On-Campus Employment

On-campus employment is limited to 20 hours a week during fall and spring semesters and 40 hours a week during university vacations and summer vacation. If you’re interested in on-campus employment, follow these steps:

  • Search for and apply for an on-campus job
  • Obtain a job offer letter from the hiring supervisor and provide it to the ISS office
  • Request a letter to the Social Security Administration
  • Apply for a Social Security card at the local Social Security office
  • Begin work after obtaining your Social Security card

Off-Campus Employment

In order for international students to work off campus, they must obtain the proper work authorization through ISS and/or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Off-campus work authorization options are:

  • Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
  • Optional Practical Training (OPT)
  • Academic Training (J1 visa only)

For any employment-related questions, contact issimmigrationsvcs@apu.edu.