Written by Erika Moreno

Maya Maley’s fascination for American history and politics was sparked at a young age. Growing up, she invested her time in reading books, watching news and political talk shows, and engaging in conversations about politics with family and friends. As an APU student her pursuit of a degree in Political Science and Honors Humanities is a step closer towards her calling.

Her choice of APU was driven by her pursuit to immerse herself in a Christ-centered community and education. With every step in Maley’s college career, she has encountered people who have encouraged, guided, and strengthened her. She is grateful for the relationships she has made and the support they have installed in her these past four years. Maley’s experience at APU has shaped her into someone who firmly believes in God's work through the church and in God's hope for the world.

In her time at APU, Maley has become a member of Alpha Chi Honor Society, Pi Sigma Alpha, and Sigma Alpha Pi all while earning a spot on the Dean's List each semester. She was also recently awarded the AEI Values and Capitalism Young Scholars Award in 2018. In addition to her academic achievements, she has volunteered with the APU Speech and Debate team and served through missionary work with the APU Mexico Outreach program working in a clinic with a physical therapy team in Mexicali, Mexico.

Maley’s understanding of her calling today was greatly shaped by her junior year where she was challenged by the materials she read in her humanities courses and the political realities she was confronted by in her political science courses. After her heart was relieved from the burden of focusing on the worst parts of human nature, she was called to study the habits, ideologies, and functions of our world in order to see how she could be a light in it. Maley has recognized the need for more Christian men and women to be involved in politics, especially in today's climate, and she believes her calling is to be a light in our political arena.

Maley is in the process of applying to fellowships and programs and hopes to attend in the nation's top public policy graduate programs and begin her career in politics and public policy.

Words of Wisdom: Shift the source of your motivation from perfectionism to faith. If we want to see God's redemption in our world, we need to ground ourselves in His truth, character, and promises.