Written by Kathryn Ross

Since graduating from APU in 2016, alumnus Ryan Ovenell has found not just work, but his calling, in high explosives operations and handling. This volatile vocation blossomed from a fascination with physics, Ovenell’s major while at APU. Of course, the road to employment wasn’t streamlined or simple. It took a lot of prayer, faith, and influence from APU’s environment to help grow Ovenell into a well-rounded candidate ready to take on the world beyond the university.

Ovenell’s interest in physics stemmed from a “desire to learn how or why something works, beginning with the basics, all the way to complex features.” He decided to get a degree in physics because it “gives you the tools necessary to know how systems, organisms, and the laws of nature work, all from the ground up.” When he began his studies, he never imagined landing the position he holds now: High Explosives Operations Lead at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).

“I had no idea that I would take a B.S. in Physics to a national laboratory and work daily with high explosives,” says Ovenell. “It’s been challenging and a lot of fun.” Though this turn of events in his career was a surprise for him, Ovenell began laying the groundwork well before he graduated. “I submitted 22 applications to LLNL alone,” he says. “As my senior year came to a close, I had interviewed for 3 different companies (including LLNL) but hadn’t received an offer.” It wasn’t until his very last day of classes at APU when he received a call that not only changed his life but confirmed his calling: “I printed my final copy of my senior project paper, turned it in to the professor, and walked outside into the sunshine. Immediately my phone rang and LLNL offered me a full-time job, effective immediately! I’m happy to report that after two and a half years at LLNL, the work is still challenging and so rewarding.”

While he loves his job and exciting position, Ovenell maintains that his time at APU prepared him for this work in more ways than just academically. As a place where he was able to make friends, receive advice and valuable experiences, network with professors and colleagues, and even meet his wife of nearly 2 years, Chelsey, APU has been a cornerstone in Ovenell’s success in his professional and personal life. “APU did a fine job of teaching me technical skills that I call upon now and then at work,” he notes. “But, primarily, I felt equipped with the people skills necessary to promote myself for a position and to work peaceably and effectively as a member of a larger team. Nine times out of ten, an employer would like a good team player with a moderate level of knowledge over a brilliant mind who cannot communicate or get along. APU does a great job of rounding out the person and giving even someone who is in math and science the skills to succeed.”

In addition to equipping him for work and life as a mature adult, Ovenell also notes how APU’s faith-based college experience has impacted his career: “My foundation in Christ was strengthened at APU through classes, discussions, and Bible studies I was involved in,” he says. “Since then, I have had a number of passionate discussions with co-workers, some of which share my Christian beliefs, but many of who were against Christian ideas. While there is a time and a place to provide circumstantial evidence proving the validity of Jesus and His Word, the most important tactic for reaching people in this hurting and lost world is to listen to them, offer hope and friendship, and look for an opportunity to give an answer for why you believe when they ask, because they will ask.”

Though his time at APU has already come to a close, Ovenell remembers each of his college years fondly and still revels in their continuing impact. “Without a doubt meeting my wife, Chelsey, in the Shire mods is the best thing that ever happened to me,” he says of his most meaningful experiences at APU. In addition, he recalls the fun of the freshman dorms, the variety of his sophomore year, the intellectual rigor of junior year, and the anticipation of senior year as meaningful moments. “However,” Ovenell adds, “I must also add the generosity I received from the Trustee Scholars is a gift that I will always remember and be grateful for--my annual luncheon with the Trustees and sharing my experience at APU with them will always be a cherished memory.”

For current and incoming students, Ovenell offers this word of advice:

“Work hard and give 100% in academics - you will never regret doing that. But also, embrace all the extracurricular activities at APU as well - intramural sports, outdoor activities, road trips with friends, dances, concerts, hikes, and so much more... even if you just dip your toe in all of them, you will have some rich memories and a few great stories.”