Sarah Nahreen Shahan, MA


Adjunct Professor, Department of English

Sarah Shahan, MA, is the recipient of a Fulbright Award (ETA, 2020), has published poetry and academic articles in journals such as Mallorn, and is undergoing study and research in Tolkien studies. Her experience with Oxford University’s SCIO Programme has facilitated her passion for medieval literature, the Old English language, and Tolkien studies. Furthermore, she is committed to guiding and teaching her students in the expressions and disciplines of writing and literature.


  • MA, Tolkien Studies, Signum University, 2022 (in progress)
  • MA, English, Azusa Pacific University, 2020
  • BA, English, Azusa Pacific University, 2019

Academic Area

  • School of Humanities and Sciences


  • Old English Translation and Literature
  • Creative Writing
  • Medieval English Literature
  • British Literature Since 1789

Courses Taught

  • WRIT 110 – Writing 1: The Art and Craft of Writing