Lawrence ‘Ray’ McCormick, PhD

Professor Emeritus, Department of Organizational Leadership and Communication, School of Business and Management
Ray McCormick, PhD, served Azusa Pacific University and the Department of Organizational Leadership and Communication for more than 20 years, teaching rhetorical theory, communication theory, rhetorical criticism, and senior seminar. His areas of research center on the junction of religious discourse, rhetorical theory, and argumentation with emphasis on evangelism, apologetics, preaching, and cultural engagement. He is active in the National Communication Association as well as the Religious Communication Association.
- PhD, University of Southern California
- MDiv, Reformed Theological Seminary
- MA, California State University, Long Beach
- BA, California State University, Long Beach
Academic Area
- School of Business and Management
- Religious Discourse
- Rhetorical Theory
- Argumentation
Courses Taught
- COMM 111 – Public Communication
- COMM 201 – Introduction to Communication Studies
- COMM 203 – Communication Theory
- COMM 302 – Rhetorical Theory
- COMM 496 – Senior Seminar: Ethics in Human Communication