Written by Regina Ender 

While the equations Kurt Hake solves are no small feat, his decision to choose mathematics as his major was as easy as 1-2-3. The APU junior, who also has a double minor in computer science and statistics, comes from a long line of mathematicians and has always seen himself following in their footsteps. His grandfather’s contributions to the math community are infamous, as he helped write the Saxon math textbooks students see in classrooms nationwide. Continuing the tradition, Kurt’s father, an APU alumnus, is a math teacher at Kurt’s former high school and his aunt is currently a math professor at APU.

Though math is a family tradition, Hake has really made the subject his own. Studying math and working through formulas have influenced his relationship with Christ, illuminating the patterns in God’s creation. Hake believes math shows God’s character because it helps point to His masterful and intentional order and design. He especially appreciates that math points to God’s truth because of its objectivity. In his spare time, Hake continues to deepen his faith by volunteering in various capacities at Arcadia Friends Community Church, and his favorite is his role as a singer and guitarist for their worship team.

According to the mathematician, the most important part of his educational journey so far has been his math and physics fellowship, which he said has even further affirmed he made the right decision in choosing his major. Dr. Mark Arvidson leads the program, facilitating conversations about math and science and their intersection with philosophy and faith. The experience has helped Hake grow in both his academics and his spirituality. Hake’s hard work in the classroom has been fruitful as he has landed himself on the Dean’s List every semester and was honored last school year with an NCAA D2 Academic Achievement Award for accomplishments as a scholar and an athlete on the cross country team. Outside of the classroom, Hake said his favorite times at APU have been traveling with his team.

Upon graduating in 2020, Hake looks forward to earning his master’s degree in mathematics.

Words of Wisdom: “Your time here at APU will always be busy, so make sure your relationship with God is your top priority. Find a local church to attend and set aside time specifically for spending with Him. Chapel is good, but it is no substitute for a church family or for alone time with God.”