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Darling LibraryWilliam Woollett was born in Albany, New York, in 1901. His family had a long involvement with architecture—William L. Woollett (1815-1874), William M. Woollett (1850-1880), and William Lee Woollett (1874-1955) practiced the craft. With the general lack of architectural commissions during the Great Depression in the early 1930s, William Woollett turned his attention to drawing four of America’s great engineering triumphs of the 1930s: the Hoover Dam, the Los Angeles Power Transmission Line, the All-American Canal, and the San Francisco Bay bridges. The Woollett Collection contains 22 signed prints from the Hoover Dam Project.
Number | Description |
Number | Description |
Number 2 – Edition 3 | The production of transmission cables or wires was a project in exacting construction itself. Here several reels of wire are mounted on a turning drum which weaves them together into a single strand of cable. These will carry the millions of kilowatts of power from the Hoover Dam to industry and homes of the Southwest. |
Number 4 – Edition 7 | Surveyors, “advanced guards” for the road builders and tower construction crews, chart the course of the power transmission line through the San Bernardino Mountains, near Cajon Pass. |
Number 6 – Edition 5 | Roadways over desert and mountain, in rock and in sand, and in climates of all extremes found their way over the many torturous miles of the line. Nature was not always cooperative and slides, washouts and lightning had to be dealt with. |
Number 7 – Original – Edition 100 – Colored Number 7 – Edition 100 – Not Colored |
A falling man, a high-scaler, dropped when his rope broke. The man below miraculously caught him several hundred feet above the canyon floor below. He was picking loose rock away from the canyon wall at the time. |
Number 9 – Edition 4 | A good view of the placing of a template. This locates accurately the exact location of each of the four tower legs and the foundation stub to which it will be anchored. This template will be dismembered and moved and used elsewhere. |
Number 11 – Edition 6 | The templates, or “guides,” locating the exact position of the “legs” of the transmission towers, were required in many sites. Here a tower leg foundation reinforcing steel core is being lowered into position on the desert floor. |
Number 12 – Edition 80 | Men are pouring bottom of diversion tunnel with concrete. Work progressed under flood lights. Circulation of air was provided through large tubes. Concrete was brought to this point on trucks from the outside. |
Number13 – Edition 6 | A transmission tower leg receives its final treatment. Concrete is filled into the excavation created by the boring machine and over the steel reinforcing cage already inserted. The portable concrete mixer is seen at the right. |
Number 14 – Edition 63 | Concrete cubicles as seen looking upstream from the lower ends of the Dam. Note that the concrete is placed from the lowered buckets into the wood-formed areas or cubicles. The Dam was not filled all at once – but cubicle by cubicle. The concrete in each had to be cured before the next one higher was formed and poured. |
Number 15 – Edition 100 | A ground view looking downstream showing towers, spillways, the rising Dam and Hi Lines, etc. A good picture of the tremendous activity at this stage of construction. |
Number 17 – Edition 10 | To pour the walls of the huge diversion tunnels which carried the Colorado River water around the dam site, a special series of “jigs” was constructed and placed on trucks so they could move along the tunnel sidewalls and concrete could be poured down sloping conveyors to the side wall forms. Lights, wet and shouting men, and the noise of coming and going trucks made this an exciting place. |
Number 19 – Edition 100 | A view looking downstream – with a large crane at right – the top of Dam at left and bottom. The canyon opens up below the dam and the lower coffer dam and power house location may be seen. |
Number 20 – Edition 100 | A view from the bottom of the upstream face of the Dam. Two penstock towers rise up nearly to the canyon rim. They will take in the lake water when the dam is full and will drop it through small tunnels connected at their base to the waiting dynamos in the power house below the dam thus creating electric power. |
Number 21 – Edition 100 | Two intersecting tunnels – one from the huge spillway above, and the other, the original diversion tunnel. Note that the latter tunnel is now plugged up (shut off). It is not needed to carry the river water around the Dam now since its twin tunnel is completed. |
Number 23 – Edition 80 | The Nevada Spillway, large enough to float a battleship nears completion. The immense opening at the end will transmit excess river water through the diversion tunnel system below, and back to the river channel down stream when the river water is backed up behind the dam. |
Number 26 – Edition 100 | Penstock Towers. There are two on either side of the upstream face of the dam. Debris from the impounded lake water will be caught in the trash racks up and down its sides. Water will rush in to feed the penstock tunnels which will carry the water to the power houses. |
Number 28 – Edition 10 | The Babcock-Wilcox plant at the top of the canyon fabricates the steel lining for the penstock tunnels. These carry water from the penstock towers and deliver it to the power house dynamos. |
Number 20 – Edition 100 – Colored Number 20 – Edition 100 – Not Colored |
A large penstock tunnel lining is being lowered to position below where it will be part of the steel lined tunnel carrying water from the penstocks to the power houses. |
Number 31 – Edition 8 | High-scalers hung from ropes tied to secure stakes at the top of the canyon. Their job was to remove loose rock and to drill holes for dynamite on both sides of the canyon walls where the dam was to rise. After a blast of dynamite, most unwanted rock was blown free, but loose particles had to be picked free so that men working below would not be struck. |
Unnumbered – Edition 60 |
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