American Evangelicals Talk About Science,” William Yarchin, PhD
“Can Social Media Participation Humanize our Real-World Future?,” Nigel Cameron
“A Year of Biblical Womanhood,” Rachel Held Evans
“Taking Rites Seriously: Science, Religion, and Public Life,” Francis Beckwith, PhD
“If the Creator Knows the Future, Can We Have Free Will? A Biblical Explanation,” Gerald Schroeder
“The Search for Life on Extra-Solar Planets,” Jeff Zweerink
“Origins: Genesis Through Ancient Eyes,” John Walton
“The Heart of a Great Scientist: Robert Boyle’s Religious Life, Attitudes, and Vocation,” Edward (Ted) Davis
“Orthodoxy, Orthopraxis, and Orthokardia,” Steve Wilkens, PhD
“Healthy Forest, Healthy People: Using Remote Sensing for Community-Managed Forestry Around the World,” Doug Satre, Plant With Purpose
“Exploring the Wonders of Creation through Philosophy and Science,” Steve Wilkens and Leslie Wickman
“Monopolizing Knowledge: Scientism and Its Dismissal of Culture and Faith,” Ian Hutchinson
“Science in a Culture Skeptical of Truth,” Vishal Mangalwadi
“Lessons From the Philosophy of Science on the Perceptions and Practice of Science,” Rich Knopp
“Prospects for Theistic Science,” Roy Clouser
“The Fall of Theology,” Roy Clouser
“Methodological Naturalism: Darwin’s Use of the Scientific Method,” Karl Giberson
“Factors Influencing Personal Differences in Approaches,” Peter Enns
“Defending Christianity for Science: Answering the New Atheism,” Dinesh D'Souza, The King's College
“Actions Speak Louder than Words: Defending Christianity through Service,” Doug Satre, Plant With Purpose
“The Benefit of Doubt: Coming to Terms with Faith in a Postmodern Era,” Peter Enns, The BioLogos Forum
“Historical Texts, Historical Savior: Answering Bart Ehrman's Critique of the Historical Jesus, part 1,” William Lane Craig, Talbot School of Theology
“Historical Texts, Historical Savior: Answering Bart Ehrman's Critique of the Historical Jesus, part 2,” William Lane Craig, Talbot School of Theology
“The Ethics of God,” Christopher Neiswonger, World Vision International
“Dignity and the Narrow Way: Christ’s Exclusive Claims in the Sermon on the Mount,” Kathy McReynolds, Christian Institute on Disability
“Christian Ethics and Sexual Anthropology,” Miguel Endara, philosopher/author
“The Character of Christian Ethics,” Roy Clouser, College of New Jersey
“Disability and Theology,” Amos Yong, Regent University School of Divinity
“Science and Grace,” Tim Morris, Covenant College
“Violent Love: Constructing Contemporary Ethics with Jesus, Jack Bauer, and Dexter”, Matthew Rindge, Gonzaga University
“A World of Difference,” Kenneth Samples; Reasons to Believe
“The Cell: Unveiled Masterpiece,” Fazale (Fuz) Rana, Reasons to Believe
“Why the Universe is the Way It Is,” Hugh Ross, Reasons to Believe
“Can I Be a Christian and Believe in Evolution?,” Karl Giberson, Eastern Nazarene College
“How to Be A Christian in a Brave New World,” Joni Eareckson Tada and Nigel deS. Cameron
“Intelligent Design in Nature: Delusion or Divine Revelation?,” Denis Lamoureux, St. Joseph’s College, University of Alberta
“Science Education and Within a Christian Worldview,” J.P. Moreland, Talbot School of Theology at Biola University
“Beyond the Evolution-Creation Debate,” Denis Lamoureux, St. Joseph’s College, University of Alberta
“What Does it Mean to be Human?,” Joni Eareckson Tada, Nigel Cameron, and Kathy McReynolds, APU 2009 Common Day of Learning
“Are Christianity and Science Enemies?,” Dave Rogstad, Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Reasons to Believe
“A Christian Worldview and its Impact on the Development of Modern Science,” J.P. Moreland, Talbot School of Theology at Biola University
“Astronomy and Evolution,” Jeff Zweerink, Reasons to Believe
Downloadable Lectures
“Amazing Scientific Insights of the Bible” (PDF), Don Johnson, PhD; Department of Computer Science, Engineering, Math, Physics, and Statistics, Azusa Pacific University
“The Problem of Evil” (PDF), Sam Joeckel, professor, Palm Beach Atlantic University
“God’s Amazing Creation” (PPT), Jeff Zweerink, astronomer, UCLA
Related Story: “Getting to Know the God of the Universe” by Jody Godoy ’05
“Beyond the Cosmos: What Recent Discoveries Reveal about God” (PDF), Hugh Ross, PhD; founder and president, Reasons to Believe
“Design in the Cosmos” (PDF), Hugh Ross, PhD; founder and president, Reasons to Believe
“Ethics and Biotechnology” (PDF), Fazale Rana, PhD; vice president of science apologetics, Reasons to Believe
“The American Founders, Abraham Lincoln, and Bioethics” (PDF), Daniel C. Palm, PhD, associate professor of political science, Department of History and Political Science, Azusa Pacific University
“The Onset of the Tension Between Science and Christianity—Galileo and the Church” (PDF), Donald Isaak, PhD; chair, Department of Computer Science, Engineering, Math, Physics, and Statistics, Azusa Pacific University
“The Historical Alliance of Christianity and Science” (PDF), Kenneth Samples, vice president for theological and philosophical apologetics, Reasons to Believe
“Cosmic Beginnings and the Problem of Time” (PDF), Hugh Ross, PhD; founder and president, Reasons to Believe
“Science Supports Creation Model” (PDF), Fazale Rana, PhD; vice president of science apologetics, Reasons to Believe
“Technology as Magic” (PDF), Richard Stivers, PhD, professor of sociology, Illinois State University
“What about UFOs and ETIs?” (PDF), Hugh Ross, PhD; founder and president, Reasons to Believe
“The Necessity of Faith for a Successful Scientist and the Necessity of Discovery for a Successful Believer” (PDF), Aaron Milavec, research fellow, University of Victoria
“Integrating Science and Faith in a Cohesive Worldview” (PDF), Thomas Cuneio, Westside Christian Fellowship, Santa Monica, California
“Practical Applications for Teaching Science from a Biblical Perspective” (PPT), Mark Ritter