Written by Kathryn Ross

Houston Garcia '18, M.S. '20, works as a Cell Therapy Specialist with Kite Pharma, an industry leader in cancer immunotherapy products dedicated to curing cancer through research, development, and treatment plans. Before starting his career, Garcia was an APU student. He earned his BA in Allied Health in 2018 and his MS in Biotechnology in 2020. His journey from first-year student to graduation to professional has been swift, but Garcia feels settled in knowing he's right where he's supposed to be.

"The reason I chose to pursue a Master's degree in Biotechnology at APU was primarily because I knew the program would allow me to advance the critical thinking skills I gained as an undergrad, while also providing relevant industry exposure in a rapidly-changing field," says Garcia. In the pharmaceutical industry where Garcia focuses mainly on clinical manufacturing, everything is fast-paced and fluid. Discoveries, information, and anomalies drive change and innovation at a rapid pace. For Garcia, APU was the perfect environment in which to hone the skill of critical thinking and problem solving. "Distinctly, I remember some of the earliest conversations I shared with [program director] Dr. David Dyer, in which we discussed how the diverse nature of the program would build upon my current strengths and align with my career aspirations."

While at APU, Garcia immersed himself in his programs and classes, making connections, meeting new people, and growing in his faith. "Going to APU for undergraduate and graduate studies was a phenomenal experience," Garcia recalls. "I loved the way faith was integrated into the typical class structure, and, in addition to the curriculum, I learned the true magnitude of God's guiding light in our lives." He was specifically blessed with meaningful connections among his Master's cohort and found that he was learning a lot from his diverse group of colleagues both in and outside the classroom.

"Now, being a graduate of the program," continues Garcia, "I can confidently attest to the fact that the experience I gained during those short two years of my MS program will undoubtedly have a positive impact in my chosen occupation for decades to come."

Before landing his position as a cell therapy specialist with Kite Pharma, Garcia was an intern with the organization. It was his MS program that first set him up with his current employer. "One of the major facets of the program," Garcia says, "is finding a long-term internship in a specific area of interest. I had an excellent opportunity to be a research intern at Kite Pharma, where I developed a strong passion for conducting impactful research that spurred my desire to learn more about the exciting trend of novel oncological therapies."

As an intern, Garcia focused on research and therapy trends; however, as an employee, he's transitioned into Clinical Manufacturing and works with a team to modify cells through genetic engineering to create an effective, life-saving, immunotherapy product. "APU was able to provide me with the necessary tools to succeed in this environment," Garcia says. He stresses that students and young alumni approaching the beginning of their career journey keep one thing in mind: making professional connections is vital, and it starts while at APU. "It would not have been possible without the tremendous support of the superb professors I learned from and the relevant curriculum that challenged me to think from all perspectives."

As both Garcia and his career are still young, he's looking ahead and feeling excited about his future. "I truly believe that this time in Clinical Manufacturing is also meant to be a period of growth," he says. "It's always my intention to learn as much as I can to continually develop my skills and progress in my career, according to God's plan."

When the pandemic is over, Garcia hopes to give back to the APU community by helping with networking events to get students and alumni in touch with industry professionals and even serving on an alumni panel or as a guest lecturer for the MS in Biotechnology program. Until then, though, he's happy to network via Zoom.