Written by Kathryn Ross

Jennifer Lacano says that her career bloomed from a desire to live overseas, and teaching English was one thing she felt qualified to do. Her dream materialized as she moved to and began working in Kyrgyzstan. Lacano says “I realized soon after I started teaching in Kyrgyzstan that it [English teaching] was something I loved.” This realization encouraged her to pursue a masters degree in TESOL, which brought her to APU. Lacano notes that she chose APU because she appreciated the field-based program that allowed her to stay with the students and friends she had made in Bishkek while she earned her degree.

During her time at the university, Lacano found that she was blessed with good experiences and people, noting that as someone new to the field of English teaching when she arrived, the education she received helped her become better in multiple ways. “When I think about my time at APU,”’ she says, “what stands out the most to me are the amazing people I met and the relationships I formed with my classmates and professors. It was an incredibly encouraging environment that challenged me to be a better teacher and a better person. I’m forever grateful for that.”

Lacano’s experiences in the program have also helped her as she navigates different approaches to her work and professional development by opening many doors and bringing many opportunities. Today, Lacano is an English Language Fellow with the U.S. Department of State at Dokuz Eylül University, a prestigious position that allows her to continue teaching English as a second language overseas. Lacono currently resides in Izmir, Turkey and has found her work in English teaching both rewarding and a confirmation of God’s calling on her life: “It’s so rewarding when students have that ‘a-ha’ moment, and every time it happens, it’s a reminder and confirmation of why I teach.”

Having graduated from APU in 2010, Lacano has had time to reflect on the importance of her experience there. She notes that choosing a Christian college continues to influence her and her career as there are some Bible verses that impacted her while at APU and have stayed relevant and life-giving since. “Some of the verses that are close to my heart are from 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 - ‘For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.’ - This idea of Christ’s love compelling us to serve is so powerful to me.” Powerful in more ways than one, as Lacano notes that this attitude of service is “not always welcomed in professional fields, especially academia.” With this knowledge, Lacano expressed that she is thankful for the environment APU provided, saying “I could explore and embrace this motivation for choosing my career path, and it was such an encouragement to met others who felt compelled in the same way.”

Finally, Lacano offers a bit of advice to future and current students: “Get to know people who are different from you, especially those from different races, religions, or nationalities. It is the best way to see that we are all human and in this world together. Seeing the world from a different perspective is humbling and teaches you how to love more deeply.”