Since graduating from APU in 2003, this month’s featured alum has had a rich career. Perhaps you’ve heard of him: Mayor Samuel Kang of Duarte, CA!

In addition to earning an MBA in Finance and an MS in Applied Computer Science from APU, Mayor Kang has an impressive list of educational experiences: he received Paramedic Training in EMS in Kern County, holds an A.S. in Fire Technology from Rio Hondo College, a BS in Chemistry from UC Irvine, and a degree in Advanced Project Management from Stanford University (2014). With such a varied educational background, it’s clear that Mayor Kang could have chosen a number of career paths and found immediate success in each of them. However, it was his passion for business, management, and analytics that led him to public service.

“APU certainly prepared me for the world,” Kang says. “I’ve learned so much from my graduate programs and I’m able to utilize that information in my daily business and government management.” Kang’s graduate studies were guided by his belief that “finance and computer science would merge.” “Now,” says Kang, “there are degrees such as financial engineering and financial analytics; I feel like I got a jump on these subjects thanks to my programs.”

As Mayor Kang looks back on his experience at APU he sees the quality of the people as essential to his experience, “It’s definitely what you learn from the high caliber professors,” he notes. “The professors at APU are willing to listen and teach as educators who are dedicated to teaching and not just research.” Where at some other institutions many professors use their classes as a means to an end for their own research, at APU Kang found educators who showed genuine care for both their scholarly work and their students.

In addition to its prime education, Mayor Kang finds value in APU as a Christ-centered institution. “My Christian-based education has impacted my career in a big way,” says Kang. “It has always guided me to be ethical and fair with my colleagues. People will trust you when they know you are ethical and adhere to a high moral standard.”

Mayor Kang’s high moral standards are certainly apparent in his work. Before he became mayor, he was a reserve firefighter with experience in local, county, and state-level governments, the Economic Development Commissioner for Duarte, a member of the Duarte Chamber of Commerce (Ambassador), and even a former restaurant owner. His work has always seen him helping and serving the community in some way, and his position as mayor is no different.

For current and future students thinking of a career in business, politics, or public service, he offers a word of advice: “Whatever you do, always do your best and provide quality work. People are always looking for good employees. Don’t do things poorly; when I hire people, I always look at how dedicated and passionate new hires are with their work. If you provide mediocre work, you won’t be able to rise to the top. Always work hard, always be kind, and always help others when you can.”

Thank you for your service, Mayor Kang!