Written by Kathryn Ross

This month’s featured alumni Adam Craycraft majored in Physics and minored in Math during his time at APU. He graduated in 2011 and has since earned Master's and Ph.D. degrees in the same subjects from Colorado State University. Today, Craycraft works as a Technology Development Engineer at Intel, and he credits APU for giving him the training, experience, and stepping stones he needed to advance in his career.

“I was always interested in the fundamental ‘why' questions about nature,” said Craycraft. “Physics seemed like the most direct avenue for addressing that curiosity.” While pursuing his studies in physics, Craycraft also found an affinity for math. “I discovered a love for the mathematical side of things while at APU thanks to Professors Wood, Matthews, and Szeto.” As his interests led him to different areas of study, it all felt extremely natural to Craycraft. “All through undergrad I felt strongly that I was learning what I was supposed to,” he said. “I never really gave a lot of thought to my future profession because I was more interested in study—but I supposed that is a part of the calling within any profession.”

Taking the time to pursue these areas of interest at APU has proved to be a solid step in Craycraft’s life, two degrees and a career later. Much of his subsequent work and research have been published in physics journals as part of the EXO-200 and nEXO high energy physics collaborations, and he maintains many of the friendships and lessons he gained at APU in his daily life. “My career involves working with data, equipment, and people,” noted Craycraft. “The foundation of my abilities in those areas was laid and runs through APU. I think APU is distinct in that it really nurtured the relational and Christ-centered aspect of learning.” Today, Craycraft stays in touch with friends he made while working as a tutor in the Math Center at APU as well as with the professors who shaped him. His experiences in these spaces especially solidified his budding love of learning and teaching mathematics—two things he still practices in his career today.

Of his many APU memories and experiences, Craycraft makes a point to remember and thank Dr. Bradley McCoy, Chair and Professor of the Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics at APU. “Dr. McCoy’s instruction and mentorship was absolutely pivotal to my education,” said Craycraft. “I need to acknowledge him and all he’s done.”

Craycraft now lives in Portland, OR, and when he’s not working he can be found volunteering with his local church. He also notes his involvement with his favorite charity in the area, Give Directly, an organization that allows donors to send money directly to individuals in poverty without the red tape sometimes associated with financial donations.

In the future, Craycraft welcomes the opportunity to visit APU either in person or virtually to speak about his career or serve on a panel about physics and math. To that end, he leaves us with a bit of advice: “Keep fostering a culture of learning and curiosity! Give students as much math and science as you possibly can and keep the standards high!”