Written by Regina Ender 

According to Isobel Findlay, her passion for other cultures, her knack for languages, and her heart for ministry have always been God-ordained. She has felt for years that her desire to pursue international ministry is her calling, allowing her to utilize her natural talents and her desire to extend a helping hand. In her heart, she said she knows the classes she has taken, the people she has met, and the skills she has been given have all pointed her to this career path. Now she is pursuing a degree in Spanish with a minor in Christian Ministry and looks forward to her chance to do ministry full time after she graduates in December. She also plans to earn a certification to teach English as a second language and ultimately dreams of being a missionary in Latin America.

Findlay got her first taste of what this experience will look like during her study abroad term in Ecuador. This insight into her future career, as well as the meaningful relationships she built with the other students, made the semester her favorite during her time at APU. Among the most meaningful of her volunteer efforts there was the opportunity to help in a bilingual elementary school, she said. The APU senior has also made volunteering a priority. Starting in high school, she began doing youth ministry, and since starting college, she has been a classroom aid, helped with children’s ministry, and volunteered for the annual campus Luau event.

Because of her diligent work in the classroom, Findlay has thrived, earning a spot on the Dean’s List every semester. In 2017, she received the June Hamlow Scholarship, which is named in honor of the alumna from 1958 who went onto become instrumental as a faculty member, coordinated meaningful international trips, and helped re-establish the university’s Spanish major.

Words of Wisdom: “Being independent is good, but being dependent on God is everything.”