Colin Welge is a senior and double major in Honors Humanities and Biology, with an ecology concentration. Colin chose Honors because he was a high-achieving student, and he believed that Honors would challenge him intellectually. He thought the great works of philosophy, theology, and humanities would help him develop his intellect in ways that his major would not. He wanted a well-rounded education that he believed he would not get if he limited himself to a Biology major. Honors has deeply impacted Colin’s college experience, and he has shared with us how grateful he is for it!

How does Honors contribute to your understanding of your major? Outside of the Honors Nature course, there is not much overlap between Colin’s major and Honors in terms of content; however, Colin loves that Honors teaches him to think critically. The higher he gets in academia, the more Colin realizes the similarities between how Honors approaches arguments and how science approaches arguments, whether he is presenting data or analyzing a text. “It doesn’t matter if you’re writing a lab report or an exegetical commentary,” Colin expresses, “you still have to have a solid argument.” Honors has helped Colin come to a better understanding of how to format an argument. Additionally, Colin notes that science students too readily see themselves as better than others because they understand science. However, Honors has shown Colin the connections between science and the other disciplines, whether it be theology, literature, history, or philosophy. Honors has helped him understand how to express ideas to people who think differently.

What does your major bring into your experience with Honors? Oftentimes, Honors is much more complex, nuanced, and “frilly” than the way Colin traditionally thinks in his science classes. Scientific articulation is straightforward, succinct, and to the point. It tells you only what you need to know. Colin has been able to bring this skill of expressing things succinctly and directly into his Honors experience, and it helps him to make clearer, more logical arguments.

How do you think Honors will assist you with your career goals? In the pursuit of his discipline, the intersection between faith and science has become incredibly important to Colin. Honors has provided Colin with a much deeper understanding of his faith, which has informed the way he views his science classes. Honors has given him a solid foundation to understand the intersection between faith and science. As he continues to explore this topic in pursuit of an eventual PhD, Colin admits it was because of Honors that he even considered exploring the intersection between science and faith.

How has Honors impacted your college experience? Colin feels that his time in the Honors College has significantly enriched his college experience through the relationships he has built and the richness of his education. He reflected, “The way that my friends and I push ourselves and challenge ourselves and really pursue wisdom, ask the deep questions, and have fulfilling and meaningful conversation has been something that I've really enjoyed.” He believes that these relationships have ensured that his experience with Honors is not limited to the classroom. It is those deep connections and discussions beyond colloquy that have solidified Colin’s friendships as well as his understanding of the texts.

What book has made a particular impact on you? Colin expressed that Fear and Trembling by Søren Kierkegaard and Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton have been the most impactful. As Colin is very involved in inter-faith dialogue with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, he feels that Kierkegaard’s emphasis on extreme faith in God has been particularly important in guiding him through their dialogues. Colin also appreciates Chesterton’s discussion of the paradoxes within Christianity, which has given him a deeper understanding of Christianity as a whole.

Honors has strengthened Colin’s understanding of his major, given him a community in which to thrive and grow, and deeply impacted his faith. Colin has deeply appreciated how Honors has rooted in him a love of theology, fortified his ability to have conversations about his faith, and given him a more well-rounded framework for studying science. We hope Colin’s perspective has shown how well Honors and Biology can work together! If you have any questions, please contact us through email or by phone call.