For Petra Ivankovic ’21, attending APU was what one hopes their time in college will be: here she found a strong community, pursued her passions, and encountered her professional calling.

While at APU, Ivankovic majored in international relations, an interest fostered by her experiences as an athlete.

“Prior to attending the university, [my] extensive travel for athletic tournaments provided me with a unique perspective on global issues,” she said. “The realization of my professional calling occurred during these trips, as I found myself consistently intrigued by the inner workings of different countries. Observing many challenges, such as migration, climate change, and cyber issues, fueled my curiosity about the broader geopolitical landscape. But on the other hand, I was also deeply interested in diplomacy and its role in contributing to one’s own country. Understanding how representation and protection of the interests and nationals of the sending state are carried out became a focal point of my curiosity. These combined interests and observations compelled me to pursue international relations as my major, allowing me to delve into the intricacies of global affairs, including addressing controversial topics that often dominate public discourse.”

Today, Ivankovic is an Accredited Parliamentary Assistant at the European Parliament, an impressive and fulfilling position she says she was well-trained for at APU and later at the University of Essex in Colchester, UK.

“The exposure to historical narratives and political philosophies at APU laid the foundation for my understanding of contemporary politics,” she said “After graduating from APU, I resolved to pursue a master’s degree in politics at the University of Essex. Concurrently, I sought and secured an internship at the European Parliament, making a significant step towards my career aspirations.”

After completing her internship, Ivankovic then applied for a position at the European Parliament in Brussels, which initially lasted only six weeks

“Following this period,” said Ivankovic, “I was privileged to extend my stay as a trainee for an additional four months and later assumed the role I find myself in today.”

As an Accredited Parliamentary Assistant, Ivankovic works with and monitors committees such as the Committee of Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Environment, Public Health, and Food Safety. As someone who works in international affairs and came to Azusa Pacific from a non-English-speaking country, Ivankovic said that the challenges she faced early on as a student and the comprehensive support she received from APU played a pivotal role in facilitating her adaptation skills, ensuring her academic success, and allowing her to comprehend and navigate the complexities of contemporary global situations.

“The experience gained during my time at the University of Essex and the [Parliament] were instrumental in shaping my trajectory,” she said, “[but] it was APU that provided the fundamental knowledge that underpins my current understanding.”

Ivankovic also found that her time at APU greatly enhanced and strengthened the Catholic Christian faith she was born and raised in.

“The fundamental principles of helping others and avoiding harm guide my decision making,” she said. “My time at APU further contributed to the deepening of my faith, providing an enriching environment that allowed me to expand and strengthen my spiritual beliefs.”

Much of these experiences came from the fullness of what APU has to offer: strong academics, but even stronger relationships and community.

“The most meaningful experience during my time at APU was the enriching environment created by the incredible friendships, supportive coaches, and inspiring professors,” said Ivankovic. “Whether on the field with my team or in the classroom, I recall numerous events that left a lasting impact.”

One such event was how her professors understood and recognized the dual role Ivankovic played as a student and athlete: “Their acknowledgement of that effort extended beyond the classroom and was genuinely appreciated.”

Ivankovic remembers her time at APU as academically rewarding and personally fulfilling. For future and current students inspired by Ivankovic’s story, she offers this bit of advice: “Embrace every opportunity for growth and learning. College is not just about academic achievements; it’s a holistic journey that includes personal development, building relationships, and discovering your passions. Take initiative in exploring various subjects, engaging with diverse perspectives, and participating in extracurricular activities. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, as some of the most valuable lessons come from experiences outside the classroom. Also, remember to prioritize self-care and balance to ensure a fulfilling and well-rounded college experience. Your time in university is a unique chapter in your life, so make the most of it by being open to new possibilities and cultivating a mindset of continuous learning and personal development.”