Jonathan Arroyo has always been fascinated with science. His affinity for the subject led him to study it both in undergrad and as a graduate student at APU. First graduating in 2015 and again in 2019, Arroyo’s time at APU was fruitful for his career, passion, and his relationships. His time in the Biology and Biotechnology programs at APU has certainly equipped him for success in his field, allowing him to land an exciting career as a Research Associate at Kite Pharma, a subsidiary company of Gilead Sciences, which develops cancer immunotherapy.

For most fresh grads, landing a job in their preferred field and starting their career can take a while. However, the resources and time at APU helped Arroyo find his way fairly quickly. “The Master of Science in Biotechnology program at APU gave me the tools to apply for a career in the biotechnology industry,” says Arroyo. The combination of the course material, resources, and his relationship with his professors and peers were an integral part in Arroyo’s success both while at APU and afterward. Of course, despite his lifelong interest in science, Arroyo was not certain he’d found his professional calling until one day during office hours for his Molecular Biology class:

“I was having a conversation with the professor about constructing a segment of DNA using PCR (polymerase chain reaction),” says Arroyo. “At that moment, I was fascinated with the possibility of designing novel proteins with today’s technologies. I knew then that I wanted to do research for a living.”

After having found a great position in the career field of his choice that answers his professional calling, Arroyo has realized that his education at APU also prepared him for other areas of life. “I believe that the scientific and theological education I received in the Biology Department at APU strengthened my personal relationship with God,” he notes. “This strength has allowed me to thrive in my current position as a research associate.” In addition to this, Arroyo points out that it isn’t just his education, but the people he’s met along the way that have made an impact on his life. “The most meaningful experience I had at APU,” says Arroyo, “was meeting all the Christ-minded friends that I made. They have been a great support during hard times.” Arroyo met some of these friends during his time volunteering in Mexico Outreach, an experience highly regarded by many current and past APU students.

Now that he’s experiencing life on the other side of university, Arroyo has a bit of advice to offer current and future APU students: “Don’t listen to the naysayers.”

A word that speaks to the fact that there will always be obstacles, people who think you can’t or shouldn’t lean into your calling, and plain old moments that might tempt you to stop going in the direction the Lord has called you, Arroyo offers a simple yet profound piece of knowledge that can be followed at any stage of life.