Matthew Elofson, PhD

Vice Provost for Academic Effectiveness, Professor, Department of Practical Theology
- PhD, Theology (Practical Theology), Fuller Theological Seminary
- MA, Theology (Emphasis in Biblical Studies and Theology), Fuller Theological Seminary
- MA, Theology (Emphasis in Youth Ministry), Fuller Theological Seminary
- BA, Psychology (Minor in Bible), Southeastern University
Academic Area
- Office of the Provost
- Azusa Pacific Seminary
- School of Theology
Courses Taught
- MIN 108 – Christian Life, Faith, and Ministry
- MIN 300 – WRIT 3: Culture and Ministry
- MIN 401/402 – Christian Ministries Internship I/II
- MIN 495 – Topics in Ministry
- MIN 496 – Senior Seminar: Church and Society
- MINC 253 – Evangelism and Discipleship
- MINC 430 – Race, Reconciliation, and Ministry