Dylan is a Computer Science and Honors Humanities Major with a minor in Mathematics. Dylan was inspired to join the Honors College after he heard about a similar program at another university. Although APU was not the first one he looked at, it was his favorite. Once he looked into the Honors College at APU, he knew it was the right fit. We decided to sit down with Dylan and ask him how his time in the Honors College has affected his life. We hope this provides you some insight into life inside Honors!

How does Honors work with your major? I cannot lie that my first semester in Honors was a rude awakening. I was forced to change the way I study in order to get the full life experience. There is definitely a learning curve between managing your time for work and time for hanging out. I learned a lot about time management in my first year at APU and balancing my classes and my free time. Computer Science is designed for those who truly want to pursue it. So, I cannot lie, it will be a bit of work.

How has Honors improved your college experience? Freshman dorm life was a big thing in my college experience. Living in the dorms with people who are going through the same workload and being challenged with the same questions is an experience I will never forget. I have bonded with people more than ever before, and I maintain those relationships today, regardless of whether they have stayed with Honors. I would not have the community I do today without the Honors College.

What does your major bring into your experience with Honors? I look at a lot of the Honors discussions through a lens of technology or science. It is amazing how in every aspect of life you can see what we have read about. Leadership can be found in the computer science field just as in any other. Something that Honors has provided me with is the ability to write in a more scholarly manner. Not many of my peers in computer science are as focused on that aspect of my major. Honors has even helped me develop presentation skills and the ability to convey information.

How do you believe Honors will assist you with your future endeavors/career goals?
You learn so many different things in Honors--it is interesting to see how many different opinions there are about the world. I have learned how to see where other people are coming from and have incorporated that into my everyday interactions with people.

How has the Honors College impacted your faith? The Honors College has brought up many philosophical questions in my life: Does God exist? Is everything just a part of the physical world? The readings force us to ask ourselves these difficult questions, but then you get to wrap it up and bring it all together in discussions and papers. You get the chance to explore how you feel and think about those big questions. I also have to say that the arts experiences are much more important than you think, contributing to how we see beauty in the world.

What is your favorite book you have read? It is nearly impossible for me to pick one, so I am going to suggest two. First, Teresa of Avila’s The Interior Castle really impacted me. I think it led to the best paper I have written, but it also sent me down some fascinating rabbit holes. I allowed myself to explore intimacy with God and go through the layers that she explores. The second book that I really enjoyed was Darwin’s The Origin of Species. Growing up in Christian school my whole life, I was taught Darwin was anti-Christian. I learned quickly that he was not anti-Christian; he just provided a stepping stone for scientists and some took it further.

Do you have any advice for incoming students planning on joining the Honors College? The first semester will be difficult no matter what you are studying, but those who stick with it will experience some of the coolest things. So, stick with it. It is a lot of work, but it is worth it. Believe me.

Dylan’s time in the Honors College is not a stand-alone experience. Many students in the Honors College experience the same levels of community and transformation as Dylan expressed. If you are interested in the Honors College, please contact us via phone or email! We look forward to connecting with you!